Capturing Leads Effectively on Free Traffic Exchanges
There are 3 basic components to capturing leads on free traffic exchanges that need to be understood. Lead capture pages, Autoresponder follow up systems, and Ad tracking URLs. The lead capture page can be hosted anywhere but it needs to have at...
How my page rank went from 0 to 5 in one update. How yours can too.
Increase Your Google Page Rank!
This article will put a damper on web sites that sell information which will supposedly increase your page rank. I may make some enemies here, but this is already common knowledge. In fact, to make sure it...
Lessons from a Shock Jock Why is Mike Makler the Coolest Guy in the Universe?
This Tongue in cheek Article shows how by using 7 Simple Steps Mike Makler Proclaimed and Branded himself The Coolest Guy in the Universe. The steps Mike Makler Used to Brand Himself the Coolest Guy in the Universe and Obtain a Number 1 Page...
The Best Wordpress Tips & Tricks!
By: Bud Wiser This article is about optimizing Wordpress blogs for search engines. I will share with you the best tips, tricks, hacks, and plugins I use for my wordpress blogs. All of these tips will save you many hours and even days or...
The Biggest Reason To Start A Blog...(and it's not what you think!)
Even people who don't own a computer know what blogging is. Everyone is talking about it. Heck, even the Doonesbury comic strip ran a few panels on the subject. Anna Kournikova even has a blog for crying out loud! But did you know that there is...
Search Engine Marketing with Blogs
Blogs are fast becoming the SEO tool of choice by many webmasters. Why? Content. Search engines love content. The more content your blog can provide on a steady basis, the better your ability to increase traffic. Blogs are easy to start and anyone can for more effective SEO management.
What content do you place in your blog? You can place any useful information or articles about your product or service. If, for example, you are a wedding planner, you should write about tips future brides may not be aware of in relation to planning their wedding. You might talk about wedding scams, catering faux pas, honeymoon hotspots etc... Let the readers know you have something more to offer then just a simple service. People who feel comfortable about a person or organization are far more likely to buy from them. Let your readers know who you are and what you are capable of doing for them.
Now that you have your content, you need to get it into the reader’s hands. The advantage of using a blog is that you can syndicate your content. Rich Site Summary or RSS is a format used to syndicate your content instantly. In other words, people can have your content posted on their web site or sent to their email. Most blog sites will give you your own special URL to submit to sites that syndicate
content. These sites will then contact your URL for the content. The more you update your site the more your site will be indexed or PINGED by RSS feeds. To help ensure your RSS feed is being indexed, enter the RSS tag into the < HEAD > of your site. Just enter your site title and the URL with your special URL for RSS. This and other tags can be used in most blogs. Take advantage of them.
Creating a blog will allow your content to be syndicated which in turn will increase traffic to your web site as well as build your link popularity through RSS and blog directories. This will give you and your products or services recognition. The knowledge and personal insights that you share will help build your business and your customer relations. The RSS feeds and blog directories will also help build your page rank on search engines. Blogs have all the ingredients to be one of the best free advertising tools the Internet has to offer. Why aren’t you taking advantage?
Visit Joe’s blog at You can also visit his other web sites and for more information on SEO and to try out his services.
Blogging CSS. Oof, adapting this movable type blog to my new style is not easy. First, figuring out how their style sheet works and then trying to meld that ...
- [ Translate this page ]Mit dem Tagging ist es wie mit dem Bloggen. Wer es nicht selbst erlebt hat, kann nicht mitreden. Wer es ausprobiert hat im einfach persoenlich Weblog.
- [ Translate this page ]Faszinierende Artikel mit Substanz fallen sofort auf. Darren hat mich mit seinem Blog-Posting auf ProBlogger inspiriert im einfach persoenlich Weblog.
Plans are to meet once a month to discuss blogging, tools of blogging, css, podcasting and anything else of interest. Email me at ...
Category: Blogs and Blogging,CSS,Dreamweaver,Music. Description: With back to back trips lately (an actual skiing vacation to Colorado), I've been more than ...
It’s even been picked up by Local Tags: access, Blogging, css, free, hosting, php, statistics, Themes, wordpress, wordpress com, wordpress org ...
Blogging, CSS, and the standards movement have collaboratively produced an explosive wealth of benefits for websites and their users, but they have also ...
Posted by Sebastian Prooth in weblog, wordpress, blogging, CSS, blogger, microsoft, bbc, theme, Robert... » Show details · What's Popular Most Popular ...
Instant Comment Preview blogging, css, javascript, meta, you-can-build-it-you-can-fly-it: Here's a really cheap, sleazy way to instantly preview blog ...