What is the Big Deal With Coffee Makers?
When you go to the market you're not thinking about your coffee makers when you buy your favorite coffee beans. But did you know that the type of perculator that awaits you at home makes a huge difference in how the bean will taste once it hits your cup? It's true!
That's why it's important to know the difference between the various percolators before you select that favorite bean of your's for your coffee in the weeks to come.
The percolator is still found in many kitchens, but is mostly a relic of days gone by. To brew a cup of coffee, grounds now are placed in the basket at the top of the pot. Water is boiled from underneath the grounds and the coffee seeps into the water until it's fully brewed.
The result is coffees that are full-bodied and steaming hot. However, the percolator doesn't do justice to most coffees and instead has something of a foul taste according to the tongues of many coffee experts.
The most common type of coffee makers today are the drip coffee makers. These are available relatively inexpensively at almost any store that stocks household supplies and even most large grocery stores and supermarkets.
The majority of American homes have a drip coffee maker. The drip coffee maker produces clear, light-bodied coffees that lack the natural oils and sediment and/or grounds that can come with other varieties. But these machines don't produce coffees that are as hot as they can be, which is a turn-off for some people.
The French Press is the choice in coffee makers for most Europeans. Boiling hot water is poured directly over the coffee grounds, and then a plunger is inserted through the center of the pot to press the grounds down and allow their flavor to brew into the water.
The resulting coffees are rich, full-bodied, and extremely aromatic. However, they can also be a bit muddied and cloudy because of coffee grounds and powder that can sometimes slip into the cup of coffee. And it's impossible to
keep the coffee hot, so it must be served immediately or poured into another container built for heating.
Espresso coffee makers are gaining in popularity as coffees like espresso, cappuccinos, and lattes become more commonplace. These machines brew the coffee extremely quickly, producing a flavor that is extremely unique.
Boiling water and steam are forced through tightly-packed grounds, resulting in coffees that are free of bitterness and full of flavor. Some of these machines don't even require the beans to be ground ahead of time, resulting in an even fresher taste.
Perhaps the most unusual and eye-catching are the balancing siphon coffee makers. An alcohol burner heats water that's in a metal pot, which boils and travels through a pipe to a glass jar where it flows over the coffee grounds.
Once all the water has boiled out of the metal pot and into the glass jar, the balanced lever puts out the alcohol burner. As the metal pot cools, a vacuum is created which suctions the brewed coffee back through the pipe and into the metal pot for serving. This setup produces coffees that are as close to perfection as possible according to most coffee experts.
When it comes right down to it, the type of coffee maker that's best for you depends on the type of coffees you prefer. For instance, if you value a clear cup of coffee over flavor, than you would use a drip coffee maker.
If you prefer the flavor and aroma of a rich cup of coffee, the French Press may be right for you. And if you want a conversation piece for after your next dinner party, the balancing siphon coffee maker needs to grace your granite countertop.
© Copyright Randy Wilson, All Rights Reserved. About the Author
Randy has more articles on coffee and coffee beans at Ultimate Coffees Info such as Are Coffee Enemas the Real Thing?.