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Why Write Articles to Promote your Book?
Why Write Articles to Promote your Book? Judy Cullins ©2004 All
Rights Reserved.
Reach 15,000 to 100,000 targeted buyers every week Online.
That's the best reason I know to write and submit how-to
articles to opt-in ezines and top web sites. get more book
sales.Now, that's real exposure! And it's totally targeted
because these people visit sites and subscribe to ezines who
feature your topics of expertise. Your coach now has over 155
articles circulating and these have brought her over one-third
her monthly income.
The second best reason is that promoting your book through
articles is fre*e. You subscribe to ezines, then submit your
short Online articles to your online subscribers. All you do is
write and submit your article once a week to ezines and top web
sites. Your coach's articles are now on 21,000 other people's
web sites with a URL link back to her site, and this number
increases by 1000 a week in 2004. Think about those increased
sales, mainly because they are targeted.
The third best reason is that this promotion method takes little
time to accomplish, maybe nine hours a week. You write a short
article from 300-800 words, get it edited and send it off. You
can send to over 10 opt-in ezines at once with just one click.
That's exposure to over 15,000 potential customers. You may
spend an hour writing at first, but soon, you will produce a
great article much faster.
If you don't want to learn how to do this from a good coach or
teleclass, enroll an inexpensive assistant, and let her do this
promotion. Delegating this task has made your coach's time
promoting even less than nine hours. You can expand your
business and book sales so much more when you follow the coach's
motto: "Do what you do best and hire the rest."
More Reasons to Write and Submit Articles
4. Submitting articles is 7 times as effective as advertising
because when you submit many articles, you become known as the
savvy expert. Your potential buyers appreciate your fre*e
information and will eventually trust you enough to buy from
Just the sheer numbers of these articles you submit with your
proper signature box at the bottom can bring 10-50 new ezine
subscribers each time. This free advertising box attracts people
to your Web site, where, if you have proper copywriting with
marketing pizzazz, you will sell many books or services.
Start writing a few articles, keep them until you have ten to
submit.As you submit them, write a new article once a week. When
you submit 20 or so, you will become a household name. Ezine
publishers and sites will publish them People who visit the site
or read the ezine will also ask you if it's OK they use your
article. Of course it is!
They will send your articles to their business associates, who,
if they produce an ezine or have a Web site, will also publish
your article. Talk about viral marketing! You can also write
short tip articles from 100-300 words. You coach now expands her
market to people who don't want a lot of information--just the
facts, please.
Coach's Tip: Be sure to send a thank you each time someone
emails you saying they want to publish your article. After you
thank the, ask for permission to add their email to your
ePublishers email list. When you keep track of all supporters in
an email list, they become your 24/7 sales force. Your coach
sends new articles and tips each week to over 150 ePublishers
she collected emails from. Now, that's
viral marketing at its
Entice your ePublishers to say "yes, ePub" in the subject line
back to you by offering the benefit that it's straight to their
email door and they will get the latest, up-to-the-minute
information on your topic.
5. You receive global attention when other Web masters feature
your articles because they will include a short bio, articles
description and key words to help the search engines find you.
Your rank in the search engines will go way up like mine to be
one of the top ten web sites in your field. .It's exciting to
get a call from China or other countries wanting your book or
service. All of this means more book sales, and you don't even
have to leave your office. Your coach is now number three in
google and 35 other search engines.
6. The more exposure your articles get, the more you are
perceived as the savvy expert, and when potential customers
visit your web site, they are more likely to buy not just one
book or service, but several.
7. You can recycle your articles over and over to get even more
exposure and sales.. First, you can include your new article or
tip in your own ezine you send out to potential customers. Tweak
it a bit to submit to the opt-in ezines and top web sites. Don't
resubmit within one year it unless you make pertinent revisions.
You can change the slant with another audience, or you can
change the title, shorten or lengthen it.You can take a small
amount of information out of one article and repackage it into a
short tip. Ask your coach the best way to write a tip.
8. Your articles could attract authors in your field who need
free material for their book. Debbie Allen, shameless promoter
herself, who wrote "Confessions of Shameless Internet Promoters"
took three of my how-to articles for her latest Internet
marketing book. Now in it's 2nd printing my revised three
articles will pull even more interest. As she promotes her book,
she promotes these articles. This word of mouth buzz will bring
even more new business.
9. Take advantage of your Online audience. Remember, people go
the net to get free information. If you give that freely, they
are more apt to become loyal customers. Remember also, that
because other Web site owners and ezine publishers don't have
time to only write their own articles, they are constantly
looking for your how-to articles. You can be published in
hundreds of them!
Article writing and submitting is the best book promotion effort
so far. With over 125 circulating the net, my web master makes
them available by categories of Book Writing and
Self-publishing, eBooks, Online Promotion, Web Marketing and
Under 500 Words. People can just click and get any one article
by autoresponder, so they get exactly what they want. Divide and
conquer. Think of the different categories you can offer. Make a
list of them and get the word out!
Start writing short articles now, and see how great Online
exposure brings you what you want and need for your business
About the author:
Judy Cullins, 20-year Book and Internet Marketing Coach works
with small business people who want to make a difference in
people's lives, build their credibility and clients, and make a
consistent life-long income. Author of 10 eBooks including
"Write your eBook Fast," "How to Market your Business on the
Internet," and "Create your Web Site With Marketing Pizzazz,"
she offers free help through her 2 monthly ezines, The Boo
Book marketing and book promotion advice from John Kremer, author ... |
Promoting Your Books: Book marketing and book promotion tips for book authors, book publishers, self-publishing authors, POD authors, and e-book publishers ... |
www.bookmarket.com |
John Kremer's Book Marketing Tip of the Week |
Archives of the weekly Book Marketing Tips of the Week and Internet Marketing Tips of the Week. Learn how to sell more books, tapes, and other products. |
www.bookmarket.com |
Bookmarketing Limited |
and the consumer syndicated surveys adhoc commissions retainers how to subscribe client list expanding the market contact us · Book Marketing Society ... |
www.bookmarketing.co.uk |
Book Marketing Works |
Book Marketing Maps - an electronic directory of special-sales buyers, customized to your particular title. |
www.bookmarketingworks.com |
Book Marketing Services, India |
A specialist marketing consultants group, started in 1987 offering package of marketing and sale promotion services in the Indian market to publishers of ... |
www.bookmarketing.org |
Sensible Solutions: Book marketing for happily published authors ... |
Sensible Solutions: Book marketing for happily published authors & publishers. |
www.happilypublished.com |
Book Marketing Profits |
Smart Book Marketing. How to market your book or information product cost effectively through trade shows, mail order, the internet, premiums, book reviews, ... |
www.bookmarketingprofits.com |
Promote a Book - How to market your book online |
Self Publishing How-To | Print on Demand Publishing | Offset Press Publishing | Getting Published | Book Marketing | E-mail Morris. |
www.fonerbooks.com |
Self Publishing Book Help. Book Promotion and Book Marketing Tips ... |
How to Self Publish, Market and Sell Your Own Book. Self Publishing information, tips, and resources to show you how to sell hundreds of thousands of books ... |
www.inktreemarketing.com |
Writing-and-Speaking - Book-Marketing Ezine Articles |
EzineArticles.com allows ezine or email list publishers to upload or download free expert content that can be used within email newsletters or websites. |
ezinearticles.com |
Book Marketing - High Quality Books & Gifts |
Book Marketing - Direct sellers for High Quality Discount Books, CDs, DVD and Gifts. |
www.bookmarketing.com.au |
Amazon.com: Complete Guide to Book Marketing: Books: David Cole |
Amazon.com: Complete Guide to Book Marketing: Books: David Cole by David Cole. |
www.amazon.com |
Amazon.com: A Simple Guide to Marketing Your Book: What an Author ... |
This refreshingly succinct handbook is the easiest way to organize your book marketing campaign. Bobbie Hurst, Book Publicist ... |
www.amazon.com |
Sand Hill Book Marketing |
Sand Hill Book Marketing. Distribution for Small Press & Independent Publishers. Browse Titles, Submit Titles, Find Retailers, Submit Retail Locations. |
www.sandhillbooks.com |
The independent bookstore on the web! |
Although Francine Silverman’s Book Marketing from A-Z does not go into depth in each outlined promotion, the ideas and resources offered from more than 300 ... |
www.bbotw.com |
Author Resources: Book Marketing |
Author Resources: Book Marketing ... AuthorHouse author and humor columnist Gordon Kirkland uses public appearances as a book marketing tool. ... |
www.authorhouse.com |
Substance Books Inc. - Online Book Publicity, Marketing & Book ... |
Providing Web / Book Marketing Ideas & Promotional ... Receive Substance Books Inc.'s free BOOK-MARKETING NEWSLETTER designed for writers and publishers, ... |
www.substancebooks.com |
Publicity / Book Marketing / Bookstore / Ebooks |
Publicity, book marketing, and publisher for self publishing books as well as excellent online bookstore. |
www.virtualwordpublishing.com |
Mega Book Marketing |
Reserve your seat at MEGA Book Marketing University before 5pm PST January 5, 2007.and you get the home study version of last year's event for free (a $349 ... |
www.megabookmarketing.com |
Book Marketing Plan: Launch Your New Book Profitably and Confidently |
Tame all your "Should I?'s" into "To-do's"! The Sample Book Marketing Plan is 24 pages and costs $95.00; it's in PDF (Adobe Acrobat Reader) format. ... |
www.yudkin.com |