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Are you getting the most out of your ebooks?
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Caution! Handle with care! That ebook you just downloaded may be the next best thing to a winning lottery ticket.
Well... maybe I'm exaggerating a bit. O. K., a lot....
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What is Data Visualization?
Data Visualization is Interactive
Have you ever booked your flight plans online and noticed that you can now not only view seat availability but also choose your own seat? Maybe you have notice that when you want to look up information online on another country, you may find a website where all you have to do to get political, economical, geographical, and other information is drag your mouse over the area of the country in which you are interested.
Maybe you have put together a business presentation consisting of multiple levels of complex marketing and budget information in a simple display which allows you to review all aspects of your report by simply clicking on one area of a map, chart, or graph. You may have even made predictions by altering some information and watching the graph change before your idea.
Warehouses are tracking inventory. Businesses are tracking sales. People are creating visual displays of information that meets their needs. The traveler, the student, the average worker, the marketing executive, the warehouse manager, the CEO are now able to interact with the information they are looking for with data visualization tools.
Data Visualization is Imaginative
If you can visualize it in your mind, you can visualize it on a computer screen. The avid skier may be interested in comparing the average snowfall at Soldier Mountain, ID. Doctors and students may need to compare the average cancer mortality rate of men to women in Montana or Hawaii. The examples are endless.
Data visualization tools can help the entrepreneur to
present products on their website in a creative and informative way. Data visualization has been picked up by state and national government agencies to provide helpful information to the public. Airlines take advantage of data visualization to be more accommodating. Businesses take advantage of data visualization for tracking and reporting. Children use data visualization tools on the home computer to fulfill research assignments or to satisfy their curiosity about exotic places of the world.
Wherever you go, data visualization will be there. Whatever you need, data visualization can present answers in a helpful way.
Data Visualization is Comprehensive
Each of us have looked up information online and found less than helpful presentation formats which have a way of either presenting simple information in a complex way or presenting complex information in an even more complex way. Each of us at one time or another has wished that that website had a more user friendly way of presenting information.
Information is the language of the 21st century, which means everyone is sending it, and everyone is searching it. Data visualization can make both the senders and the searchers happy by creating a simple medium for providing often complex information.
About the Author
Joe Miller is a specialist in online advertising. More information on data visualization tool, visit Corda.com .
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