5 Lesser-Known Online Business Ideas
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You Must Build A Customer List
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How to succeed and never fail
So, how can you succeed online without ever experiencing the feeling of failure?
Is that possible?
Let’s find out...
What are you currently working on? What are you trying to accomplish with your online business right now? Do you have a goal that you’re trying to accomplish?
Let’s look at the two possibilities.
When you accomplish your goal, what has really happened?
You’ve set your goal and you’ve successfully accomplished it. You feel good about yourself. Your self-esteem is higher. You’re off to the next project.
The formula looks like this:
Set Goal + Accomplishment = Success
When you fail to accomplish your goal, what has really happened?
You've set your goal, but you’ve failed to accomplish it. You don't feel good about yourself. You start to have negative thoughts about yourself. Your self-esteem is lower.
The formula looks like this:
Set Goal - Accomplishment = Failure
How can we fix this so you never experience the feeling of failure?
Let's explore the possibilities.
Even though you didn’t accomplish your goal, did you learn anything from it? What do you think was the biggest reason why you didn’t accomplish it? What was the problem that stopped you?
Whatever it was, it was something that you would have not learned otherwise. Don’t you agree?
Hence, the formula now becomes:
Set Goal - Accomplishment = Failure + Lesson Learned
Now that you've discovered the reason that caused you to fail, dig up some resources and gather some intelligence that would help you find the solution or solutions for the problem that stopped you from accomplishing your goal.
Armed with this solution or solutions for the problem, you now enjoy a double chance of accomplishing your goal.
Go at it again and DO NOT REPEAT the same mistake.
Let’s just say that you have failed to accomplish your goal again.
What do you think was the biggest reason why you didn’t accomplish it again? What did you learn from this second failure? Was it another problem that stopped you?
Whatever it was, it was something that you would have not learned otherwise.
The formula now looks like this:
Set Goal - Accomplishment = Failure + 2 Lessons Learned
Again, look for more resources and gather more intelligence that would help you find the solution or solutions for this new problem that stopped you from accomplishing your goal. And then go at it again but DO NOT REPEAT the previous two mistakes.
Let’s just say that you have failed for the 3rd time.
The formula looks like this:
Set Goal - Accomplishment = Failure + 3 Lessons Learned
Now, the number of lessons learned doesn’t really
matter. Does it?
As long as you’re not repeating the same mistakes over and over, you’re always gaining a different experience. So let’s eliminate the number from the formula. The expression "Lessons Learned" is already in plural form so the number in front of it is not really needed.
So the formula now looks like this:
Set Goal - Accomplishment = Failure + Lessons Learned
Are you seeing what I’m seeing? Have you really failed?
You haven't accomplished your goal yet but you've accomplished something else that you would have not accomplished otherwise. What have you accomplished?
You've gained a first hand experience. A very valuable experience. Yes, you haven’t accomplished your goal yet, but you've learned a very valuable lesson or lessons that you would have not learned otherwise.
You know, you can learn from your good experience and teach others what to do, but you can also learn from your bad experience and teach others what not to do.
Have you ever seen books titled: "The 10 deadliest mistakes in ......" or "The 5 things you must not do ...." or "Six Marketing Mistakes" and such?
As long as you're not repeating the same mistakes over and over, you're accomplishing a tremendous wealth of badly needed wisdom gained from a first hand experience that you need for a continuous success.
So the formula actually looks like this:
Set Goal - Accomplishment = Lessons Learned
You WILL accomplish your goal through a constant persistence. But don't forget your lessons learned from each failure. Each lesson learned is an accomplishment of its own. It's your checkpoint.
You've gained an understanding from your first hand experience that you were going a wrong way. You need to take different roads. If you continue on the same road (making the same mistake over and over), you might never arrive to your goal.
But when you constantly fine tune yourself after each failed attempt, constantly seek a solution for every problem and apply that solution in your next attempt, you would eventually accomplish your goal.
Each failed attempt is a baby step, an accomplishment and a step closer to your day that you would start walking.
© Steve Dimeck
You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the copyright and the source box are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated.
Courtesy of: http://www.thesuccessmaze.com
About the Author
Steve Dimeck, author of “The Success Maze.” To the people who want to succeed online -- but feel a bit lost in this online “Maze.” FREE Details: ==> http://www.thesuccessmaze.com FREE E-Book: ==> mailto: ogdteam@getresponse.com
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