Chose a credit card wisely.
When choosing make sure its one that suites your lifestyle and that it works with you not against you. Always try to pay off monthly if you can and this will help your finances and cash flow. If you look at credit in reverse and say well I could...
Credit Repair Services vs. 'Do-It-Yourself' Credit Repair
Millions of Americans suffer because of bad credit these days, and almost all of these people turn to the Internet for help. In the past 5 years hundreds of ‘internet-based’ credit repair services have sprung up , preying on consumers in need of...
Identity Theft – Monitor Your Credit Report
The recent security breach at credit card processor CardSystems Solutions has many consumers worried. Thanks to a well-placed computer virus, nearly forty million credit card numbers were stolen, and cardholders nationwide are justifiably concerned...
What Are Credit Card Rates?
Credit card rates have always been an issue in applying for a
credit card. These rates are what everyone should know before
choosing a credit company from another. Shopping around for the
best rates will give you the best deal.
For you to...
You can still remortgage even with bad credit!
If you wish to organise a bad credit remortgage, don’t just head automatically for a specialist.... A good mortgage company will adjust its lending criteria to suit the times, thus lenders are constantly evolving to suit the remortgage UK market....
Myths and truth about credit scoring.
Credit score is the key factor determining approval of almost any type of credit. It is based on the information contained in your credit report files. The widely used FICO score was developed by Fair Isaac Corporation, and it is a formula which assesses your potential credit risk.
The information used to calculate credit score can be broken down into five major parts. Your payment history with banks and other lenders will account for 35% of the score, the amount of money you owe for 30%, and the length of your credit history for 15%. New credit and a statistical assessment of how healthy your credit mix is will both account for 10%.
Credit score is not based in any way on the following information:
- references to debt management or credit counseling programs. - person’s marital status. - current employment status, including how long with the same employer. - credit report inquiries made by you, employers, insurance companies, or banks if made without your knowledge. - what interest rates are charged on your credit cards, etc. - public assistance received. - person’s
age. - child or family support received.
You can increase your score by:
- always paying bills on time. - paying off or reducing credit card and other debt. - keeping old, unused credit cards, departments store cards and other “revolving” credit accounts open, even if you don’t use them. - not applying for credit very often. - correcting mistakes on your credit reports.
Banks decisions are made according to their own standards. While the majority of lenders use credit score as a key factor in approving credit, other facts play their parts as well, among them: your income, employment status and length of time at present address, to name a few. Each bank has its own standards. What score is acceptable for a particular loan or credit product depends solely on a lender. The person’s credit score might not be high enough to get credit with one bank, and perfectly acceptable with another.
More about credit scoring and tips on improving your credit can be found at: How Much? http://www.howmuchanswers.com
About the Author
Simon Fox is a writer for How Much? - Answers.
Credit Reports - Credit Cards - Car Loans - Home Loans - Credit.com |
Credit.com offers a variety of credit related products and services including credit reports and credit scores, credit cards, car loans, home loan and ... |
www.credit.com |
Equifax Personal Solutions: Credit Reports, Credit Scores ... |
National consumer credit reporting company that offers credit reports, FICO(R) credit scores and identity theft protection products to consumers and small ... |
www.equifax.com |
The FTC's web site on Credit |
Credit is much more than a piece of plastic, and the resources on this site can help you become a more savvy consumer. You’ll also find compliance ... |
www.ftc.gov |
Federal Trade Commission - Consumer Credit Center |
Features an assortment of helpful articles related to credit issues. |
www.ftc.gov |
AnnualCreditReport |
Site set up by the big three credit reporting agencies in the United States, to furnish free annual credit reports, as required by federal law. |
www.annualcreditreport.com |
Springboard - Non-Profit Consumer Credit Management |
Our mission is simple: To offer education on the wise use of credit. ... SPRINGBOARD has been approved to provide credit counseling services and issue ... |
www.credit.org |
myFICO - FICO Credit Scores, Online Credit Reports and Identity ... |
myFICO.com: Get your Free credit report and Free credit score with a 30-day trial of Score Watch. All three FICO Scores and Credit Reports Available now ... |
www.myfico.com |
Credit Suisse Global |
Credit Suisse Group is an international financial services group. - Shares part of SMI. |
www.credit-suisse.com |
Experian: Free Credit Report and Credit Score, Credit Check ... |
Credit referencing and consumer targeting for the USA and other countries. |
www.experian.com |
National Credit Union Administration - Home Page |
An independent federal agency that supervises and insures 7152 federal credit unions and insures 4240 state-chartered credit unions. |
www.ncua.gov |
Credit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Debits and Credits, a type of bookkeeping entry; Credit (creative arts), acknowledging the ideas or ... Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Credit" ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Credit (finance) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Any movement of financial capital is normally quite dependent on credit, ... Sometimes if a person has financial instability or difficulty, credit is not ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
The National Foundation for Credit Counseling |
DebtAdvice.org is a service provided by the Members of the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC), most of them known as Consumer Credit ... |
www.nfcc.org |
FreeCreditReport.com | Free Credit Report and Credit Score Online ... |
FreeCreditReport.com: Free credit reports and credit scores from Experian. Get your free credit report and credit score now. It's free, fast, and easy! |
www.freecreditreport.com |
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Compare over 300 credit cards, including 0% offers and balance transfers, and make a credit card application online... |
www.moneysupermarket.com |
Ford Credit - Auto financing for Ford, Lincoln and Mercury cars ... |
Ford Credit provides auto financing to finance a lease or purchase a car or truck through Ford, Lincoln or Mercury dealerships. |
www.fordcredit.com |
The Credit Card Prank |
In my lifetime, I have made nearly 15000 credit card transactions. ... Credit card signatures are a useless mechanism designed to make you feel safe, ... |
www.zug.com |
Credit magazine, corporate bonds, derivatives, structured credit ... |
Credit magazine provides information on the international credit markets for credit investors, issuers and market professionals. |
www.creditmag.com |
CUNA: The Credit Union National Association |
News and resource directory about credit unions. |
www.cuna.org |
Credit/Debt Management - Tools and Advice for Managing Credit and Debt |
Drowning in debt? Trying to improve your credit score? This is the place for you. Get real world information and tips, as well as the legal low down, ... |
credit.about.com |