Every Website will be Waynes World soon! - The Future of Broadband
“Technology is a way of organizing the universe so that man doesn't have to experience it.”
Imagine sitting at home with your remote control, flicking through the channels, BBC1, ITV, Sky, Discovery, Disney, The Internet. Stop, did you say the internet? When broadband hits the magic 20MB download speed as the norm, the internet will effectively become a TV station. Streaming at 25 Frames per second is the goal, and at 20MB ish, reality will be a rather interesting TV channel at that.
Imagine you or I being able to create Waynes World on a massive scale. Low budget programmes, filmed on a Sony-cam and pumped out in the millions. TV with no holds barred.
Float around the internet and see how much rubbish there is, well imagine the website of the future.
Click on the Internet channel, Google will at that point be the worlds largest media company, type into the search bar, Music, get the familiar top ten list of sites to visit. Where MTV? Number one position is Johns-music-show.com you click to take a look..
The front page has text across the top “Welcome to Johns Pad” and teenager John is sitting with a guitar on his lap with a silly smile on his face. “Hey Doods check out my site, for me and my band click on the cool button below”
You click only to find yourself face to face with a further 3 spotty teenagers in a garage all holding instruments.
You get the picture, it could be pretty interesting actually, and its not that far away. The internet has enabled everybody to become a media mogul and have their say, the reality is information overload, or a better way of putting it, information dilution. Once upon a time we all believed, to some extent what we read. It was researched edited and presented in a
professional manner. We learned from it, it moulded who we are, and the choices were limited by the stuffed shirt lobby who agree or disagree on what we are allowed to see. Now faced with the proposition of 50 million TV based websites, I find it all a little bit scary.
I of course will have my own site, as silly and poorly produced as the rest, perhaps you will visit it someday. The odd thing is you will see the advertising say in the corner, it will say click here for MTV. The big business, quality shows will have to fight with Johns music show, and the vast number of shows like johns will nick enough potential visitors from the big guys that they will have no choice but to advertise on johns show, spending their budget on unprofessional sites, quite funny really.
They say the media moguls hold all the power, well that power is disintegrating all be it very slowly, and guess who’s getting it………that’s right, you, I, and of course John.
So watch out for a 6,3, techno bod, called Mark Furber on a low quality TV show on the Internet channel soon, and make sure you click on one of my adverts, because my media skills are rubbish and I need to earn a living somehow!
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Mark Furber is a leading SEO and the owner of Broadband Uk Providers, . He is based in Northampton, England.
About The Author
Mark Furber, is an international Search Engine Optimiser working with many leading Blue chip companies. He is the author of The secrets of search engine optimisation, and operates as a super affiliate.