Building Your Brand
In today's world of global commerce, branding is not only recommended, it is essential. In the vast array of websites, consumers lose interest quickly. Those few, crucial moments in which they land upon and subsequently peruse your site are key to...
Does Your E-Newsletter or E-Zine Pass the "So What" Test?
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Greasing the Path to Success: Finding the Confidence to Step Up to Key Moments
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The Power of Why: A Psychological Revelation
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Website Design Tips by San Diego Internet Marketing Professionals
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If you are one of those businesses in this decision...
Increase Your Leads with Search Engine and Lead Optimization Strategies
Copyright 2005 Tim OKeefe
The most optimal way for an online Real Estate agent to succeed
is thru rapid lead generation and follow up. And in order to
escalate your leads, you must start off with an acceptance of
your current traffic and lead conversion ratio.
Ask yourself "How many visitors does it take to get to a lead?"
In fact, when we initially interview a potential client often
times the conversion is close to a dismal 200:1. Depending on
design features, you should really get at the most 50:1. And
probably 30:1 is more like it.
Conversion comes from on page conversion optimization & Keyword
On Page Factors
Most people have heard of Search Engine Optimization. Few talk
about on page conversion optimization.
First of all, this whole concept pre-supposes that you are
starting off with a most wanted action (MWA). Sometimes your MWA
is Branding, sometimes it is Leads. And many times it is both
lead capture and branding that you are asking your website to do.
If Leads are your goal then your call to action is critical.
Other features on your page can distract the viewer from your
On Page factors that may increase or decrease conversion are:
Asking them to sign up (making your call to action clear) A
Johnson Box (these are those tabled boxes that break up your
body copy) Color can attract or distract Too many buttons
Animation Offer Placement. Where are you placing your call to
action? Variety of Call to Action Frequency of your call to
action These are just a few of the attributes that may help your
lead count to go way up.
HappyVille Real Estate
There is a reason that studies have found that Pay per Click
search engine results often render poor conversion rates.
The reason is that you can only use high volume keywords with
pay per click (PPC). These high volume keywords are by their
nature generalized. They are also the most profitable for the
engine. But what may profit the engine does not always profit
you. (Thats not to say that PPC doesn't have its place in a
search marketing campaign)
9 times out 10, I am asked to "make my site #1 for "My City real
estate". While this is a worthy objective, it is at best
short sighted. Words like "City real estate", "city homes", city
condos", are all high volume in just about any city you research.
However, a successful marketing campaign must employ search
engine click thrus that are made up of general & specific
"streams of traffic". This is because traffic is a comprehensive
endeavor. You wouldn't just rent out 1 or 2 of your penthouse
units and leave the rest of your 150 unit apartment complex
empty? You couldn't expect profitability would you?
However, this is exactly what most agents do when they go after
a few high volume words.
Traffic is made up of the combined visits that come from various
inquiries into a search engine. Each inquiry represents a finite
amount of possible traffic determined by the placement in the
engine, for a particular keyword phrase.
So long story short, a few keywords aren't going to make your
business. You need a Universe of words in order to get monster
traffic and lead conversion.
Additionally, not all keywords or traffic are created equal.
Step out of real estate monetarily and imagine yourself as Jeff
Bezos at Amazon.com. What would delite you more?
500 visitors that typed in "Books"? Or 500 visitors that typed
in "Harry Potter"? Or better yet, "Harry Potter, Sorcerors
Stone"? The more specific you get, conversion goes up and the
closer you can get to that elusive 1:1 conversion.
The challenge however, is that the more specific you get with
our keywords, the less traffic you get. So you need to represent
a large amount of these specific keywords that produce low
traffic by themselves. But combined, create a large stream of
very convertable traffic.
By optimizing your on page factors and your keywords that drive
people to your site, you will take your visitor to conversion
ratio down to a respectable number.
About the author:
Tim O'Keefe is President of Spider Juice Technologies. His firm
specializes in Search Engine Traffic and Lead Optimization
strategies. Tim has always started a project with the fastest
path to profitability as his objective for his clients. You can
consult with Tim personally, at 310-533-9145. Or email at
Tim@spiderjuicetechnologies.com Tim O'Keefe
http://www.spiderjuicetechnologies.com 310-533-9145
Brand - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
The brand, and "branding" and brand equity have become increasingly important ... From the perspective of brand owners, branded products or services also ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Branding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Livestock branding, the marking of animals to indicate ownership; Human branding, ... Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Branding" ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
AllAboutBranding.com : Home |
Provides resources and opinions on branding. Includes brand development, management and communications. |
www.allaboutbranding.com |
brandchannel.com | branding resource produced by Interbrand | brands |
An international online exchange and resource about brand marketing and branding. |
www.brandchannel.com |
Branding Company Corporate Branding Internet Brand Identity ... |
Brand Identity Guru Inc. creates, develops and promotes powerful brands. Our clients enjoy an array of innovative, creative and powerful branding solutions ... |
www.brandidentityguru.com |
Branding Blog |
Branding and positioning news and opinion. |
www.brandingblog.com |
Branding Asia |
Free articles, news and columns on branding in Asia. Market research and Asian marketing. |
www.brandingasia.com |
Pages tagged with "branding" on del.icio.us |
All items tagged branding ??? view popular ... industrie./design and branding consultant specialists./ · save this. by kittim to design branding graphic ... |
del.icio.us |
The Brand Called You |
Big companies understand the importance of brands. Today, in the Age of the Individual, you have to be your own brand. Here's what it takes to be the CEO of ... |
www.fastcompany.com |
Branding: See what people are saying right now on Technorati |
See all blog posts tagged with branding on Technorati. |
www.technorati.com |
Mozilla Branding |
The purpose of this document is to describe mozilla.org's branding strategy during and after the release of what has generally been called Mozilla 1.4. ... |
www.mozilla.org |
What Brand Are You? A branding viral by The Design Conspiracy |
What Brand Are You? has since been picked out as Site Of The Day by the likes of the Financial Times, Yahoo, USA Today and BBC News, and has received more ... |
www.whatbrandareyou.com |
Julie & Company: Affordable branding, web design, graphic design ... |
Julie & Company creates stellar branding, integrated marketing, advertising, web design, web development, Flash, trade show booths - all at affordable ... |
www.julieandcompany.com |
Forty Media - Web Design, Web Development, Branding, Great Websites |
a professional web design agency based in Phoenix, Arizona. |
www.fortymedia.com |
Branding - Yahoo! Small Business |
Find information to help grow your online business with business plans, Thomas Register, news articles and more. |
smallbusiness.yahoo.com |
Lexicon |
Lexicon Branding appears on KTVU News; Lexicon Branding creates Ridgeline for Honda, Viiv for Intel, and GameTap for Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. ... |
www.lexicon-branding.com |
Branding and Usability |
We're finding that a site's usability can dramatically affect branding. ... There are two basic techniques for branding: direct experience and indirect ... |
www.uie.com |
iMedia Connection: Research & Metrics - Branding |
Majority of marketers feel branding opportunities -- online and offline -- aren't ... IAB case studies prove real-world power of online in branding mix. ... |
www.imediaconnection.com |
Small Business Marketing And Branding |
Small business marketing and branding advice and how-to guides for small business owners. Learn how to start and grow your own successful business. |
smallbusinessbranding.com |
Beyond Branding |
Beyond Branding, published in hardcover in 2003 and paperback in 2005, presents innovative business models for the survival of 21st century organizations. |
www.beyond-branding.com |