Branding Basics
Branding is the process by which you try to become the first business a person thinks of when they consider buying goods or services in your category. If you can "own" a word in the public's mind, you have a huge competitive advantage.
Branding - More Than Just a Statement - A Memory Scar
Conjure up in your mind broad rolling meadows with runs of cattle or stock of some type, all discriminate by virtue of a registered brand. That's a most common and accepted understanding of branding. You have just now used your mind to develop a...
Executive Resumes 101
What makes an executive resume “executive”? Is it the format? Is it the content? Or is it the personal marketing strategy? Executive resumes are different in all these areas. Executive resumes are targeted toward a hiring agent that is seeking more...
How to maintain a steady cash flow?
For any business to be successful the most important factor is
availability of ready cash and maintenance of a healthy cash
flow. However, during day-to-day operation of business it is
often found to be the most difficult task and every year a...
On Branding
Situation: Your window of advantage over your competitors closes
more quickly than ever and price vs. price competition is really
heating up. What can you do about it? Brand. If you think
branding is just for large companies, think again - you...
Committing To and Succeeding With Your New Year’s Resolutions
By Carole Nicolaides, Copyright © 2003, All Rights Reserved http://www.progressiveleadership.com What is the problem with New Year’s resolutions? They are supposed to symbolize a new beginning, hope of doing things better, having more fun, and improving energy and success levels in our lives. Yet, so many people abandon them within a month (or earlier).
If you’re like I used to be, you might have stopped creating resolutions all together because you never followed through with them. I had given up hope of ever fulfilling a resolution. Well… until I discovered two important secrets.
First, before you commit to any new goals you need to work on some of your old issues. Clearing out the old enables you to make room for new and better things to come into your life. Second, if you focus your resolutions around your strengths, and not on what you want to improve, you have way better changes in succeeding.
As an Executive Coach, I’ve worked with many corporate leaders as well individuals to help them set goals and work on strategies in order to achieve their New Year’s plans. What I find most often is that the goal is too broad. On their “to do” lists they have things such as: make more money, reduce debt, have less conflict at work, find security in my career, lose weight, etc.
Nothing is wrong with these resolutions, yet they are not enough to inspire you or help you remain committed. To be successful with fulfilling your New Year’s resolutions, consider the following:
1.Develop a list of all unresolved matters in your personal and professional life. Clean up your unresolved matters before committing in any new goals. Make space for new opportunities to come into your life. Use the 3-D’s: do it on your own, delegate it, or dump it all together. 2.Identify people and things that drain energy from you such as unhealthy relationships, addictions, or habits. By identifying these energy drainers you are half way through actually eliminating them from your life. Develop an action plan for getting rid of them completely. This is not easy to do so you may wish to seek outside help. You can work
with a friend, mentor, or personal coach. Use resources, strong will, meditation or whatever it takes to get rid of these negative drainers. 3.Identify mental blocks that might keep you from achieving your goals. One of the biggest mental blocks is FEAR. Identify what is causing your fear. Once you identify what you are actually afraid of, you are better equipped to deal with it. 4.Get a real picture of what you want for next year. Draw a picture. Imagine all the things that you want. Imagine yourself and your friends in this new picture. What are the thoughts and feelings once you visualize it? Write down all your thoughts and start working on combining a plan of how you can get there. Incorporate things that will push you faster toward your destination. 5.Set goals that focus on your strengths. Be crystal clear on your strengths. What do you really like to do? What comes easily to you? What do your fans rave about when they mention you? If you are not clear about your strengths, I highly suggest you work with someone who can help you identify them. It can be an eye opening experience. Once you have identified your strengths, set goals that focus on your strengths. For example, if you are a great listener, seek ways where you can use that strength in areas that you haven’t thought before. Bottom line… you must start thinking out of the box. Yes, you want to improve your life, get rid of those extra pounds, and make more friends at work, but focusing first on your strengths and building habits around those strengths will definitely bring you closer to your goals. Think positively, set bold goals, design your life around your goals and make it your best year ever.
About the Author
Carole is President and Executive Coach of Progressive Leadership Inc who thrives on helping individuals and organizations achieve results by coaching them on how to discover and build upon their strengths. She also offers teleclass training and consulting in Organizational Effectiveness, Branding Strategy and Leadership Development. Visit http://www.progressiveleadership.com for more info & subscribe to her FREE Ezine.
Brand - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
The brand, and "branding" and brand equity have become increasingly important ... From the perspective of brand owners, branded products or services also ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Branding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Livestock branding, the marking of animals to indicate ownership; Human branding, ... Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Branding" ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
AllAboutBranding.com : Home |
Provides resources and opinions on branding. Includes brand development, management and communications. |
www.allaboutbranding.com |
brandchannel.com | branding resource produced by Interbrand | brands |
An international online exchange and resource about brand marketing and branding. |
www.brandchannel.com |
Branding Company Corporate Branding Internet Brand Identity ... |
Brand Identity Guru Inc. creates, develops and promotes powerful brands. Our clients enjoy an array of innovative, creative and powerful branding solutions ... |
www.brandidentityguru.com |
Branding Blog |
Branding and positioning news and opinion. |
www.brandingblog.com |
Branding Asia |
Free articles, news and columns on branding in Asia. Market research and Asian marketing. |
www.brandingasia.com |
Pages tagged with "branding" on del.icio.us |
All items tagged branding ??? view popular ... industrie./design and branding consultant specialists./ · save this. by kittim to design branding graphic ... |
del.icio.us |
The Brand Called You |
Big companies understand the importance of brands. Today, in the Age of the Individual, you have to be your own brand. Here's what it takes to be the CEO of ... |
www.fastcompany.com |
Branding: See what people are saying right now on Technorati |
See all blog posts tagged with branding on Technorati. |
www.technorati.com |
Mozilla Branding |
The purpose of this document is to describe mozilla.org's branding strategy during and after the release of what has generally been called Mozilla 1.4. ... |
www.mozilla.org |
What Brand Are You? A branding viral by The Design Conspiracy |
What Brand Are You? has since been picked out as Site Of The Day by the likes of the Financial Times, Yahoo, USA Today and BBC News, and has received more ... |
www.whatbrandareyou.com |
Julie & Company: Affordable branding, web design, graphic design ... |
Julie & Company creates stellar branding, integrated marketing, advertising, web design, web development, Flash, trade show booths - all at affordable ... |
www.julieandcompany.com |
Forty Media - Web Design, Web Development, Branding, Great Websites |
a professional web design agency based in Phoenix, Arizona. |
www.fortymedia.com |
Branding - Yahoo! Small Business |
Find information to help grow your online business with business plans, Thomas Register, news articles and more. |
smallbusiness.yahoo.com |
Lexicon |
Lexicon Branding appears on KTVU News; Lexicon Branding creates Ridgeline for Honda, Viiv for Intel, and GameTap for Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. ... |
www.lexicon-branding.com |
Branding and Usability |
We're finding that a site's usability can dramatically affect branding. ... There are two basic techniques for branding: direct experience and indirect ... |
www.uie.com |
iMedia Connection: Research & Metrics - Branding |
Majority of marketers feel branding opportunities -- online and offline -- aren't ... IAB case studies prove real-world power of online in branding mix. ... |
www.imediaconnection.com |
Small Business Marketing And Branding |
Small business marketing and branding advice and how-to guides for small business owners. Learn how to start and grow your own successful business. |
smallbusinessbranding.com |
Beyond Branding |
Beyond Branding, published in hardcover in 2003 and paperback in 2005, presents innovative business models for the survival of 21st century organizations. |
www.beyond-branding.com |