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Buying Property on The Costa Blanca
Buying a property in your home country can be a daunting, and sometimes traumatic, experience so if you are contemplating buying in a foreign country this can only add to the complexities and uncertainties. For any property purchase you will rely on information, advice and assistance provided by others ~ the vendor, agent, lawyer, financial advisor, bank manager, family and friends for example. When buying abroad it is possible that you could misinterpret the information you are given because you will probably not be familiar with the laws, procedures and language of that particular country. For these same reasons you are also open to exploitation by some not so reputable people if you are not on your guard!
The details and practicalities of finding a home in a foreign country are often underestimated. You first need to decide on your preferred location. On the Costa Blanca you have a wide choice of coastal, rural, village, town or city locations. Access to shops, schools, working opportunities, social activities, transport, rental potential, etc., have to be considered. Then you need to choose the type of property and the facilities you want. Is there scope for expansion or a pool maybe, is the price reasonable, is it in a good state of repair, etc.? This can take many trips to different areas and many days, or even weeks or months, to research yourself.
Once you have found your dream home then you have to sign a contract of intent and arrange the finance. You may need to arrange a Spanish mortgage and /or transfer some funds from your home country. You will need to register as a property owner in Spain and, if you are going to live there, apply for a residents permit. If you are of retirement age you will need to ensure that you have the correct documentation to continue to receive your pension and to qualify for the reciprocal health care arrangements. Other matters to consider include home insurance, registering and paying for the electricity, gas and water services, having a telephone installed, buying a car and taxing and insuring it, which television system to have, enrolling the children at school, etc. If you do not intend to live in your new home full time you may want to rent it out. Then you will need to arrange sales literature, advertising, a booking procedure, cleaning and laundry for your tenants and someone to look after your property when you are not there.
To do all of this on your own is a major task and you could leave a lot to chance as, in addition to the points mentioned above, you will also need to decide if the people and businesses you are going to use and take advice from are legitimate and fair and will give you good service at the right price. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a friend who knows all these things and can do all of these things for you, and with you?
An increasing number of people are finding that using the services of a firm of Independent Property Consultants, such as Holidays and Homes on the Costa Blanca, can take the stress and risk out of purchasing a property in a foreign country. It is like having a friend who knows all the answers and will do all the research and leg work on your behalf, even before you visit the country if you wish! They will complete the formalities for you and will work with just your interests in mind as they are not tied to any particular agents, builders or developers. They will have been through the buying process for themselves as well as guiding numerous other people through the same procedure. They will know who provides the best
service at the best price and who, and what, to avoid.
Most Independent Property Consultants are small specialist family businesses so you can be assured of a professional and friendly service and it does not cost you a penny! In fact using an Independent Property Consultant can save you money!
How is this possible?
The consultant works closely with the reputable agents, builders and developers in the area and is paid a portion of the commission that is built in to the sale price of every property. The agents, builders and developers are happy to do this because they know that the consultant is another outlet for their properties and that you, the buyer, will be well looked after without them having to invest any considerable time and effort. If you go straight to the agent you will still pay the same price for the property but by using an Independent Property Consultant you can benefit from the additional choice, services and advice provided at no cost to you. This does not prevent you from negotiating prices and making offers on specific properties and does not exclude any properties you may see advertised in agents windows, provided you register your interest through the consultant in the first instant. It is not unknown for the same property to be advertised at different prices by different agents and your Independent Property Consultant will know this and guide you to the best price.
To take advantage of the free services provided by an Independent Property Consultant your first task is to make contact by email, fax or telephone. The consultant will call you back to discuss your requirements and explain the service he can provide. He will then seek out and select some properties that meet your criteria and forward details to you for your comments. When you are ready to make a visit to view he will help with your travel and accommodation requirements if you wish, very often at discounted prices. The consultant will arrange and accompany you on viewings and meetings with banks, lawyers, the notary, etc. and will assist you with all negotiations.
This is a welcome alternative to trudging around numerous estate agents in many different areas yourself, or maybe going to a large company with limited choice and a team of young sales people whose main interest is not you, but meeting their sales target!
Even after you have bought your new home your Independent Property Consultant will still be there to offer help and advice on all those things necessary with a new property. If you choose to rent it out you will need someone to undertake any maintenance tasks in your absence and provide the services required by your tenants. Some of the Independent Property Consultants have experience in this field and Holidays and Homes on the Costa Blanca also have an office in the UK specialising in holiday and long term rentals. If you are going to live in your new home there will be times when you need some advice and assistance and your Independent Property Consultant will still be there to help. He will want you to be his friend and have a friendly chat when you meet in a bar or restaurant, or at the tennis club maybe!
Go to http://www.holidaysandhomes.com for more details.
About the Author
Anthony Carter is the founder partner of Holidays and Homes, who are Independant Property Consultants specialising in property sales and rentals on the Spanish Costa Blanca. Holidays and Homes have offices in Benissa on the Spanish Costa Blanca and in West Sussex, England. Web site: http://www.holidaysandhomes.com
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