15 Tips to Bring More Traffic to Your Blog
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3 Steps To Increasing Your Web traffic for Free
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Can A Ping Really Help Your Blog Get Top Search Engine Rankings?
It’s been all over the SEO-student rumor mill for weeks now, and has finally made it into my Inbox – in droves.
The new get-traffic-quick scheme for search engine results has arrived – flooding ping notification sites with update...
HOW-TO Set Up Your Own BLOG and RSS Feed In Less Than 5 Minutes...
Copyright 2005 The IWE, LLC. All Rights Reserved. I have a quick question to ask you... "do you know How-To set up your own BLOG and RSS Feed so you Too can take advantage of all the benefits Blogs and RSS(Real Simple Syndication) have to offer...
..What's The Straight Scoop On MLM Leads Programs?...
My friend Tony Rush has a great persepective on what goes in to being successful with leads. With success likely measured by whether you enroll someone... or not....in your primary business. First & foremost understand that "you" are the key...
World Domination-Get The Facts…
“Being an achiever in anything you do, is little more than the focussed execution of a learned skill set. Achieving dominance, requires the achiever to have passion, perseverance, an open minded willingness to learn and adapt, as well as the ability to have and hold on to a vision.”
H.Brett, 2005
Dominating the World Wide Web, is not as difficult, costly, and nerve racking as many Search Engine Optimization (SEO) experts and self proclaimed “Web Marketing Gurus” would lead you to believe. It does however require the “focussed execution of a learned skill set”, combined with “an open minded willingness to learn and adapt, as well as the ability to have and hold on to a vision.” If you don’t have the latter, STOP… go no further… this article is not going to help you! If you have the “open minded willingness to learn and adapt, as well as the ability to have and hold on to a vision”, and would like to add a few tools to your skill set, keep reading…
First step on the path to dominance is to become an achiever. To become an achiever, requires learning a skill set, applying it daily in an effort to perfect it. “Perfection is an ongoing process which never ceases… there is always a better, more efficient method of executing any skill set… Evolution is the living proof.”
There are several ways to acquire and perfect any chosen skill set. Well, there is the obvious method of accumulating theoretical knowledge through reading and having a somewhat experienced textbook teacher sharing their experiences, which for you equate to additional theory. Then there is the most important part of actually doing, repeating, improving, and so on… Ideally, for this part you’ll get a coach, or better yet, a mentor. Easier said than done. Truly successful SEO masters, are too pre-occupied with learning and practicing, perfecting their skills, and becoming more successful, to donate their time to you. Most publicly proclaimed so called SEO “Gurus” are better at taking your money than they are at SEO… they are just out to sell you a $37, $97 or $147 course on SEO, offering a 30-90 day satisfaction guarantee, knowing full well, over 95% of customers don’t end up requesting refunds even when they feel like they’ve been had. Well I have no interest in marketing SEO courses. And to be totally honest, I don’t have the time to mentor anyone on any topic… and frankly, if it were not beneficial to me, I wouldn’t even be sharing this info… so appreciate the fact that this is therefore truly of mutual benefit… I will explain.
Now before I get you to blindly invest anymore of your valuable time, let me give you a quick background on how and where I developed the skill set I am about to share with you… this way you can judge whether or not you wish to continue along this path.
My name is Howard Brett, this for the record, is my real name, not a stage name to hide behind. I am a real person, sharing real results… No BS. Please note, I am publishing this article on the DocStuey account, because I am legally entitled to do so, although I am not DocStuey. A good friend of mine recently required my services to help launch a monumental project. Part of this effort required developing a grass roots web presence. “DocStuey”, For Diets Health and Wellness Facts You Can Trust, born out of the need to dispel the half truths, false promises, and downright lies, perpetrated by the diet/ weight loss, nutritional supplement, fitness and food industries.
Without a single web site submission to any of the Search Engines, DocStuey achieved indexing on all the major search engines within weeks of launching (actually, Google and MSN found us within days).
Although being a new site and likely sitting in what seems to be known as the “Google Sandbox”, preventing first page appearances on most of our important (or the most competitive) keywords, most of our pages have a page rank of 3 or 4 and we have many times more relevant inbound links than outbound or reciprocal links.
MSN has given us first page listings on most of our primary keywords, as well several rank #1. Even our secondary keywords and phrases rank well, often on the first or second page.
All 5 articles published on GoArticles.com have been wildly successful, achieving The Top 5 Most Downloaded Articles in a 30 day period… this one will be the next to top the charts… I know this will happen, and I will explain in detail how to achieve these results, and the benefit to doing so.
Ok, so you’ve made it this far… you’re still with me… so here we go. Let’s start with a little “warm up” exercise.
Think for a moment… Why do we optimize web sites and web pages for Search Engines? What importance should be placed on meta tags? Why do we calculate keyword density? Why do we, or should we, perform “back flips” to entertain Google? How important is page rank anyway? What importance should be placed on reciprocal links, inbound links, overall link structure? Do doorway pages work for or against us? Are RSS feeds the answer? What’s in a “Blog”? How about press releases? Article submission sites? Is there anything else? …Yes, there are so many new software programs designed to give us the edge… to “trick” the Search Engines, or simplify the process of adding or modifying RSS Feeds, or exchanging links… But, do these tactics really work? I’ve tried them all on different sites over the last few months…
Now, before I reveal what I have confirmed has created the best results for DocStuey, as well as several other sites that I have worked on, I’ll give you the definitive answer to all the “What” and “Why” questions, then we’ll review the “How” and “Do” questions in more detail. “Targeted Traffic”.
SEO is all about getting “targeted traffic” to flow to your web sites, without incurring costs. If you have to pay an SEO company excessive or ongoing (monthly) fees to supposedly assure you first page listings for your keywords, you may as well use “pay per click” advertising (perhaps I’ll get into this some other time). A one time nominal fee to optimize your web site for meta tags, overall linking structure or “flow”, and incorporation of an automated “content page” using “RSS feeds” or “web logs” (“Blogs”), is prudent and money well spent.
Don’t waste time or money submitting to Search Engines… Don’t buy or pay for software, or pay others to submit to Search Engines on your behalf either… Any Search Engines worth your time, will find your web site if it is worth finding. Make your web site worth finding and it will be found. How? Content!
Content rules… content is king! Relevant, keyword dense content articles will get your site noticed by the Search Engine spiders. Regularly updated content will get your site crawled often by the Search Engine spiders, this will get you indexed quickly. You are not a writer. You don’t have enough expertise on the topics needed to sell the kinds of products you wish to sell on your web site, etc… How do you get the kind of Content you need on a regular basis? “RSS Feeds” to professionally written articles, that’s how.
RSS Feeds will get you the quantity and quality of content you require on any topic available on the World Wide Web and it is content that won’t cost you a dime. Sounds like a quick and simple fix? It is,
although unless using one of these new software programs to automate the procedure, it still requires some work on your part. One of my preferred recommendations is “ RSS Equalizer “, I’ve included a live link in my resource box below, in case the “anchor text” link in this article has been turned off by the webmaster of this web site on which you are reading my article. I’d appreciate you using my links within this article or my resource box, as this is one “benefit to me” as mentioned earlier… remember? …I get paid an affiliate fee on the sale of the programs that I recommend… please remember, I only recommend the programs that I have tested and benefited from. My blatant advertisement of an “affiliate program” was not the intent of writing this article however, and the true benefit has yet to be revealed…
Ok, ever heard of “saving the best for last”? Well that is exactly what I’ve done…
Before I take you there, we’ll need to review Google page rank, links, reciprocal links, inbound links, overall link structure, and what role RSS feeds play in this relationship. Once I tie this all together for you, I’ll drop the “domination bomb” right in your plate!
Without going into a full discussion of Google page rank, there are numerous quality articles you can find on the web, here is a quick detailed summary…
Page rank is a value Google attributes on a page by page basis to every page the Search Engine indexes. Page rank is a measure of importance Google attributes to a page based on the quantity and quality of votes the page receives from other web sites. A link from any other page equals a vote in favour of the page being ranked. The weight, or importance (number of points) carried by this vote, depends on the quality and/or relevance of the vote. Relevance is determined by “content” to “content” relationship, as well as the relevance of the anchor text used in the link to the page being ranked. Relevance as well as the page rank of the page linking to the page being ranked, determines the overall points bestowed on the page being ranked. All inbound links whether relevant, or not, still count as a vote in favour of. Internal links from one page of a web site to another page on the same site, count as a vote in favour of, as well as share page rank. Outbound links to completely unrelated sites seem to “bleed” page rank, although not confirmed. What is of concern though is code within Googles page rank algorithms that penalizes web sites for massive link exchanges with completely unrelated sites in an attempt to boost page rank by fooling the search engine into thinking a site is important because it has a large number of links, or votes. This penalty seems to also affect web sites using outbound links to link exchange or link farm pages hosted on a server other than that of the web site itself.
With this summary of page rank, please head these words of caution…
Don’t waste your money and time on any service providing access to link farms, link exchanges, link clubs, link hosting, FFA (Fr** For All) pages.
If you want to do any link exchanges, although too time consuming for my liking, this does offer mutual benefit to the sites involved, visit sites on page 1 or 2 of Google for the keyword searches that are important and related or complimentary to what you do… write to the webmaster respectfully requesting to exchange links with them, once you have already posted a link to them from your site. This method doesn’t cost you anything, and is the most effective way of building a relevant reciprocal link structure.
So what is the relationship created with using RRS feeds to get your content? Simple, you win as you get relevant content, the author wins as he/she gets your vote, which equates to a non reciprocated inbound link… there are no penalties to you, and there is obvious benefit to the author. Wow! A win/win situation. What could be better?
Ok, you’ve been patient long enough… time to drop the “domination bomb” right in your plate!
The single most efficient way to create exposure, importance, targeted traffic, unlimited non reciprocal inbound links and consequently Google page rank, followed by regular page one placements in the major Search Engines for all your keywords is… Become a highly published “Web Author” Sounds so simple… NOT!
Ok, settle down… I know you feel you can’t write… most people can’t… that’s why RSS feeds to content articles are such valuable tools. If you can write professionally, you are “home fr**”. Bottom line is the greatest rewards are reaped by the authors, provided they become highly published (we’ll get to that in a moment). First let’s deal with your lack of literary skills, if you can’t be a writer, how do you become one? Once again, a simple no BS answer… go to your favourite major Search Engine, I find MSN to produce the most relevant results, and type “ghost writer”, this should produce over 2 million solutions on “Any Given Sunday”.
A ghost writer creates professionally written original copyright literary works with your name or any trade mark or given name which you hold title to, for a fee. Now we’ve turned you into a professional author. So, how do we get you highly published? Again… simple… Sorry, I’ve reached the space limit for this article. You can find many of our most successful resources at http://hit-frenzy.v-forceinternational.com/.
Contact me for these final words of wisdom. You’ll find my contact info in the resource box following this article. If it is missing, the webmaster of this site is in violation of the Terms of Use Agreement with GoArticles.com. Please report this to "webmaster@goarticles.com". You can find me at GoArticles.com by doing a search by author, type in “DocStuey”.
Here is an example of what we’ve done with DocStuey over a 6 week period… every single article has dominated the Top 5. I can do this for you as well if you need a Ghost Writer that knows how to get results. GhostWriter@V-ForceInternational.com
The Recipe For Total Wellness by DocStuey Downloaded 4349 times Submitted: 14 July,2005 US Federal Judge Reverses Ban on Deadly Diet Supplement by DocStuey Downloaded 6165 times You Are Fat! Want to Know Who’s Really to Blame? by DocStuey Downloaded 3946 times "New Study, Proof That Vitamin E Kills"? by DocStuey Downloaded 3190 times The Greatest Diet Discovery by DocStuey Downloaded 7133 times Submitted: 16 June,2005
About the Author
H.Brett is a veteran web marketing consultant, author/publisher. Current assigment, "DocStuey". Producing Top Ranking results consistantly. Offering Ghost Writing services: GhostWriter@V-ForceInternational.com. Recomended resources "http://rss-equalizer.v-forceinternational.com/" and http://hit-frenzy.v-forceinternational.com/
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