Audio Books – 10 Frequently Asked Questions – Part 2
The audio books era is already here. I keep hearing phrases like: Audio book rental, free audio books, audio book club, audio books on CD, online audio book rental services etc.
Here are the next five frequently asked questions about audio books...
Audio Resources for Teachers
Are you a first year teacher? Have you taught in the past and are returning to the classroom? Do you crave knowledge about specific tips and tricks that will help your school year run smoothly? You might be brand new to the education scene...
Create your own audio studio for under $100.
Creating your own audio studio has never been easier. There are so many great products around today that will allow you to produce high quality audio for a fraction of the price it used to cost. HARDWARE The first thing you will need is a...
MusicIndustryStocks.com Presents Online Audio Interview with John Gott, CEO of SLS International
MusicIndustryStocks.com Presents Online Audio Interview with John Gott, CEO of SLS International, Discussing Wal-Mart Contract, Quincy Jones, Donald Trump and Sting Endorsements, and Future Product and Manufacturing Strategies.
SLS Featured...
Top Ten Ways to Use Audio on your Site
Top Ten Ways to Use Audio on your Site
by Jeanette S Cates, PhD
The Technology Tamer
Audio can provide an added dimension to your site. It creates a warm atmosphere where visitors feel like they know you. And it can enhance your reputation...
Why Aren't You Using Audio?
Why Aren’t You Using Audio?
Ronni Rhodes
As use of the Internet continues to grow geometrically, we see an increased demand for information to be provided by a variety of media. Viewing options can range from simple text to PDF documents to video clips. Unfortunately, each option requires more and more resources and technological know-how. As convergence moves inexorably forward, we have to ask ourselves if there is a practical way to combine the best of this technology and still provide the user with a satisfying Internet experience.
The answer, at this stage of Internet evolution, is audio.
Voice, by itself, provides the means to enhance a user’s enjoyment of the Internet. Voice conveys many of the intangibles underlying the written word. A voice can touch the human spirit and deliver a message on its’ own merits. Audio can build community and maintain relationships.
Audio is the most mature of the streaming technologies and doesn’t have the bandwidth requirements associated with video. Any Internet user connecting at 28.8k or better can enjoy FM quality sound without experiencing buffering and other annoyances that can affect video at lower bit rates.
It is common knowledge that people only retain 20% of what they read, but they do remember 70% of what they see and hear. That fact in itself increases the value of an audio message delivered from a website for the typical user. And, the implications of how audio can increase Internet enjoyment for the handicapped are overwhelming.
Streaming audio provides Internet businesses with unlimited opportunities to reach their audience and to simplify their interactions. Streaming audio broadens a product’s appeal and helps to stimulate sales. People are comfortable with audio and have few qualms about using it in their day-to-day lives.
Retailers can integrate audio into their operations in several ways. Use it to enhance product descriptions and deliver product information in ways far more persuasive than plain text. Booksellers can have “special events” that offer audio excerpts from selected titles. Art dealers can use voice to give value added information on an artist or a period of history depicted by an artist’s work. (Think of those audio tours that museums offer.)
Organizations that specialize in selling educational tools can use audio clips for potential clients to preview and evaluate the material being offered. The ability to sample the product is a potent and practical selling
Business-to-Business sites and corporate Intranets can also harness the power of audio. The need to provide up-to-the-minute information for employees and customers can be well served with streaming audio and the telephone. Integrating audio into the corporate communications mix is a tool that is easy to use and addresses the need to communicate with a distributed work force.
In both the retail and business-to-business marketplace, audio can and should be used to maintain those all important customer relationships. Voice messages add a personal touch that intrigues the listener and encourages them to remain on the site.
Employee training is greatly enhanced with audio. Use it to orient new employees and keep the information archived on the site for easy reference. Sales training can also be archived and quickly retrieved when needed. The ability to offer customized audio training materials on a 24/7 basis makes streaming audio a very versatile and efficient learning tool.
Some words of caution are also necessary. Audio, just like any other value-added technology, has to be used judiciously. It should be employed for a specific purpose and to enhance the text based message being delivered. Think of your audience and how you’d like them to interact with your website. Keep in mind that your visitor may be coming to your site while they’re at their place of business and plan accordingly.
The future of streaming audio is bright and filled with promise. More and more Internet users have become familiar with streaming audio and use it everyday. Internet radio broadcasts are extremely popular and are now being employed as effective advertising vehicles. Audio e-mail messaging is becoming widely available and is being positioned as a practical business tool. Consumers are attaching audio messages to greeting cards and experimenting with Internet telephony. Streaming audio will allow the average Internet user the ability to create content that conveys the power of voice and the emotions that it conveys.
So…why aren’t you using audio?
Ronni Rhodes is the owner of WBC Imaging, an Internet company that specializes in web site enhancement utilizing streaming media technology. With her husband, Don, a digital media engineer, they work with companies to incorporate streaming as part of successful and meaningful sales and marketing programs. Please direct all questions and comments to: Ronni@wbcimaging.com 520-742-5780 http://www.wbcimaging.com
Yahoo! Search - Audio Search |
Submit your audio content - including podcasts - to Audio Search with Media RSS ... Find audio files from across the Web including music, podcasts, ... |
audio.search.yahoo.com |
AltaVista - Audio Search |
Search for MP3s, WAVs and streaming audio files on the web and on FTP sites. |
www.altavista.com |
Rhapsody & RealPlayer — the best audio and video players — Real.com |
The standard for audio and video streaming online. |
www.real.com |
SuperPass — premium audio and video programming — Real.com |
RealNetworks cross-platform multimedia player. Supports RTSP/RTP with H.261, u-Law, a-law, MP3, DVI. [Client] |
www.real.com |
The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Audio |
List of major online audio resources; part of the WWW Virtual Library, maintained by Prof. Jonathan Bowen, London South Bank University, UK. |
archive.museophile.org |
More audio reports | Audio archive | Guardian Unlimited |
Special report: Europe's far right. More audio reports ... Audio, 'It will achieve a great deal of injustice' February 17, video: The Conservative candidate ... |
www.guardian.co.uk |
Internet Archive: Audio Archive |
Non-English language collections contributed to the Open Source Audio collection ... You are invited to view or upload audios to the Open Source collection! ... |
www.archive.org |
Manufacturers of MIDI and audio devices for the PC or Mac. Product catalog, company information, news and support center. |
www.m-audio.com |
Audio - Salon |
Free spoken word recordings from hundreds of authors. Includes fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and live author events. |
www.salon.com |
Audio Engineering Society |
The leading professional association worldwide for professionals involved in the audio industry. Extensive and well maintained site, including online member ... |
www.aes.org |
Sound - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
HyperPhysics: Sound and Hearing · Audio for the 21st Century · Conversion of sound units and levels · Sounds amazing a learning resource for sound and waves ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Audio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Windows Media Audio, Microsoft's proprietary digital audio format. ... "I hear" in Latin. Audio, magazine covering high fidelity music reproduction. ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
AudioREVIEW.com - Home Audio and Home Theater resource |
Consumer reviews on home audio and home theater equipment. |
www.audioreview.com |
CBC.ca - Listen to CBC Radio |
Audio Plug-ins & Assistance. Windows Media Player, Windows Media Player 9. Frequently Asked Questions, Frequently Asked Questions. Ogg Vorbis Format ... |
www.cbc.ca |
CBC.ca - Listen to CBC Radio |
From 7:00 p.m. AT Friday, December 1st to 7:00 p.m. AT Saturday, December 2nd, the Fredericton audio stream will be unavailable due to a power shutdown in ... |
www.cbc.ca |
Audio - Creative Commons |
Features a pool of Creative Commons licensed audio. You may submit your MP3s · OYEZ Years of Supreme Court proceedings available as licensed MP3, ... |
creativecommons.org |
Audio Adrenaline |
Audio Adrenaline is an award winning Christian Rock Band that writes, records, sings and performs songs like Big House with Gospel driven messages to ... |
www.audioa.com |
Audio Bible Online |
Audio Bible, The King James Version narrated by Alexander Scourby is on-line. |
www.audio-bible.com |
Audio - ebaumsworld.com |
hilarious audio sound files file mp3 mp3s audios. ... Shocking audio of a man getting shot. Tags: ghetto · Blondestar Blondestar ... |
www.ebaumsworld.com |
AudioFind.com - multimedia internet search |
Searchable MP3 directory with thousands of files. Browse alphabetically by filename, master artist, or date. |
www.audiofind.com |