10 Successful Strategies For Profitable Sales Letters
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3 Steps To Better Sales Copywriting
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Business Writing: When Not To Be Professional
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Copywriting Makeover: Know Where Your Customers Are In The Buying Process Part 2 of 2
by Karon Thackston © 2004 http://www.copywritingcourse.com In part one of this article series, I introduced a client of mine (AEwebworks) who suffered from some copywriting traumas. The basic diagnosis was a lack of synergy within the copy,...
Top Ten Great Headline Ideas
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Winning The Customer Through Weakness
There is a saying in my country that goes something like this: "A fisherman never says that his fish is bad!" But should he if he wants to make more sales?
"Hype" has become a word that many online marketers are shying away from. Yet each person has his or her own definition of what constitutes hype. I just typed in the word "hype" at Answers.com and here are two definitions that the dictionary returned:
1. Exaggerated or extravagant claims made especially in advertising or promotional material: "It is pure hype, a gigantic PR job" 2. Something deliberately misleading; a deception: " [He] says that there isn't any energy crisis at all, that it's all a hype, to maintain outrageous profits for the oil companies"
Even from those two definitions we see that one indicates exaggeration which makes up the figure of speech called a hyperbole and the other suggests deliberate deception.
I think that most marketers will want to shy away from deceiving their prospects. From that perspective 'hype' will not just be wrong but unethical.
But what most people see as 'hype' normally involves a high-pressure direct selling sales letter that uses many superlatives and promises much more than the product or service can deliver. For example, to make the purchaser rich overnight with little effort on their part and instant success and gratification.
This style of writing has become so popular on the internet that most people have become immune to such letters. The kind of sales copy that now stands out is the one that is more down-to-earth and shows a human side. By 'human side' I mean openly admitting to the downside or faults of your wares.
This of course is a counterintuitive approach. Who wants to admit that they are selling 'faulty' products? In fact, the real purpose of a sales letter is to get a sale not to drive people away. So, if logic and common sense hold true, you should show all the great benefits that your product or service offers. And be silent about the weaknesses.
But a big issue especially on the internet is a matter of credibility. And when you are willing to say that your product or service is not the perfect solution then your credibility just shoots through the roof! You become believable and transparent and it shows that you have nothing to hide.
In other words, it's when you are weak that you are strong. Those words are taken from the Bible story about Paul who prayed to God to take away his "thorn in the flesh" . His request wasn't granted but instead he was told that he is stronger when he is weaker. You see Paul was such a " perfect" Christian that he needed something to remind him that he was still human.
There is
something interesting I realize about the American public. They are willing to forgive you of the most serous blunders whether public or private … if you admit to them. But if you are found out while trying to hide these 'imperfections' then the public and media will rip you apart.
The same will happen in your marketing as well. If you admit to the weaknesses of your products then you WILL make more sales. Let us look at some ways in which you can do this:
A. This one is obvious but you should still say that your product is not for everyone and then define your market. This works to build exclusivity for your product and at the same time show that you are not trying to sell to the entire world.
B. Admit that there may be better products than yours but they are more expensive. You can then show that yours will be a bargain for the price.
C. Instead of pretending to be a "guru", state that you are just starting out and that's why you are so reasonable in your fees. (If this is the case.)
D. Be honest about the 'average results' that your product brings to your customer. It's customary to show your best results in the testimonials you use with that disclaimer tucked in fine print at the end: 'these results are not typical'. Since the law requires this why not just be upfront about it.
E. Always under-promise and over-deliver! This will be appreciated by your prospects every time.
There is a period just after placing an order when your customers go through a moment of regret and psychological dissonance. "Was I foolish to make this purchase? Did I pay a fair price? I wonder if this will really work?" (That's why you should always follow up a sale with a note of thanks for the purchase. This will help to reassure the new customer during this critical period.)
But if you promise more than you could deliver then this period of regret will lead into a request for a refund or even worse-a lost customer for life. On the other hand, if you deliver more than you promised then the customers feel smart about their decision and for 'discovering' you. You'll have a customer for life!
So even if your "fish" is perfect maybe you should sell your customers on them being just 'great' and allow the customers to discover that your fish is really perfect.
You'll catch more customers in the process … and maybe more fish too!
About the Author
Ray Edwards is a master copywriter, published author and Internet Marketing Consultant. He can bring any dead website to life again by writing engaging hard-working copy for you. You may find more hard-hitting articles and more about his copywriting services by visiting his website at http://www.webcopy-writing.com
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