Ethics in Business... A Lost Art
While watching Face the Nation one Sunday earlier this year, Bob Schiffer discussed the airline industry, his mother and ethics in business. Like Bob, I think it is a sad commentary today, that we have to police businesses. Whatever happened to...
Management Coaching vs. Performance Appraisals
The question often comes up, “Isn’t management coaching a lot like the familiar performance appraisal process?” Our answer is that the two are dramatically different. The CMOE team originally became interested in the coaching process because of our...
Plan Your Day and Stick to Your Plan
Copyright 2005 Inez Ng
How many times have you remarked to someone that there are not enough hours in the day? The sad truth is, not matter how much you wish it, it is unlikely that you can get more than 24 hours in each day. So, the trick to...
The Truth About Money!
How much money do you want? How much is enough? How much money is too much? The Truth is --- You don't need money! Let's find out why? Money is really just a form of exchange. Here is an example. 10 people are in a room. Only one person has $1....
Top 3 Myths of Leadership Debunked
What happens people define “leadership” as something attached to a title, or a salary, or a corner office? Both managers and employees suffer the consequences! Explore what happens when leaders and staff buy in to the top 3 limiting “myths of...
Top 10 Ways to Turn Clients Into Raving Fans
Do you find great joy in being a coach? If so, you will find that your enthusiasm is contagious and will attract clients. Be sure to develop a superb and supportive community. Enlist them in building a practice and in supporting you as you go down the coaching road. Embrace change. It is your constant companion as you build your coaching business. 1. Be someone that they really enjoy as a person and as a vendor. 2. Call your Client each quarter to ask if they’re having any problems or challenges with their organization. 3. Continually improve your product or service. 4. Keep your client informed about future changes and upgrades about the product/service they bought. 5. Keep your client informed about what the media and other clients are saying about your service/product. 6. Educate your client on making the most of your product/service. 7. Do the unexpected, again and again. 8. Create a “special client-only” club or group that gets extra things e.g. autographed books, audio tapes, and special invitations - anything worthwhile. 9. Be 6-24 months ahead of the competition - and stay there.
10. Use high tech, low tech, no tech to keep your name in front of your clients. After all, they are the ones who will bring you the business. -- Publishing Guidelines: You are welcome to publish this article in its entirety, electronically, or in print fre*e of charge, as long as you include my full signature file for ezines, and my Web site address (http://www.schrift.com) in hyperlink for other sites. Please send a courtesy link or email where you publish to sandra@schrift.com. Thank you.
Sandra Schrift 13 year speaker bureau owner and now career coach to emerging and veteran public speakers who want to "grow" a profitable speaking business. I also work with business professionals and organizations who want to master their presentations. To find out HOW TO MAKE IT AS A PROFESSIONAL SPEAKER, go to http://www.schrift.com/success_resources.htm Join my free bi-weekly Monday Morning Mindfulness ezine http://www.schrift.com/monday.htm
Coaching.com – business & executive coaching for leadership ... |
Business coaching solutions with executive coaching, personal coaching, professional coaching and corporate coaching to enhance leadership skills ... |
www.coaching.com |
Welcome to Coach U |
Training world class personal and life coaches. Offering synchronous and asynchronous training. |
www.coachinc.com |
International Coach Federation |
The International Coach Federation is the globally recognized association of professional personal and business coaches. ICF offers the only independent ... |
www.coachfederation.org |
Coaching - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
This article refers to the act of coaching people. For sports coaching, see coach ... Current practices in performance coaching in non-sporting environments ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Sports Coach provides information on coaching, exercise physiology ... |
Brian Mackenzie, the UK's highly experienced senior athletics coach provides fitness and training advice for athletes. |
www.brianmac.demon.co.uk |
The role of the coach is one which enables the athlete to achieve ... |
Roles and responsibilities of a Coach. ... In a coaching role you will initially need to develop the skills of: providing instruction and explanation, ... |
www.brianmac.demon.co.uk |
The Coaching & Mentoring Network |
The leading, independent vortal site, keeping you informed of the latest developments in coaching and mentoring. Connecting you to the people, products and ... |
www.coachingnetwork.org.uk |
Welcome to sports coach UK |
sports coach UK is a charitable organisation dedicated to the development and implementation of coaches and coaching throughout the UK. ... |
www.sportscoachuk.org |
Positive Coaching Alliance |
Information on awards, location, partnership programs, description of the organization, upcoming events, news items and membership details. |
www.positivecoach.org |
Career Coaching from Mind Tools - Find Focus, Fulfillment and ... |
Career coaching from Mind Tools - Maximize success in your chosen career: Find focus, self-confidence, fulfillment and career direction with a Mind Tools ... |
coaching.mindtools.com |
Coaching Drills, Information and Products For Youth Sports |
Youth coaching drills for baseball, basketball, football, soccer, softball, volleyball, and track and field. Also makes team decals, posts team photos, ... |
www.y-coach.com |
Mind Tools - Self-Study Management Training, Career Training ... |
You can join biweekly coaching and training sessions wherever you are in the world. ... The GROW Model - Coaching team members to improve performance. ... |
www.mindtools.com |
The best award-winning site about sports science that can be applied to the coaching of serious and elite athletes. |
coachsci.sdsu.edu |
Coaching UK : Coaching UK and Coaching Related Links |
Coaching UK : Coaching UK and Coaching Related Links. |
www.coaching-uk.org.uk |
Association for Coaching |
Welcome to the Association for Coaching — one of the lead professional bodies for Coaches and Organisations involved in the areas of: ... |
www.associationforcoaching.com |
The Coaching Corner - The Youth Team Sports Resource |
The Coaching Corner, the youth team sports resource for coaches, players & parents. We provide instruction, editorials, coaching tips, bulletin boards and ... |
www.thecoachingcorner.com |
Executive and business coaching network - UK based international ... |
executive and business coaching - UK based network of international coaches specialising in executive and business coaching, team building and unlocking ... |
www.execcoach.net |
SOCCER-COACH-L Soccer Coaching Manual |
A manual for the novice and more advanced youth soccer coach. |
www.ucs.mun.ca |
My Life Coach - Life Coaching, Become a Life Coach, Career Coaches ... |
We have the life coaching, personality and career testing tools, knowledge and expertise to help you discover the right direction. |
www.mylifecoach.com |
Basketball Coaching Playbook, Coach's Clipboard... Coaching Youth ... |
Coach James Gels offers player development tips and coaching strategies on offense and defense. |
www.coachesclipboard.net |