UnSticking The Stuck Money Band
The Innovation of Money is upon us and it is changing the dynamics of money and how it flows to Corporate America, International Business & Individual Lives.
As this is changing it also is changing the perceived power that mainstream around the world thinks is held over them, when it is not. As Mainstream culture understands how to create more money from a new place, then we won't as an international culture be at the mercy of those who we think hold all the money.
There is this huge "stuck money band" around the world that holds many hostage, when it is not at all necessary nor the nature of how things work.
As this money band continues to melt like warm chocolate, we will no longer have situations like Enron creep among us and surprise those who had entrusted their money in the hands of others and now feel lost and desolate in regard to money and their future.
And why? What is changing?
There is a "sweet energy" of money that we have not been using. We have been taught, by religion, society, culture, education, that "money is hard to come by", and that only the rich and wealthy have access to huge and easy money.
As we are conditioned that way as a culture around the world, then our creativity is stifled both in business, industry and within our individual lives.
We have had as a culture around the world, a love/hate relationship with money. We need it to pay our bills, but we don't like paying our bills, because that's where our money goes, and we have to keep working at jobs that we do not enjoy, so that we can get the money to pay bills we do not want to pay.
This not only stifles our creative gifts, the ones each of us came to express, but it keeps money stuck around the world. This money band is huge, and it is perceived as huge. Therefore it keeps us stuck as a humanity.
Many of us are teaching ourselves how to dismantle the power of this money band around the world. As we do this, more and more Millionaires will be created in ease. As we do this, more and more people will "know and experience" that they are no longer at the mercy of invested money. People will know around the world that they can create money as easily as they can bake cookies and pick up toilet paper, mayonnaise and peanut butter from the grocery store as well as jumbo paper clips from the office supply store.
As an International Culture, money is the last bastion for us to conquer and we are conquering it.
We are finding out what a sweet tool money is and how easily we can manifest it in our lives.
As we understand as an international culture how easily we can create money, this is some of what will happen:
John & Jane Doe will know that the dreams they have for their lives and their children WILL come true, and it will have little to do with concepts such as "focus and just do it".
Dreams will be inspired and easily followed through, because money will no longer be the reason why people get stuck and stop pursing them. We have always blamed "lack of money" on why our lives and lifestyles look as they do. This in turn affects many of our personal relationships both in family and business.
It's not the lack of money. There are billions of dollars flowing around the world every day, but the majority of folks are conditioned that only a tiny few folks have access to all of that money flying round.
Mainstream folks will no longer feel the sweat and tears of hoping banks will loan them money for their dreams to come true or heaven forbid, to have a nice home. They will no longer have the fear of the
bank taking their homes, their farms, their businesses, because they could not find more money. The money does not need to be found. It is here for us, in front of us. We have not understood the true access to it, and have moved far away from its ease in flow.
As we understand further how this sweet money band really works and that each individual now has access to it, it will change also the way Corporate International approaches decisions. It will have the trickle down and trickle up affect.
John & Jane Doe will know with no doubt that they can create whatever sweet money they need and want to both live a creative and successful life.
Business Leaders will also know they now have more creative power with money and create their own without having to find some other way to create huge amounts that then may fall under the pressure of not having the real energy to support it.
There is a sweet invisible energy in front of our face, and we are now being given the instruction manual of how to use it just as we use the energies of gravity and electricity for commerce and individual lives.
We are now understanding how to use this sweet energy in front of our faces to create and allow the sweet side of money to show itself to us. It's been there all along, but we have been taught to push it away, out of being taught all the hardness and harshness around money.
Individual Lives, Business, Art, Entertainment and yes Medical Science will all change due to this new understanding. We as a culture will no longer have our health compromised due to the money band that we have been taught exists around the world. And yes indeed, it does and has existed because we have talked ourselves into it.
That sweet money band is now melting like chocolate ice-cream and we all, all of us around the world are about to taste it. And in and within that tasting we are ALL changed.
Heaven on Earth is Born, and it is brought to us by the sweet tool of money. A very powerful teacher of humanity, one that we have lashed out at during bad times and blamed money on it in some way.
There are some who want to do away with money altogether as a symbol and system, because they think that is the problem of the world, money.
No.....using the sweet energy of money is what will bring major world transformations in all .....ALL areas. It is here.
I see it, I am part of it and it is very graceful and wonderful!
And Guess What? People are becoming happy about money. Why? Because they are now understanding how to use the energy we have to create more and more and more.
The days are over where our creativity and expression are limited because we "feel" constrained in life and business due to "not enough money"; or we have to rob Peter to pay Paul. We do it in our Business and our daily lives.
Innovation has led to new ideas, gizmos and gadgets that we can plug our lives into, from lifestyles to livelihoods to business. And as we can make it more entertaining, then these innovations are more widely accepted by mainstream consciousness.
In fact, it is already becoming more entertaining to understand how to create more money, more easily for our daily lives. It is and will continue to show in our Home Town businesses as well as the International Business community.
Money will no longer be known as the black sheep of our culture far and wide, and we will stop killing one another over it and using money as the justification.
The Innovation of Creating Money is next. And it will be filled with ease, fun, love & affection