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Choosing Keywords That Bring the Best Results
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How To Get Immediate Response to Your Sales Pitch
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Attention Deficit Sales Letter Disorder
For any marketer, attention is a precious commodity. With
consumers bombarded with thousands of advertising messages each
day the question of how to make your message stand out of the
crowd becomes even more critical.
Any successful sales letter must accomplish two things:
1. It must sell the prospect on reading the sales message all
the way through
2. It must lead the prospect to the most desired action, whether
it's to make a purchase or subscribe to your newsletter.
If the copywriter fails at Step 1, then Step 2 becomes an
impossibility. In other words, it's unfeasible to make a sale if
the sales message is not read. Many copywriters overlook Step 1
and therefore even though they have a great offer and close, the
message is not "attractive" to read. The bottom line is that the
sales letter suffers from Attention Deficit Sales Letter
Disorder - ADSLD!
Direct marketers know that half the battle is won if they can
just get their letters opened. Much thought and testing go into
determining the size, design, color, message and layout of the
mailing envelope. These marketers know that if that envelop is
not opened, then the letter is not read and the sale is not
made. Simple.
For the online marketer, there are no envelopes to be opened
even though some webmasters create a Flash introductory page
that can act like an envelope. When a prospect comes to a
website the message is there to be read. But how can this
prospect be enticed into reading the sales letter all the way
Here are a number of ways that I remedy ADSLD for my copywriting
1. Several tests have shown that a RED headline gets attention
over any other font color choice. Red is often associated with
danger but it also says, "This is important, read me!"
2. Remove anything from the page that doesn't support the sales
message or distracts from the sales message. This includes most
animated graphics and bright colors for the page background that
competes with the foreground text. Nothing beats just plain
black font against a white background. If you can keep the
number of colors used to three or less, this will also help
3. Keep the text table width under 700 px. If the text is set
too wide then it becomes tedious to read from one line to the
next because too much head and eye movement is involved.
4. The headline must engage the reader to read the rest of the
message immediately. Headlines that work best are those that
promise a BIG benefit for READING the letter, induce some
curiosity and written in large bold type. It should also have
some 'newsy' element to it as well.
5. The format and layout of the sales letter should be inviting
to read. 12 pt. Arial font works well online, paragraphs kept
under five lines and appropriate highlighting, bolding and
subheads all make the letter appear easy to read.
6. The
lead in, or the hook for the sales letter must arrest the
attention of the reader and seduce them into wanting to read the
entire letter. This can be best done by making a bold promise
for reading the letter itself. Great hooks include stories,
factual statements of a surprising kind and a strong testimonial
from a user of the product. Whatever method is used the lead in
has to break into the conversation that is already taking place
in the readers head. Using popular news items you know that will
be familiar to your target audience is another effective
7. There should be prompts all along the letter that encourages
the reader to keep reading. This could be as simple as writing:
"Keep reading ..." One of the best strategies is to begin a
thought process and break it with another subject and return to
complete the thought later. This can be done simply by writing,
for example, "I'll tell you how I lost 38 lbs in just 3 weeks,
but before I do so let me tell you ... [other parenthetical idea
or story goes here]" You've planted an initial idea that
requires resolution and the reader must continue reading to gain
8. Be UNIQUE. If all of the sales letters in your industry looks
and reads the same then why should a prospect read yours? You
should try to go for a unique look and feel for your website.
This may mean using a mascot, a humorous twist in your message
or what can be more unique that your picture or story? The fact
is that you want to stand out from the crowd and don't be afraid
to push the envelope sometimes. One of the cardinal sins of
copywriting is to be boring.
9. Focus your message on the reader not on your company or
product. This is a major downfall of big corporation who think
that everyone should just know how great their companies are.
But your prospect is basically motivated by selfish desires. The
questions you must be answering all through the sales letter is
"What's in it for your reader?"
Often there is a debate about just how long a sales letter
should be. Keep in mind that any person will read a 1,000 page
book if it's all about them. About your company? ... that's
another story altogether.
With thousands of marketers coming online you'll need to fight
more and more for the ATTENTION of your prospects. I've been
able to use these same tips I'm sharing with you to win
attention and increased profits for my copywriting clients. You
can do the same for your marketing message as well.
About the author:
Ray L. Edwards is a master copywriter, published author and
Internet Marketing Consultant. His copywriting clients have
claimed up to 1,600% increase in their comversion rates just
from using his services. He is an expert in writing sales copy
for the web. He has studied extensively the relationship between
website structure and design as a factor in internet sales
success. You may get more tips at:
Copywriting . Net |
Copywriting . Net. The Internet's copywriting service center for Web and print marketing communications. |
www.copywriting.net |
Copywriting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
As search-engine algorithms get smarter every day, this Search engine optimization (SEO) copywriting is more and more about writing for human visitors as ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Copywriting - SEO Copywriting - Learn copywriting |
Copywriting .com has just changed hands and will open its doors again in a few weeks. If you'd like to be notified when we launch, please send an email to: ... |
www.copywriting.com |
Copywriting 101 | Copyblogger |
Copywriting 101 Tutorial Copywriting is one of the most essential ... Subscribe to Copyblogger to learn more about copywriting and online marketing. ... |
www.copyblogger.com |
The Copywriting Site - Free information, tips, and tricks on ... |
The Copywriting Site: Here you get free information tips and tricks on copywriting that sells. - Marketing Writing. |
noriainternational.com |
Copywriting courses. Become a copywriter. |
Copywriting courses for copywriters; plus tips on buying copy and hiring a copywriter. |
www.inst.org |
Advertising & Online Copywriting, Search Engine Copywriting ... |
Advertising copywriting and search engine copywriting that impresses your visitors and the engines. |
www.marketingwords.com |
Free tutorials on copywriting, web content, advertising, internet ... |
How to dramatically improve response from your Advertising, Internet marketing, Direct Mail and Web pages with powerful copywriting. |
www.adcopywriting.com |
Copywriting: See what people are saying right now on Technorati |
See all blog posts tagged with copywriting on Technorati. |
www.technorati.com |
Advertising Copywriter, Website Copywriter, SEO Copywriter ... |
Need a copywriter who can really grasp your business? Copywriting for websites, SEO, ads, brochures, articles... Elegant, no-fuss copywriting that really ... |
www.divinewrite.com |
Copywriting |
Every advertising medium is different. And so is copywriting for each element. Business owners can find out what to look for when hiring a copywriter. |
advertising.about.com |
Copywriting Secrets - Master Copywriter - Killer Copy Writing |
FREE E-Course Reveals The Latest Kick-Ass Copywriting Secrets You've Gotta Know! ... "Now You Can Grab The Latest No-BS Advanced Copywriting Secrets That ... |
www.websiteconversionexpert.com |
Text Wizard® Copywriting - UK freelance copywriter, scriptwriter ... |
Plain English with fizz: copywriting that stays on brand and on your mind. UK copywriter. |
www.textwizard.com |
Getting Real: Copywriting is interface design - Signal vs. Noise ... |
Copywriting isn’t something to be left to the guy on your team who writes long ... So, I’m considering adding copywriting to my list of responsibilities, ... |
www.37signals.com |
Amazon.com: Persuasive Online Copywriting: How to Take Your Words ... |
Amazon.com: Persuasive Online Copywriting: How to Take Your Words to the Bank: Books: Bryan Eisenberg,Jeffrey Eisenberg,Lisa T. Davis by Bryan Eisenberg ... |
www.amazon.com |
Michele PW |
Watch your business soar when you put the power of great copywriting, results-driven marketing solutions and amazing creativity to work for your business. |
www.writingusa.com |
Pages tagged with "copywriting" on del.icio.us |
Good Copywriting: A blog about copywriting on the web ... Copywriting tips for online marketing success from Copyblogger · save this. copywriting blog ... |
del.icio.us |
Online Copywriting: Subscribe to the Excess Voice Newsletter |
Online Copywriting: Nick Usborne's Excess Voice newsletter includes dozens of articles and a comprehensive list of resources and reviews for writers of ... |
www.excessvoice.com |
Linda Westphal, Freelance Advertising Copywriter |
Experienced copywriter for direct marketing articles, and advertising tips. Citrus Heights, California. |
www.lindawestphal.com |
Copywriting: Projects on Elance |
Copywriting, Between $250 and $500, 7, 11/29/2006 1:45 AM ... Copywriting, Prefer not to disclose, 0, 12/1/2006 2:41 PM, 6 d, 22 h+, Authentication Status ... |
www.elance.com |