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Get ‘em hooked on your book.
Copyright 2005 Cherry Communications/Be Heard Solutions So you got your book published. Congratulations. Having a book in print helps you build your credibility as an expert in your field - and increases your sales online and offline. But if...
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3 Strategies to Market Your Business Even When There’s No Money
Many small and home based businesses know they need to market and yet, have little or no money to do so. Sadly, many use this as a reason not to market. Even on a limited budget you can promote and gain visibility for you and your business.
The following three strategies have proven extremely effective for countless businesses as they can for you.
1.Press Releases – Very effective and they offer a great deal of credibility when published. You must have a well written release that is pertinent to the media source you are sending it to. You can distribute press releases both online and off.
A quick Internet search under media resources in your city will bring up radio, television, newspapers and magazines in your area. To find online resources do a search under “free online press release distribution.” Numerous listings will come up. Be sure to utilize the free services when on a limited budget.
There are services you can pay for if you are so inclined. Two excellent resources for both free and paid are www.prweb.com and http://arrivenet.com/.
Prior to writing a press release, determine the following:
-Who is your target market? -What is your target media? -Who is the contact person at the media outlet? -What is the timeframe for submission? -Do you have an attention-grabbing headline? -Do you know the who, what, when, where, why, how? -Do you have good quotes, research and technical date if appropriate?
Click this link http://press.arrivenet.com/bus/article.php/593635.html to see how powerful a well-written release can be.
2.Articles - Writing articles is a great way to gain recognition as an expert in your field or specific industry. By providing practical information, you can reach targeted audiences. This can create exciting opportunities for you and your business.
Whatever you write about should be something you are knowledgeable on and your information is factual.
Incorrect or untrue information can come back to haunt you.
Recently I read an article by someone claiming to be an Internet marketing expert. Their article was about gaining visibility on the Net. To find out how much visibility this so called expert has I did a name search on the author. The “expert” author had only 10 postings under his name. Not very impressive when other experts have thousands of listings. The author immediately lost credibility.
3.Presentations – One of the most incredibly effective ways to market your product or service is to offer a complimentary information seminar. When you provide great information that is of interest to your market you have become a resource before you are a vendor.
By positioning yourself as a resource you are marketing in a very unique way.
Hosting a presentation can be virtually expense free. You can offer to do a presentation at a staff meeting for a client. Many large companies have brown bag lunch speaking opportunities.
You can host a meeting open to the public at your local library. Be sure to send press releases to the local media when you are offering a presentation open to the public.
Many associations, including your local Chamber of Commerce, are constantly seeking presenters who can provide timely and content driven talks that benefit their members.
When you apply one of the three recommendations to your marketing mix you will gain benefit. When you apply all three the results can be phenomenal.
About the Author
Learn how to market online with little or no money. Access FREE eBook Street Smarts eMarketing Tips Guaranteed to Jump Start Your Internet Presence to Put You Miles Ahead of the Competition http://www.streetsmartsmarketing.com/free-ebook.htm written by Kathleen Gage, an award winning entrepreneur, keynote speaker and author, specializing in low cost, high return marketing strategies for small and home based businesses.
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Promote a Book - How to market your book online |
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Amazon.com: Complete Guide to Book Marketing: Books: David Cole |
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www.amazon.com |
Amazon.com: A Simple Guide to Marketing Your Book: What an Author ... |
This refreshingly succinct handbook is the easiest way to organize your book marketing campaign. Bobbie Hurst, Book Publicist ... |
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Sand Hill Book Marketing |
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Author Resources: Book Marketing |
Author Resources: Book Marketing ... AuthorHouse author and humor columnist Gordon Kirkland uses public appearances as a book marketing tool. ... |
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Book Marketing Plan: Launch Your New Book Profitably and Confidently |
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