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Make your own brand!
There are millions and millions of websites on the Internet. You NEED to be different in some way from all of them! If you could get a visitor to your website, that means nothing. Only returning visitors must be counted. When they return the second time, "branding" starts to occur. Huge companies advertise not because they want to provide you with information about their product. They do that because they're trying to "brand" its name and image. Actually, it is the brand you are paying the money for when you buy something from "Adidas”, “Nike” or “Coca-cola”. People will actually be willing to pay for the brand they know, so make it as bright and memorable as possible. However, it is useful to remember that too complex logo will definitely slip out of peoples' minds.
Have you seen small companies with the better products then the leaders in their industry and with the lower prices? When you actually pay the money to a big company for some service or product, be sure that 30% or even more from the price of the product will be the "branding" expenses. But why would you waste 30% on company branding? The thing is that branded companies make people feel safer, especially when they purchase through internet. Think for yourself - when you would feel safer if you give your credit card number to an unknown company but with the attractive prices or to a company everyone knows and trusts, even if their price is a bit more expensive? The answer is simple, right? If you want to be a recognizable company, be ready to spend even more than 30% when you start your website.
"Branding" plays the same role in online business as in the regular one. If people see your banners, links, adds, etc. all over the related websites, they begin to recognize your company. First, they do that unconsciously, than after running into your website several times they will recognize your logo, website, etc.
Let's think how we can brand our website online.
1) Before you start branding I would recommend studying the methods your competitors used. That may be very useful as you may borrow some of their techniques.
2) Think of a good company name, logo, website
domain name and company slogan (e.g. company name: Metamorphosis Design, domain: http://www.metamorphozis.com)
3) Advertisement is the key to success in online branding. Links, text ads, graphic banners and any other means you can think of. Your logo, company name or business slogan should be everywhere on the business related websites.
4) Web design companies very often offer free redesign services and discounts on web design for the companies that provide a link back to their website on their pages. That is another way of branding.
5) Offer affiliate percentage from sales if they agree to place a banner or a link to your website. (You should have affiliate program up and running in this case)
There are many other ways to brand your company. Different companies use different methods and techniques. When you start your own business you will have to study them and select which one is better for your needs and your pocket. If you would be able to brand your company, it may bring you millions and millions of dollars.
This article may be reprinted and distributed with no charge until the credit line (links) below remains without changes.
Thanks for reading.
Article source: http://www.metamorphozis.com/tutorials/ make_your_own_brand.shtml
About the Author:
Oleg Lazarenko
Production Manager of
Metamorphosis Web Design Studio – Flash templates and Web Templates
About the Author
Oleg Lazarenko
Production Manager of
Metamorphosis Web Design Studio – Flash templates and Web Templates
Brand - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
The brand, and "branding" and brand equity have become increasingly important ... From the perspective of brand owners, branded products or services also ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Branding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Livestock branding, the marking of animals to indicate ownership; Human branding, ... Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Branding" ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
AllAboutBranding.com : Home |
Provides resources and opinions on branding. Includes brand development, management and communications. |
www.allaboutbranding.com |
brandchannel.com | branding resource produced by Interbrand | brands |
An international online exchange and resource about brand marketing and branding. |
www.brandchannel.com |
Branding Company Corporate Branding Internet Brand Identity ... |
Brand Identity Guru Inc. creates, develops and promotes powerful brands. Our clients enjoy an array of innovative, creative and powerful branding solutions ... |
www.brandidentityguru.com |
Branding Blog |
Branding and positioning news and opinion. |
www.brandingblog.com |
Branding Asia |
Free articles, news and columns on branding in Asia. Market research and Asian marketing. |
www.brandingasia.com |
Pages tagged with "branding" on del.icio.us |
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del.icio.us |
The Brand Called You |
Big companies understand the importance of brands. Today, in the Age of the Individual, you have to be your own brand. Here's what it takes to be the CEO of ... |
www.fastcompany.com |
Branding: See what people are saying right now on Technorati |
See all blog posts tagged with branding on Technorati. |
www.technorati.com |
Mozilla Branding |
The purpose of this document is to describe mozilla.org's branding strategy during and after the release of what has generally been called Mozilla 1.4. ... |
www.mozilla.org |
What Brand Are You? A branding viral by The Design Conspiracy |
What Brand Are You? has since been picked out as Site Of The Day by the likes of the Financial Times, Yahoo, USA Today and BBC News, and has received more ... |
www.whatbrandareyou.com |
Julie & Company: Affordable branding, web design, graphic design ... |
Julie & Company creates stellar branding, integrated marketing, advertising, web design, web development, Flash, trade show booths - all at affordable ... |
www.julieandcompany.com |
Forty Media - Web Design, Web Development, Branding, Great Websites |
a professional web design agency based in Phoenix, Arizona. |
www.fortymedia.com |
Branding - Yahoo! Small Business |
Find information to help grow your online business with business plans, Thomas Register, news articles and more. |
smallbusiness.yahoo.com |
Lexicon |
Lexicon Branding appears on KTVU News; Lexicon Branding creates Ridgeline for Honda, Viiv for Intel, and GameTap for Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. ... |
www.lexicon-branding.com |
Branding and Usability |
We're finding that a site's usability can dramatically affect branding. ... There are two basic techniques for branding: direct experience and indirect ... |
www.uie.com |
iMedia Connection: Research & Metrics - Branding |
Majority of marketers feel branding opportunities -- online and offline -- aren't ... IAB case studies prove real-world power of online in branding mix. ... |
www.imediaconnection.com |
Small Business Marketing And Branding |
Small business marketing and branding advice and how-to guides for small business owners. Learn how to start and grow your own successful business. |
smallbusinessbranding.com |
Beyond Branding |
Beyond Branding, published in hardcover in 2003 and paperback in 2005, presents innovative business models for the survival of 21st century organizations. |
www.beyond-branding.com |