Be Creative to Get Money
Creativity alone can make you money and no matter what anyone tells you or what you think, anyone can be creative. Creativity is like a skill that needs to be developed. The more you work at being creative the better you will get. You have to allow...
Conflict Resolution - Not As Simple As A, B or C
Wouldn't it be nice if you could just take a simple test to resolve your conflicts and have proper conflict resolution? A multiple choice test would be the best:
1. The person you are in conflict with is...?
a. Controlling
b. Indecisive
The Art of Bartering for Web Services
Do you need a specialized task performed for your Web site? Such as a new custom logo? Or a specialized script? Or a new database? Before you reach for your checkbook to pay a commercial company to do the work, consider bartering for the project....
The Ten Pillars of Leadership and Business Development
Leadership is any influence relationship that brings about change…this can be a teacher/student relationship, a parent/child relationship, a politician/citizen relationship, a business owner/employee relationship, a community leader/volunteer...
Wedding Loans- Specialized loans for Special Weddings
"Marriage is an athenic weaving together of families, of two
souls with their individual fates and destinies, of time and
eternity--everyday life married to the timeless mysteries of the
This is how Thomas Moore describes the word...
What to do? There is someone at work you really have difficulty liking. It may be mild or it may be on your mind long before you get to the office in the morning. This can have a devastating effect on your day, not to mention on your career. Recently it was reported that, aside from promotion and better salary, most people leave their positions because of expressed or unexpressed conflict at work. So, you're in good company!
That information is stunning because it demonstrates the need for pro-active communication and conflict management training in the workplace. Equip yourself with these skills. They will be endlessly useful in all areas of your life. When I work on these skills with corporate groups, you can feel the relief in the air. Folks feel a greater sense of self-confidence when they have the skills to confront difficulties. Makes sense, doesn't it? If your workplace is suffering, work with your employer to have the issue recognized and addressed. Just one or two days of training can make an enormous difference.
Think of the lack of productivity that the stress of conflict creates. Who can attend to their work when they are concerned about possible confrontations, accusations or 'cold shoulders'? People have feelings. Feelings are powerful. Fear is one of the most powerful, and that's what's showing up when you work in a tension-filled environment. There is enough tension in the creativity and the deadlines that normal, productive work creates. Who needs tension caused by fear, poor communication and small minds?
The first and most important thing to do is to exam your own behavior. How are you treating that person you perceive as difficult? Is there anything in your posture, facial expression or tone of voice that prevents friendly interaction? Often, when you have already decided that you don't like someone, or that they don't like you, that attitude is conveyed in your non-verbal communication. Work on yourself first.
Invite the other person out to lunch or coffee. This is a discovery time. Learn more about them. Are they having difficulties in their life outside the workplace? What interests them? What might you have in common that could move your relationship in a better direction?
Spend this time learning.
OK, you have nothing in common. They were miserable and close-mouthed. Nothing good came from it. Good. You now know that you made the effort and can rest comfortably with that. Next step, ask them for a meeting in the office. This takes courage, but, how much courage is it currently taking just to show up every day? However, this is not a 'let-me-fix-you' type of meeting. Prepare for the meeting by creating a list of open-ended questions that will hopefully create discussion between you such as "How can we improve the relationship between us?" "What can we do to work together more collaboratively?" Signify your willingness to create a workable relationship.
What is the other person is not even mildly interested in conversing about change? That is when you have a decision to make. Live with it, or take it to the next level. The next level involves bringing a third person into the conversation, a person who is willing to manage the situation because it is in the best interest of the workplace. A mediator may be offered. There may be other people on your team who are experiencing the same difficulties with the same person. This makes change more imperative for your superior. Point out the benefits of managing this issue to the company.
No matter how it seems, no one really likes conflict. Some people create it because it makes them feel they have a modicum of control. Others create it as a cover for how little they are doing. Others have their own reasons and needs for keeping things in an uproar. You, though, are always at choice. You can always do something to remove the tension even if it means making a career shift. Sometimes, it's worth it, but only after you have done everything in your power to improve things. Confrontation is not a four-letter word!
Rhoberta Shaler, PhD Keynotes, Seminars & Coaching for entrepreneurs & professionals who want the motivation & strategies to achieve, to lead and to live richly. Creator of the Living Richly™ Program Host of Living Richly™ on www.wsRadio.ws. Author of OPTIMIZE Your Day! Practical Wisdom for Optimal Living Optimize Life Now! San Diego, CA www.OptimizeLifeNow.com
Creativity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Creativity (or creativeness) is a mental process involving the generation of ... Wallas considered creativity to be a legacy of the evolutionary process, ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Creativity For Life |
An exploration of creativity in everyday life, with articles, quotes, reviews and other creative resources to awaken creativity in daily life. |
www.creativityforlife.com |
AdCritic.com: Commercial Ads |
FROM CREATIVITY: Emerging Directors, Unite In the time it took to write this, three new directors popped up. Here are twenty to get acquainted with. ... |
www.adcritic.com |
National Curriculum in Action - Creativity - |
Ordering Creativity packs: print and video materials. This website gives practical ideas on how to promote pupils' creative thinking and behaviour. ... |
www.ncaction.org.uk |
Ten Steps for Boosting Your Creativity |
Experiments performed by the JPB Creative Laboratory show that watching TV causes your ... a weekly report on creativity, ideas, innovation and invention ... |
www.jpb.com |
Category:Creativity Techniques - Mycoted |
This is a general category of Creativity and Innovation Techniques, ... I like to think of these creativity techniques as tools in a toolbox in much the ... |
www.mycoted.com |
Creativity at Work: The interplay of business, art and science |
A resource for training and development in creativity and innovation in organizations. Has a newsletter, and some articles and essays by 'Corporate ... |
www.creativityatwork.com |
Crayola Creativity Central |
Crayola Creativity Central offers kids arts and crafts ideas for rainy day fun. We also have coloring books and pages, art and craft projects, games, ... |
www.crayola.com |
Pages tagged with "creativity" on del.icio.us |
All items tagged creativity ??? view popular ... Perspective for Creative Leaders · save this. by aromay to creativity business management ... 1 hour ago ... |
del.icio.us |
Creativity Web - Resources for Creativity and Innovation |
Creativity Web Home Page Resources for Creativity and Innovation ... The Creative Process · Multiple Intelligences · Idea Recording · Your Creative Space ... |
members.optusnet.com.au |
gapingvoid: "cartoons drawn on the back of business cards": how to ... |
So you want to be more creative, in art, in business, whatever. ... Companies that squelch creativity can no longer compete with companies that champion ... |
www.gapingvoid.com |
Creativity Quotes | Creativity Quotations | Creativity Sayings ... |
Quotes on Creativity - part of a larger collection of Wisdom Quotes to challenge and inspire. Find Creativity quotations and links to quotes on other ... |
www.wisdomquotes.com |
Ideas by Creativity Pool |
A free database with new ideas and possible inventions. Add your own, or bring an existing idea to life. |
www.creativitypool.com |
Creative problem solving depends on using the right tools, tricks, ... Search for the latest books on Creativity (or anything else) in the Quantum Books ... |
www.quantumbooks.com |
Creativity Tools, Creative Solutions & Creative Problem Solving ... |
This page explains a wide range of techniques which can help you generate creative solutions to your problems. |
www.mindtools.com |
The 6 Myths Of Creativity |
A new study will change how you generate ideas and decide who's really creative in your company. |
www.fastcompany.com |
CreativeClass.org |
Richard Florida's "The Rise of the Creative Class" examines creativity and its effects on economic development. |
www.creativeclass.org |
TIP: Concepts |
The relationship between creativity and intelligence has been always been a central concern of psychology ( Guilford , 1950). Much effort has been devoted ... |
tip.psychology.org |
American Creativity Association (ACA) |
An incorporated non-profit organization promoting personal and professional creativity. Association membership is represented by four multidisciplinary ... |
www.amcreativityassoc.org |
CREAX - Portal for creativity and innovation |
A resource for links on creativity and innovation on the web. A selection of 690 links is divided into 67 categories for the visitors convenience. |
www.creax.net |