DVD Audio Primer
DVD Audio is a music format that is designed to offer improved audio performance over CD. The new audio format can be used to provide listeners with Advanced Resolution stereo and/or multi-channel (up to a maximum of six channels) music. In order...
How to create your own streaming audio with a few simple clicks.
Discover right now how to quickly and easily create "streaming audio" like a pro and make your web site stand out from the crowd ... for just cents on the dollar!
Streaming Audio has always been available to the large corporate sites and...
The Evolution of Audio Video Conferencing -
Audio video conferencing is a shorthand way of describing a virtual conference where no one has to leave her office to meet up with the rest of the group. A virtual conference may use telephones, televisions, computers, conferencing software,...
The Ten Commandments of Using Streaming Audio on Your Website
The Ten Commandments of Using Streaming Audio On Your Website
When it comes to placing audio on your website there are Ten Commandments you absolutely must follow. Break one of these Commandments and you can watch your website drive...
Three Easy Steps to Stress-Free Teleclass and Audio Recording
If you want to record:
- a client call you are recording to submit for certification - a teleclass you are leading - an interview you are conducting - anything else You need to be able to:
- Easily turn on the recording system on and off...
The Evolution of Audio Video Conferencing -
Audio video conferencing is a shorthand way of describing a virtual conference where no one has to leave her office to meet up with the rest of the group. A virtual conference may use telephones, televisions, computers, conferencing software, collaborative software, file sharing, headsets, the Internet, or any combination of these equipments and tools. Slide presentation, streaming audio, and document sharing are some of the extras you can incorporate into this conferencing method. The ultimate goal is to make the meeting as realistic as possible, where everyone can see each other, hear each other, view and modify projects, and so on – all at a cost that eventually pays for itself in travel savings.
The audio video industry has yet to work out all of the kinks. As you can imagine, there can sometimes be technical difficulties in which lines can get torn down in a storm, computers and other equipment can malfunction, and so on. Furthermore, audio video conferencing doesn’t work very well for complicated communication techniques, such as those used in closing a sales deal. Audio video conferencing lends a rather impersonal air to meetings, and socializing and bonding don’t take place as they would in the real world.
You can set up for audio video
conferencing in a number of different ways. The older method, still great for a wide variety of teleconferencing purposes, is to have one group in one room, another group in another room (perhaps in another city or country), and have them talk to each other. Each of the two groups utilizes a television, a video camera mounted on the television, a speakerphone, and perhaps some file sharing software for collaboration on computer projects. The newer style is online audio video conferencing, wherein each participant has her very own station in her very own office. This utilizes a computer, the Internet, a web cam, a headset, and file sharing software. This new method allows for even greater ease of planning and attendance, applicability to collaboration, and mobility. You could attend a web conference on the beach while the other attendees are on a train, at home, in a restaurant, or anywhere else.
About the author:
Audio Conferencing Info provides detailed information about audio conferencing services, equipment, software, companies, plus online audio conferencing, and more. Audio Conferencing Info is affiliated with Original Content.
Yahoo! Search - Audio Search |
Submit your audio content - including podcasts - to Audio Search with Media RSS ... Find audio files from across the Web including music, podcasts, ... |
audio.search.yahoo.com |
AltaVista - Audio Search |
Search for MP3s, WAVs and streaming audio files on the web and on FTP sites. |
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Rhapsody & RealPlayer — the best audio and video players — Real.com |
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SuperPass — premium audio and video programming — Real.com |
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www.real.com |
The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Audio |
List of major online audio resources; part of the WWW Virtual Library, maintained by Prof. Jonathan Bowen, London South Bank University, UK. |
archive.museophile.org |
More audio reports | Audio archive | Guardian Unlimited |
Special report: Europe's far right. More audio reports ... Audio, 'It will achieve a great deal of injustice' February 17, video: The Conservative candidate ... |
www.guardian.co.uk |
Internet Archive: Audio Archive |
Non-English language collections contributed to the Open Source Audio collection ... You are invited to view or upload audios to the Open Source collection! ... |
www.archive.org |
Manufacturers of MIDI and audio devices for the PC or Mac. Product catalog, company information, news and support center. |
www.m-audio.com |
Audio - Salon |
Free spoken word recordings from hundreds of authors. Includes fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and live author events. |
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Audio Engineering Society |
The leading professional association worldwide for professionals involved in the audio industry. Extensive and well maintained site, including online member ... |
www.aes.org |
Sound - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
HyperPhysics: Sound and Hearing · Audio for the 21st Century · Conversion of sound units and levels · Sounds amazing a learning resource for sound and waves ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Audio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Windows Media Audio, Microsoft's proprietary digital audio format. ... "I hear" in Latin. Audio, magazine covering high fidelity music reproduction. ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
AudioREVIEW.com - Home Audio and Home Theater resource |
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www.audioreview.com |
CBC.ca - Listen to CBC Radio |
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CBC.ca - Listen to CBC Radio |
From 7:00 p.m. AT Friday, December 1st to 7:00 p.m. AT Saturday, December 2nd, the Fredericton audio stream will be unavailable due to a power shutdown in ... |
www.cbc.ca |
Audio - Creative Commons |
Features a pool of Creative Commons licensed audio. You may submit your MP3s · OYEZ Years of Supreme Court proceedings available as licensed MP3, ... |
creativecommons.org |
Audio Adrenaline |
Audio Adrenaline is an award winning Christian Rock Band that writes, records, sings and performs songs like Big House with Gospel driven messages to ... |
www.audioa.com |
Audio Bible Online |
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AudioFind.com - multimedia internet search |
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www.audiofind.com |