3 Keys to Better Online Copywriting
© 2005 by Bruce Carlson
Doing the copywriting for your own website without the proper
knowledge and tools is pretty much like flying blind in a
snowstorm without piloting experience or instruments.
It doesn't work too well.
Finally, An Exciting Way To Generate Qualified Leads...And... Get Your Prospects All Fired-Up About You
I'm going to reveal a lead-generation selling formula, you can make a fistul of dollars with. It's a lot of fun to use, but it's often over-looked. Want to know what it is? O.K., I'll tell you. It's... Sweepstakes! And here's how you can...
How to snag that freelance writing job
So, you want to be a freelance writer. You've scoured the
Internet for the best paying writing jobs, and now you're ready
to apply for some of them. There's just one problem: so are a
few hundred other freelance writers, many of whom have a...
Lower Cost & Increase Conversion of Your AdWords Ads
by Karon Thackston © 2005 http://www.copywritingcourse.com
Comparison shoppers are the mortal enemy of pay-per-click (PPC)
advertisers. When you're paying each time someone clicks your
AdWords (or other PPC) ad, the last thing you want is a...
What SEO Copywriting Is... and Isn't
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I've been frustrated lately. It seems people just don't get it.
There's lots of talk about SEO copywriting these days, but
hardly any of it is on target. The majority of the
conversations, posts and...
The Story of the Hypnotic Writing Monkey
The world's first Hypnotic Writer Author of "Hypnotic Writing" and "Advanced Hypnotic Writing"
A monkey could use "The Hypnotic Writer's Swipe File," a brand new e-book by Larry Dotson and myself, to write a riveting sales letter, ad, or e-mail message. The only condition is the monkey needs to be able to read.
I'll prove it to you.
Right now I have no idea how to write this article. So, in this case, I'm the monkey.
Now follow my path....
I grab this new e-book and flip through it---which is what I'm doing right now---and I spot a phrase...
"You don't realize it, but in the next few minutes you're going to learn..."
I add to that phrase something my monkey mind gives me, "...how to get people to do your bidding by using this amazing collection of hypnotic materials."
I now have this: "You don't realize it, but in the next few minutes you're going to learn how to get people to do your bidding by using this amazing collection of hypnotic materials."
There, I just wrote a good line. Any monkey could do it, as long as said monkey can type.
If you're like me, you'll probably want another example. Stop! Did you notice that "If you're like me..." is a hypnotic line? It is. It's in this book. My monkey mind found it and used it.
And "Stop!" is from this book, too. I saw it and tossed it into the above paragraph. Made you look, didn't it? Here's a fact for you: Any man, woman, child or monkey can flip through the pages of this new ebook and find words, phrases, and complete sentences to help them lead and control the minds of their readers.
Hey! Did you catch what I did? The phrase "Here's a fact for you..." is also from this collection. It's a way to assume logic without having any. It works. And did you notice that "Hey!" grabbed your mind? It, too, is from this collection. It's a powerful yet simple tool for practically yelling out your reader's name in a crowded room. It GRABS attention.
Are you beginning to see how you can use this material? Think about making use of this collection of hypnotic material and you'll begin to feel real power.
And did you notice that "Think about making use of..." is yet another golden nugget from this incredible ebook? Yes, a monkey with typing and reading skills just might be able to write a good letter with this amazing collection of tried and true hypnotic words and phrases. But more importantly, since YOU are smarter than any monkey, by the time you finish reading this material you will be able to take these words and phrases and weave them into hypnotic letters and ads that get people to act on
your commands and suggestions.
Stop! Note "by the time you finish reading..." is ALSO from this priceless new bag of tricks!
Can you see why I'm so excited?
As you get and then study every word of this book you will become amazed at how easy it will be for you to start writing your own hypnotic material.
(I can't resist. "As you study every word of this book you will become..." is also swiped from this collection. This is becoming way too easy.)
But let me confess something: (Yes. "Let me confess..." is a hypnotic phrase.)
When Larry Dotson, the primary author of this new ebook, wrote to me and said he compiled this material, I was angry. ("I was angry..." is from this collection, too.)
*I* wanted to be the author of these gems. I even offered to help add more gems to the package if Larry would let me be co-author. He agreed, but I could barely think of anything to add! Larry already did most of the work---and did it very well! The further you read into his collection, the more you will realize why professional copywriters always have "swipe files." They use them for inspiration. In this case, Larry has done ALL the leg work for you.
("The further you read into this..." is from his swipe file.)
Remember when you were in high school, and you cheated to get a passing grade? Admit it. You did, at least once. Well, this collection is your cheat-cheat.
("Remember when you were in high school..." is swiped from this book, too. Do you see how easy it is to write with this collection at hand? It's so easy I feel silly accepting money for writing material like this for clients. But not THAT silly.)
Have you noticed yet that I began with no idea of how to write this article and now, with the help of Larry's collection, have written a very interesting and maybe even hypnotic piece?
("Have you noticed yet that..." is from this fantastic swipe file, too.)
So here you are. You're holding dynamite. Do you light it and throw it in a field to watch the dirt blow up, or do you light it and throw it where you know lay hidden gold?
FACT: The choice is yours.
See a hypnotic sales letter for the "Hypnotic Writer's Swipe File" ebook at: http://www.HypnoticWritingSwipeFile.com
("FACT" is swiped, too.)
Go forth and profit.
About the Author
Joe Vitale is recognized by many to be one of the greatest living copywriters. His latest project, the Hypnotic Writer's Swipe File is a collection of over 1,550 copywriting gems that took him years to compile. Click here to learn more. http://www.roibot.com/tk_hwsf.cgi?hwsfartnl
Copywriting . Net |
Copywriting . Net. The Internet's copywriting service center for Web and print marketing communications. |
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Copywriting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
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www.lindawestphal.com |
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