Classic Montrose Debut Released on Audio Fidelity’s 24 Karat Gold Disc
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Marshall Blonstein Audio Fidelity 870 East Front Street, #4 Ventura, CA 93001 Telephone: (866) 203-0647 Fax:(805) 648-7552 E-mail: info@audiofidelity.net Website: www.audiofidelity.net Ventura, CA--07/12/05--In...
Home Theater Audio Setup
Your home theater audio setup will depend on the space available to you, what kind of signal your receiver can carry, and the number of speakers you have. With proper setup, it doesn't matter if you have a simple stereo audio setup or a complex...
Mind Power Audio Programs
When you use just 1/3rd of your mind’s power, incredible things begin to happen! Yes, it’s true. Your mind is so powerful that when you channelise it properly you can make all your problems vanish and watch all your dreams come true!...
The Easiest way of sharing your video and audio files online
You probably know this problem when you try to send huge file to your friend through email but because of some unknown reason you can not do that. Your provider just does not allow you to send such a big file. What if there was an solution to your...
Your Guide To Online Audio Book Rental
Online audio book rental is so easy that we simply can not understand why some people are still buying audio books. Online audio book rental service offer the best deals on the audio books world today – Unlimited rental, No due dates, an enormous...
Are Audio Books Expensive?
Are audio books expensive? Well, it’s a tough question. What kind of audio books – downloaded audio books, audio books on CD or books on tape, which titles? And compared to what – the old fashioned book or to other audio titles? Let us examine the prices and then take a look at the factors that affect the price of audio books. Then, we will try to answer the question again: Are audio books expensive?
The prices of audio books vary from free of charge to up to 100$. In most cases, comparing the same audio books titles we got the following results: books on tape (or audio books on cassettes) were the most expensive ones, Audio books on cd had a similar price to the original old fashioned book and MP3 audio books or the cheapest ones.
There are 3 main factors that affect the prices of the audio books:
1. Production costs – the production process includes the labor and material prices. The labor in audio books includes the recording of the reader’s voice reading the book whereas in the old fashioned books it includes the printing of the book. The materials used are various – For an audio book on CD a CD is required, for a book on tape a cassette is required, for the old fashioned book a lot of paper
is required and surprisingly for an MP3 audio book there are no materials needed.
2. Publishing costs – The publishing’ costs are the same in all the types of audio books – audio book on cd and audio books on tape. They all need space more or less like the space needed to store the old fashioned book. Yet, once again the MP3 audio book need no space at all.
3. Copyrights – The copyrights are the commission the author get for each book published. The sum of money is the same of course for all types of books and audio books.
To sum up, if you have a MP3 player and if the book you are looking for exist on an audio book, we advise you to get the MP3 version. In fact, you can get free MP3 players and download free audio books.
About the Author: 911 Corp. has executed a research to find the best places to get audio books from. Find out the results and all about audio books only on http://www.911makemoretime.com/audio%20books%20bible.htm
Source: www.isnare.com
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The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Audio |
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archive.museophile.org |
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