7 Beauty Tips for Looking Younger
Ever since Eve took that first bite of the apple, the human race has been obessed with beauty.
The truth is we begin the aging process just as soon as we pop out of the womb. Every day of our lives our bodies slough off and regenerate new cells....
An Introduction to Bach Flower Essences Part I – The Twelve Healers
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Aromatherapy- Know the power of fragrances
Aromatherapy is an ancient art that has been used for thousands of years as an aid to physical and emotional well being. Aromatherapy and its use can be traced back as far as the ancient Egyptians, who took advantage of essential oils therapeutic...
Fat, Fat Go Away
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Why use a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon?
Beverly Hills is Mecca of all people looking for plastic surgeons, though not many of prospect patients really know why. “Beverly Hills” and “plastic surgeon” are two phrases that are almost inseparable now. Thanks to Extreme Makeover™ and Dr. 90210...
Love Your Body And Watch It Heal
Your body is a vechile that houses you while you are having this human experience. You are spirit your body is the housing or as the Bible says your body is a temple. Depending on how you love it and create it. Yes, you create this physical body just as you create everything else in your life. Do you talk to your body? Do you tell it you love it everyday. Are you grateful for your body. What we love and pay attention to grows in your body as it does in any other part of your life. If you pay attention and praise and love your body it loves you back by being all you would want it to be. As some of you know that have been following my articles I have been looking for alternative ways to heal my body. Well, I forgot something I have known for years and that is to send love to each part of my body daily. Just get quiet and start talking in a loving voice to your body, you can do this out loud or anywhere just in your mind. Thank it for all it does for you daily. Thank each part of yourself from the top of your head to the tip of your toes. Make a list of all your body does for you daily and thank each part for doing that. Think of something you admire about each of your body parts and tell that part of you how admired it is. Do something for your body every day, exercise, dance, get a massage, take a hot bubble bath, stetch and relax your body, breathe.
Start today and your body will respond. Tell your body that you admire how slim and muscular it is. It will become slim and muscular. Tell your body you love it and you admire how abundantly healthy it is. It will heal itself. Your body is living cells that can respond to you. Try it if it doesn't work I will refund your poor self image and your dis-ease with your body.
Act in a way if you would have the perfect body.
Walk with your head held up high, supported with pride and confidence in yourself and a person.
Don't let the weight of you body determine what you do on a normal day. Do what you enjoy, and have fun at it.
Wear comfortable clothing that you are not afraid to be in, and that you are not afraid to show to others.
Remember to count your blessings, and not your blemishes.
How much time do you spend looking at your body in disgust? Just don't do it! Look at the good, or nice qualities that you have, and be proud of them.
Did you know that each month your skin replaces itself, every five days your stomach lining, every six weeks your liver, and every month, even your skeleton! Your body is a pretty extraordinary thing. Now respect it and appreciate it! You owe it to yourself.
Become an expert on your body, challenge the authority of the fashion magazines, the cosmetic industry, the Metropolitan Weight Tables by allowing your beauty to shine throughout your personality, and brighten a new day.
Be one of your bodies allies and advocates. Don't let your body be your enemy.
Every morning you wake up, thank your body for resting itself
so you can enjoy the day ahead.
Every evening when you go to bed, tell your body how happy you are that it let you have a wonderful, fun-filled day.
Find a way to exercise, and begin to practice it so that you end up doing it on a regular basis. But don't do it to loose weight, do it to enjoy your body.
Think back to a time when you enjoyed your body. Tell your inner self that you can feel that way again, even in your body, at your age.
Look and go through some family photo albums-find the beauty and love that you value in those faces-and treasure them in your heart.
Tell 10 positive things about yourself, without mentioning your appearance.
Take a look in your closet. Do you wear any clothes that hide yourself? Think about why you wear what you wear.
Decide to wear clothes if they only give you power, energy, and most importantly, comfort.
Take the time to put a sign on your mirrors that says "I'm beautiful, inside and out."
If you only had one year left to live, how important would your body image be?
Start saying to yourself, " Life is to short to waste my time on my image and hating my body. Look how wonderful I am inside."
Look to find the beauty inside yourself.
You can also teach body to develop stamina. Let's say you exercise on a treadmill. To train your body to develop stamina, just tell it what you want at the beginning of the workout. You might tell your body, "Run in a relaxed manner at the pace of the treadmill until I tell you to stop. Breathe easily." Your body will then run easily until you tell it to stop. If, however, you start thinking with your mind about how tired you feel or how much you hate the treadmill, your body will get tired. As long as you keep your mind neutral, your body will easily run for as long as you want.
If you're interested in losing or gaining weight you can program your body to use food in a specific way. To lose weight, tell body when you want it to get hungry and how much you want it to eat. You can tell your body, "You will not be hungry until noon today." Before you start your meal, you can also tell your body, "Use this food for energy and stamina only. Release all excess calories after this meal and do not store them," or some similar statement.
The point is that your body can be programmed any number of ways to suit your desires and lifestyle. Don't get wrapped up in what your body does or doesn't do now. Focus your attention on training your body to do what you want it to do. As a Spirit with a mind and a body, you are in charge. So take charge and start giving orders!
Last but not least, remember this note: "Beauty is only skin deep."
About the Author
Judi Singleton owns MotherEarthpublishing.com She is a free lance writer you can read all her artilces here. http://www.motherearthpublishing.com/freecontent/index.php
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