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Work From Home Using Computer
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Feasiblity Report on catfish Production (part 2)
The money expected, depends on the turnout of the farm. As a rule however the profit rate is about 75 – 80%. Fishes are sold in weights (KG) and not in numbers. Loss or non-loss or gains in weight in turnouts will either extend or shorten the time to achieve financial goals of profit making and for the business to sustain itself.
Once the ponds are constructed, fish to be stocked are booked or produced at least one month before stocking and other facilities put in place, the venture can be become operational within 2 months from the day of financial mobilization and cash backing. It is also expected to become profitable not more than 1 year after the 1st harvest, the 1st harvest is expected to be not more than 6 months after the 1st stocking and continues every 2 weeks or monthly. In other words if we stock a certain number every 2 weeks or monthly, after the 1st 6 months we should begging harvesting a certain kilogram every 2 weeks or monthly too.
Fish farming is a risky business that requires special knowledge and skills. A good management practice is the key. Individuals with little or no experience can also be successful. Enlisting the assistance of someone in the know-how of the business either by profession or/and by experience is essential. Supervision and training would also be giving to persons of little or no experience. Other factors to consider include:
Employment of adequate staff and paying competitive salary Employing a marketing officer Provision of official vehicle for farm operations Offering placement for I.T students Networking with other fish farmers and others in the industry.
In Nigeria, there is no special permit needed to establish a fish farm. It is a completely deregulated sector of the economy, in fact the whole of agricultural sector is. To however gain recognition by the government and be a legal entity it is important
to register the business name with the corporate affairs commission, which cost a total of #30,000. With time one can then register it as a private liability company (LTD) which is #50,000 for a company with share capital of about a million.
Fishes live, eat and perform all metabolic activities in water. Water quality management is therefore very important. The factors to consider and their corresponding control are:
Temperature – the acceptable level is 26 -28 OC. the control is by building a shelter over the ponds and the supply of oxygen by the use of aerators. PH – acceptable level is 6.5 – 9.5. Control is by exchange of water if too acidic or alkali. Salinity/ conductivity – the acceptable level is not less than 0.2%. Controlled by diluting with water if salt is high or exchange if salt is low. Mineral and Vitamins – this is supplied through the feed. Ensuring sufficient quantity in feed is the control. Dissolved gases - this build up as a result of metabolic activities and nitrification and displace dissolved oxygen. Control is by supply of air or exchange of water. This should be 70% - 120% but 100% is optimum
Since we are running a flow through system, these parameters will be managed by change of water as frequent as necessary. Water quality tests can also be carried out frequently and the cost of these will be made from fuel and chemicals.
Land if not yet available has to be acquired. Cost of acquisition is however location dependent. No figure would however be giving in this right up.
A simple and ideal sample farm site layout is attached with this document. Autocad software would be needed to view it. Modifications can however be made depending on the client.
Complete Article
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Robert Oni African Imports - African-Exports.lyonscraft.com
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