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Outdoor Sex
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Quest for Quiet
We live in a very exciting time. New advances in technology and science are exploding around us. Ideas that were pipedreams two years ago are reality today, and about to be replaced by newer, better, more cost-efficient innovations.
Many of these advances have revolutionized our lives. We now live in a 24x7 world. No matter what we're interested in or care about, we can get information on it twenty-four hours a day on TV or through the internet. Individuals are no longer forced into the same schedule. Night owls now have something to do until the wee hours!
And with our ability to 'reach out and touch the world' our sense of community has been enhanced. We are connected to the world, our families, our work, no matter where we are, no matter what remote location we find ourselves visiting (or living in!). Cell phones, email, chat, and pc-to-pc or pc-to-phone voice services allow us to interact with the world beyond us, satisfying our basic need for connection, for community.
As I said, this is an exciting time. But is there a downside to all this technological wonder? I think there is. In the 'old days', periods of silence and quiet were forced on us. Time to reflect on the day and on our lives was part of the pattern of daily living. This quiet time, when the work of the day was done, left individuals with only their own thoughts for company. There was plenty of time to think things through and, more importantly, to go within.
Going within is an often-missed key to successful living. Without knowing what really matters to us, without the clarity that comes from self-knowledge, without the peace of knowing our actions are in harmony with who we are deep down, we often find ourselves flitting from action to action. Our focus centers on the 'doing' of our lives and not the 'being' of our lives.
Going within can be one of the most exciting adventures of our lifetime. Connecting with ourselves and with a higher power (regardless of your affiliation or what you call that higher power) can transform our lives. Our ability to recognize that the answers are all within us, coupled with our ability to trust those answers, can move us from feeling like a victim to claiming the power to create our lives. Very exciting stuff, indeed!
For many of us, however, it's been a long time since we sat in the quiet and visited our inner selves. As it is no longer forced upon us, we must actively seek the time and space for solitude. Below, I've offered some suggestions that you might find helpful in your personal 'Quest for Quiet'.
But once you find the time, what do you do then? Slow down your breathing, meditate, pray, start a journal, focus on an object, think about a question or issue you'd like clarity on, just 'sit', sing, anything that makes you feel connected to your inner self.
Follow your breathing. This is something that you can do anywhere, anytime. You can do this with your eyes open or closed. In less than a minute, you can be in a calm, centered space. All you have to do is start paying attention to your breathing. That's it! I'm not clear why it works, but an automatic response to actually focusing on your breathing is for your breathing -- and you -- to slow down. Try it now. Two long deep breaths that you really pay attention to usually does the trick. If you tend to race through life, it might take 3. I've
never seen it take more than that!
1. Get up 15 minutes earlire or stau up 15 minutes later.
The early hours of the morning and late in the evening are very conducive times to go within. When the world is quiet, it's easier for us to be quiet .
2. Double up on bathroom time.
You're sitting there anyway-- so use the time effectively by thinking of it as little slices of quiet throughout the day. (Not sure this will work as well for men!)
3. Listen to Classical Music.
Really listen. Follow the music and allow yourself to move with it. This will work with any music, but if the goal is to refresh and revitalize your inner spirit, classical music works best. Try Pachelbel's 'Canon' or Albinoni's 'Adagio'.
4. Sit by any body of water.
Just sit. Watch the ebb and flow or movement of 'your' body of water. This works just as well with fountains as it does next to the ocean or a lake.
5. Take a drive in the country.
Lucky you if you live in the country! You can do this all the time. If you live in the city, take the shortest route to wide-open spaces. Drive on back roads where you get to see lots and lots of trees and maybe even some cows or horses. Drink in all that nature. [Even the most die-hard city dwellers will find time spent in the country revitalizing.]
6. Sit under a large healthy tree.
Sit with your back right up against the tree. Let yourself really feel the power of the tree. Get in touch with the root system and feel the connection to the earth. Powerful energy here.
7. Notice the landscape as you drive to work.
(If you're in a city, focus on the trees spread along your route). This is the most important time to find some quiet moments. Use the time going to and from work to connect to nature, not on rehashing the events of the day or stressing about what needs to be done once you get there. You'll be there soon enough. This is your special quiet time.
8. Find an inspiring object to focus on.
This can be a work of art, the flame of a candle, anything that you find beauty and simplicity in. Just keep your attention on it and 'really' notice it. Follow its lines, curved or straight. Stare at its form and color until you can truly feel it.
9. Turn of the lights and use candles.
Candlelight immediately puts us in a quiet mood (unless of course you've got hundreds lit to set up a party mood!) It is a great signal that it's time to slow down and relax.
10. Turn off all electrical appliances 30 minutes each day.
This includes the TV, radio, computer, video games, anything that takes your attention away from going within. If you're a noise junkie, this may be difficult the first couple of times, but stick with it. Pretend you're living in another period of time, one that always fascinated you. They led rich, full lives without being bombarded with all that input.
About the Author
(c) Louise Morganti Kaelin. Louise is a Life Success Coach who partners with individuals who are READY (to live their best life), WILLING (to explore all options) and ABLE (to accept total support). Find many free resources to assist you in living the life of your dreams at http://www.touchpointcoaching.com For her free newsletter of insightful, practical suggestions for creating your best life, email mailto:on-536@ezezine.com
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