Which type of entrepreneur are you?
Do you know which type of entrepreneur you are? I didn’t until recently until a fellow entrepreneur asked me the question. She asked me, are you
A) a planned orientated person who concentrates solely on a single business model and will not rest until this single business model has reached success?
B) an entrepreneur that is open to change and would seriously consider new business opportunities if they passed his/her way.
I am actually (B) and I knew this immediately. The person who asked me is in the (A) category and she was also sure of this. We discussed the topic for a while and we extrapolated that both types are neither better nor worse, just different. At least I had to got to first base, I knew who I was.
On reflection, I think both types can develop accordingly from each other. Whichever type you are, if you can learn how to bring attributes of the other type into your make-up, you will be definitely be all the more stronger because of it. For example a type A entrepreneur is really stable and works on a structured basis to achieve goals that have been set. They are intuitive.
I act on my gut so a type B is perceptive. Therefore I must learn to minimize other opportunities when there is any doubt for the greater good of my business. I must learn to attain a structured approach to my business and set goals and work in a structured manner to achieve them. Also I must learn to combine intuition with perception.
How a type A person can develop would be to develop their perception and creativity skills and focus their
mind to start thinking outwardly instead of inwardly. Usually an A would never entertain another opportunity but if you change your mindset and focus your mind to search for other opportunities, you wouldn’t believe the opportunities that exist online today.
The most significant aspect of this topic was when I was talking to Monica, (the type A above) about the way she worked. She told me that she likes to complete things one at a time. She concentrates on one thing and she puts all her 100% into achieving her goal, then she moves on to the next objective.
She sells online and her argument was "why would one want to look for other opportunities if the single business model that you are doing is successful"?. "Why not just set new goals and develop the single business model even further"?. I said yes you’re right, when the single business model is working and you understand how it works; it makes sense to see how far it can go but......
We ended the conversation by agreeing that no matter what type you are, the success of your business comes down to one thing "Its not how planned , how intuitive, how creative, how perceptive you are in your business, its comes down to how badly you want success". Finally at last we agreed!
About The Author
Jack Foley
For more articles and information about Jack's home business, visit Jack's website: http://www.residual-income-home-based-business.com.
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