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The Main Cause of Insomnia?
Copyright 2005 Wendy Owen
Well in my opinion the main thing that keeps us tossing and turning at night is worrying about not going to sleep.
Sure there might be other reasons for sleeplessness; chronic pain, restless legs syndrome, partner disturbance, too much coffee....
But at the end of the day you're lying there worrying about how you're going to get through the next day if you don't get to sleep *right now!*
Worry and the stress it causes, are by far the main causes of sleeplessness, and the sad part is, the more we worry, the more wide awake we feel. But what can we do about it?
We have to empty our conscious minds of worrying and stressful thoughts (yeah right! Easier said than done!)
Stress and worry can affect your sleep quite dramatically. It can be an isolated stressful incident which keeps you awake for a few nights, or the stress and worry may be chronic. Once they becomes a habit, certain situations will then always cause you to become stressed.
Worry in particular can become a habit and like any habit, is very difficult to break (just ask us smokers, um... ex smokers out there!) But it can be done. You have to train your mind to either let go of a thought, or replace one thought with another.
If you suffer from insomnia, whether you're having trouble going to sleep or staying asleep, stress could be the cause. Your sleeping problems can then cause more stress which in turn makes it even harder to sleep. How can you stop worrying and stop this vicious cycle?
The most important thing is to try and work out what you are telling yourself when you are worrying about something. We
talk to ourselves all the time whether we are aware of it or not. What thoughts are going through your mind that are causing your bad feelings?
For example, you may be sitting in a traffic jam thinking, "I'm going to be late for work if this stupid traffic doesn't start moving soon. Then I'll be rushing around all day trying to get everything done! Which means I probably won't have time to buy a proper lunch and I'll have to grab something quick and greasy! Well there goes the diet ........"
Enough! Why torture yourself with this rubbish? Make it a habit to stop these thoughts as soon as they start. How? Just substitute them with better thoughts! Have a list of thoughts that make you feel good and think about them instead! This will reduce stress significantly and with practice, it will get easier and easier.
If you're having trouble doing this, try doing in in two steps. When you catch yourself worrying, say "STOP!" Picture a big red stop sign right in front of you. Concentrate on this until it breaks you train of worrying thoughts.
Then you can start thinking your pleasant thoughts, a movie you enjoyed, a present from your children, whatever makes you happy!
Your mind is extremely powerful - put it to work for you and not against you!
Want to know how to have better sleep? Find out how! Sign up for our monthly ezine and score our free book “How to Cure Insomnia and Achieve Healthy Sleep” at:
http://www.insomnia-connection.com your resource for detailed information on better sleep and curing stress. The author, Wendy Owen, has had a lifetime interest in general and alternative health.
The Alternative Dictionaries |
Includes a list of slang terms and phrases in various languages. |
www.notam02.no |
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Download Real Alternative 1.51 : Real Alternative will allow you to play RealMedia files without having to install RealPlayer/RealOne Player. |
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Download QuickTime Alternative 1.76 : QuickTime Alternative will allow you to play QuickTime files (.mov, .qt and other extensions) without having to ... |
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AlterNet: Home |
Syndication service and online community of the alternative press, featuring news stories from alternative newsweeklies, magazines and web publications. |
www.alternet.org |
Open Directory - Health: Alternative |
the entire directory, only in Health/Alternative ... "Alternative" search on:. AltaVista - A9 - AOL - Ask - Clusty - Gigablast - Google - Lycos - MSN ... |
dmoz.org |
Alternative Radio |
A weekly one-hour public affairs radio program that provides analyses and views that are ignored or distorted in most media. |
www.alternativeradio.org |
The Alternative Medicine Homepage |
Information on unconventional, unorthodox, unproven, or alternative, complementary, innovative, integrative therapies. Maintained by Charles B. Wessel, ... |
www.pitt.edu |
Alternative Medicine, Home for Natural Remedies & Healthy Solutions |
Complementary and alternative medicine information about common health conditions, including natural remedies, holistic healthcare, healing foods, ... |
www.alternativemedicine.com |
Alternative rock - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Alternative rock (also called alternative music [1] or simply ... The music now known as alternative rock was known by a variety of terms before ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
EERE: Alternative Fuels Data Center Home Page |
Provides information on alternative vehicle fuels and transportation technologies and related legislation. The center also distributes the newsletter ... |
www.eere.energy.gov |
Alternative Comics: Publisher of cool comic books & graphic novels |
Alternative Comics, publishers of cool comic books, releases some of the most original and intelligent titles being created today. |
www.indyworld.com |
Alternative Tentacles - Store |
Alternative Tentacles Records supplies the world with punk rock music from the Dead Kennedys, Nomeansno, and Jello Biafra. Featuring secure online ordering. |
www.alternativetentacles.com |
Google Directory - Health > Alternative |
Related Categories: Health > Animal > Alternative Medicine (498) Science > Science in Society > Skeptical Inquiry (179) ... |
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The Alternative Museum |
Free of physical restrictions, it presents online digital exhibitions, and live webcast events. Headed by international curators with cyber artist ... |
www.alternativemuseum.org |
Centre for Alternative Technology Home Page |
CAT aims to 'inspire, inform, and enable' people to live more sustainably. A solutions driven organisation, offering practical solutions to environmental ... |
www.cat.org.uk |
Los Angeles Alternative |
LA's only alternative weekly that is locally-owned and independent, bringing you the people, arts and ideas that make Los Angeles the center of the ... |
www.laalternative.com |
NewsLink | Newspapers | U.S. | Alternative |
Updated links to all Alternative newspapers (US) from NewsLink Associates. |
newslink.org |