MLM Training- Secrets of the MLM Holiday Audio
What is the most powerful impact you can have during the holidays for your network marketing business? Read on!
It's the holidays and everyone is wishing each other a Merry Christmas and Happy New year!
And I bet you are going to be sending out holiday cards this year to your friends, family, and the like. We all do it during this time of the year, and especially if you are in Network Marketing, as that is natural networking.
That is pure MLM Success.
Suppose this year, you got something a little different in the mail, and it was a CD or tape. And on this CD was simply written, "Listen to this- 2 minutes for you."
Would you be a little curious?
Would you be a little desiring to hear what is on this audio?
Of course you would, and anyone else would as well. It is natural when something happens out of the ordinary, to want to look at or listen to something. Especially in network Marketing.
It creates IMPACT, and you will remember whoever sent you that CD for the holidays. And all you did was listen to it, and FEEL the emotion behind the voice. The impact that would have on you, would be dramatic and amazing.
Imagine if you did that to your mlm prospects, leaders, family, and friends. All you did was send them an audio holiday card on a tape or CD and wished them personally a happy new year, and a Merry Christmas. Think that would impact them and talk to you about it the next time they saw you?
It sets you ABOVE the crowd, and in the hearts of all who received your holiday MLM audio card.
You send them to:
Anyone that you know and care about.
What do you say on this MLM Holiday Audio?
“Hey Mark! This is Doug, and I just wanted to take a minute to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a happy Holiday season. During this time of the year, we all stop and think of folks who are special to us, and you are definitely to me. I hope
next year is an awesome year for you! And the reason I sent you this CD, I wanted you to hear my voice wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New year, and to tell you that you are special to me and my family. Happy Holidays!”
It truly is that simple, and if you send it to a prospect:
“Hey Judy! I just wanted to take the time to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy new year! And I truly enjoyed our time together recently and appreciate it so much! The reason why I sent you this CD was I wanted you to hear my voice wish you a happy holiday season, and know that I was simply thinking about the new year and all the potential it holds. You are an awesome person, and will succeed in anything you do!”
IMPACT. That is what the holiday MLM audio will do.. It will create an impact that will be remembered for a long time.
And if you send this out to your friends and family, don’t be surprised if you ask them for help for your business, they give it to you. Even tape the CD or cassette tape to the Christmas packages and as they open them, they will find it , and feel special about receiving it.
Think this Christmas: IMPACT.
And there is nothing that has more impact then the human voice in MLM and Network Marketing.
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Doug Firebaugh is one of the top MLM Network Marketing Trainers in the world. Over a million people a month read his training ezine. He spent the last 7 years traveling the world speaking and training on Success. He lives in Birmingham Michigan, and you can receive a FREE subscription to his training ezine- The MLM Success HEAT- at: