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Four Pillars of Creating Wealth
Some people in this world are thinking that their poor financial condition today is their destiny. They keep telling themselves that they’ll never get rich in this lifetime. Are you one of those people? If you are, it’s a good thing that you find this article, because I want to personally give you four pillars of creating wealth that are being done by many rich people in this world.
These rich people just know how to get out of their financial problem and start to create wealth. They are just like the rest of us, they don’t have a special talent, and they are not good looking people or movie star either.
So, you start to wonder how they can become wealthy, rich and even financially free.
Here are the secret they know that most of us have heard about. The problem is laid on all of us. We usually just let the information passing us, and we don’t do anything about those information. Now, it’s the time for me to remind all of us, and start to do something about it.
The first pillars that we might want to do is own a business. Here is the tricky part, owning a business give you a financial freedom, but it also can give you a new headache. What I meant is that every one of us needs to run the business that has a system. This system has to be created in such a way that make the business can run without the constant intervene from us. I will suggest you to read an excellence book about it called “E-Myth revisited” by Michael E. Gerber.
If you want to start with a business that already has proven system, you might want to consider a franchise. A good franchise usually will provide you with a proven working system to their franchisee. So, the franchisee can start their business smoothly and quickly.
The next one on the list will be real estates. A lot of American nowadays is enjoying a big raise on real estates value in the past couple years. Some of them have multiply their asset by double in these couple years alone. The tricky question is how they know that their property value will be going up. Well, the answer is they don’t know either. It’s just a pure luck, that’s what I think. This won’t make anybody to achieve financial freedom.
What can make everyone to achieve financial freedom in real estate is by buying a real estate with somebody else money. Yes, with somebody else money. Here is the story I got from a janitor in San Francisco. He works as a janitor but he owns 2 houses in San Francisco. You might ask how he can do that. The answer is he bought his house on a mortgage with a very low interest income. He splits the house into two rooms that he rented out for
two families that has to pay him rental fee each month. With that money he can finance his mortgage with somebody else’s money. Smart, isn’t he?
Ok, the third one is through investment. A lot of American lost his money in stock investment in 2000. When all those dotcoms companies felt down, so did American. So, the question is whether it’s save to put your money to investment. The answer is yes. We all have to learn from mistake, not running from the mistake. We all know that a lot of people are blindly put their money in those dotcoms companies. So, next time you need to invest you better learn the company first.
There are a lot of tips that are available from the experts about how to choose the right investment. They all offer you with different solutions, so it’s depend on our judgments which one you think is the most trustworthy.
Ok, you might want to scream by now, all of those above investment need a lot of money to invest in. You will start to tell me that your saving is very low; you have debts to pay, etc. I know that most of us don’t have that kind of money in our saving. So, is it impossible for us to create our wealth? The answer again is No.
Here comes the fourth pillar. Thanks to technology that now we have the internet. With the internet we can create a low cost business with unlimited income. Yes, you have heard about it, but have you start to do that? With internet business, a lot of people have earned tons of money from it with very small cost. Comparing to those three pillars I mentioned above, this pillar is definitely has the highest return.
You have to try to find a perfect internet home business for you. You should do the researches before you decide to join and work for the company. You can find literally thousands of company that offer you with this kind of opportunities.
Now, I have mentioned all four pillars to create wealth. I have left you with no excuse from creating your own wealth, unless you don’t want to achieve your own financial freedom. So, I’ll leave all the options to you. You are the decision maker, and you are the only one can decide your future from today
About the Author
Yochention Saritoh is an internet marketer. He works as a sales representative for Financial Freedom Society Corporation. He also supported by Elite Team International that has provided him with all the advance marketing strategy and knowledge, which is founded by Anne Ahira, The Asian Brain. If you want to know his current internet business you can visit his website at http://www.EzInternetIncome.com or http://ffsi.EzInternetIncome.com
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