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Beauty Food Tips For An Antiaging Boost
Interest in skin care supplements, or beauty foods, has been
strong in Asia, and that trend is growing fast in Europe as
well. These nutrient rich beauty foods make a good case for
starting a beauty regime from within, one that is designed...
How Toxic Is Your Bathroom?
Be warned! Your daily beauty regime could be taking years off of your life. Most (99%) personal care products have not been safety tested. Your health may even be damaged due to the daily mixing of many different types of toxins in and on the...
The colon is the part of the large intestine extending from the cecum to the rectum. The most common sign of a toxic colon is constipation. Dead food leads to constipation, toxic build up, weight gain, and low energy. Constipation results when...
What is acne - and how to prevent it
Have you ever had acne? Chances are that you have had or are still having acne. Teens are primarily the ones cursed with at least with a mild form of acne. But what is acne? Acne, also known as acne vulgaris, occurs when oil and dead skin cells...
Healing With Whole Foods - Defining Health By Relationships
Annemarie Colbin, in her book, Food and Healing, presents a
chapter on altering diet to combat specific conditions. Her
recommendations are based on her own experience as a student of
macrobiotics and health food, and a teacher of natural healing
and balanced eating. As well as her observations of those whom
she treated in consultations, and the transformations of her
students over the years. Despite her background in macrobiotics
and vegetarianism, Annemarie isn't dogmatic about food - she
recognizes that what is healing for one person, during a
particular period of their life, may not be healing for others,
or even for that same person at different stages of their life.
She takes as her cue the fact that regular foods have been used
for their medicinal value in most traditional cultures. The
underlying principle is one of restoring balance. Illness is
considered a state of imbalance within the body. And like in
homeopathy, she believes that remedies can cause similar
symptoms to that which they cure - if the symptoms they can cure
are not present, and they are taken in sufficient quantity. So,
the remedy should no longer be taken once the symptoms of
imbalance, the illness or condition, disappears. Otherwise, the
remedy may in fact cause similar symptoms to reappear. If this
is the case, the remedy should not be taken again, as the
remedies are (according to this principle), causing the new
symptoms. Serious medical conditions she does not rely on food
cures for. She recognizes that Western medicine also has its
place. But food being what it is, can also be a useful healing
adjunct in those situations.
One thing that impressed her was food's ability to alter our
metabolism quickly. She described this epiphany after cooking a
meal for some South American friends, who were used to a diet
that was high in protein and fats. When they ate the meal
prepared by her, which was high in complex carbohydrates like
whole grains and legumes, and low in fat, sugar (for
and low in protein, they found alcohol affected them in a way it
usually didn't. The same amount they normally drank, which did
not make them drunk with their usual fare, got them quite tipsy
on hers. She observed from this that alcohol, being expansive in
nature, balanced out the highly contractive protein and fat they
normally ate. These ideas, of particular foods having an
expansive or contractive nature, is one that she learnt from the
Oriental healing systems she studied.
This approach touches on a core difference between Western
understanding of both food, and medicine, and traditional
Chinese medicine's (TCM). TCM has as its conceptual
underpinning, the study of relationships between things. Western
approaches, to both nutrition and medicine, are based on a
reductionist approach. They explore isolated nutrients, diseases
that are studied under the microscope, with a symptom that then
suggests possible causes, defined within a narrow and static
frame. Ted Kaptchuk illustrates this when he describes how, when
he was studying TCM in Macao, one of his teachers was talking
about shingles. His teacher described how shingles on the face
was different to shingles elsewhere, say, on the trunk. The
reason behind this was that "the Chinese view demanded another
perspective - seeing the relationship of the symptom to the
whole body". (Kaptchuk) he goes on to say: "The question of
cause and effect is always secondary to the overall
pattern...The total configurations, the patterns of disharmony,
provide the framework for treatment." (Kaptchuk)
References: Ted Kaptchuk, Chinese Medicine, The Web That Has No
Weaver (Rider Books, London)
Annemarie Colbin, Food As Healing (Ballantine Books, New York)
About the author:
To learn more about acne natural cures versus natural acne
treatments, check out this article exploring the use of
Chinese Herbs.
Acne.org |
Information on acne, medications and treatment of scars. Includes a regimen for keeping skin clear. |
www.acne.org |
AcneNet |
Dermatologist-reviewed information about acne, which lets people know that today virtually every case of acne can be resolved. |
www.skincarephysicians.com |
What is Acne? |
Information about the different types of acne lesions and what causes acne to develop. |
www.skincarephysicians.com |
Questions and Answers About Acne |
Illustrated information on causes of acne skin lesions, and tips and information on common treatments, their side effects, and current research. |
www.niams.nih.gov |
Acne Resource Center |
Acne, Nutrition, Research on Acne and Important Tips for Getting Acne Free. |
www.acne-resource.org |
Acne - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Acne is a group of skin rashes that have different causes. Acne vulgaris - most commonly experienced around puberty, typically of the face and ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Acne vulgaris - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Different types of Acne Vulgaris: A: Cystic acne on the face, B: ... The vernacular term bacne or backne is often used to indicate acne found specifically ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
MedlinePlus: Acne |
From the National Institutes of Health; Questions and Answers about Acne (National Institute of ... Select services and providers for Acne in your area. ... |
www.nlm.nih.gov |
MedlinePlus Interactive Tutorials: Acne |
Acne. Start Tutorial. Starts multimedia presentation with questions. Requires Flash Player. Download Flash. download button for flash player. ... |
www.nlm.nih.gov |
Acne Treatment by AcneHelper.com |
Resource for acne treatments and prevention. Learn tips and techniques to stop pimples, zits and blackheads for good. |
www.acnehelper.com |
Acne |
Acne Creative bring brands to life through advertising, design and product ... Commercials, music videos and other film formats are made by Acne Film. ... |
www.acne.se |
Acne Jeans |
About · Collection · Acne Studios · Contact · Press/Retailer · Work at Acne Jeans · Newsletter · Shop (EU). Copyright © Acne Jeans. |
www.acnejeans.com |
Acne |
If you're almost a teen, chances are pretty good that you have some acne. About 8 in 10 preteens and teens have acne, along with many adults. |
www.kidshealth.org |
Acne - treatment and causes of pimples and blackheads |
What are the causes of acne and which skin treatments are most effective - BUPA health information factsheet. |
hcd2.bupa.co.uk |
Natural Acne Treatment Information |
Acne and Diet · The Risks and Side Effects of Prescription Acne Medications ... This is a great jumping off point for natural acne treatments. ... |
www.absoluteacneinfo.com |
ASG www.stopspots.org ! | Index Acne, Pimples, Blackheads, Zits ... |
Information and support on acne, including top ten tips, beauty tips and problems. |
www.stopspots.org |
Acne.net - Acne & Skin Treatment Resource |
Introduction to several forms of acne and some available treatments, by a dermatologist and medical school professor. |
www.acne.net |
Acne.com - Acne Treatment Information |
Acne.com - Acne Treatment Information. Your source for Acne information on the web. Learn more about what causes acne and how you can fight acne. |
www.acne.com |
Acne – Complete medical information regarding acne and its ... |
Complete medical explanation produced by doctors regarding acne, its causes, myths of causes, treatment on your own, and treatment by doctors. |
www.medicinenet.com |
AAD - Acne |
Acne is a skin condition which has plugged pores (blackheads and whiteheads), inflamed pimples (pustules), and deeper lumps (nodules). |
www.aad.org |