Bad Credit Home Loan - Apply Online and Keep Your Credit Score as High as Possible
If you have a poor or bad credit history with something in your past like a bankruptcy or a foreclosure, you know how difficult it can be when you try to get financing for a home mortgage purchase, refinance, home equity or second mortgage loan. Its...
Bad Credit Payday or Cash Advance Loans - No Credit Check Required
If you are in need of extra cash until pay day, you may want to consider applying for a pay day or check loan online. A pay day loan can be obtained online and with no credit check. Bad credit will not disqualify you from qualifying for a pay day...
Bad Credit Student Loans - What Are The Options
Bad credit student loans are available to those that need them,
if you know where to look and what to look for. When it is time
to get into a school and to advance your degree or to simply get
your degree and you have a poor credit score, you may...
How I Raised My Credit Score 40 Points in 24hrs. and Saved $658 Month in Interest
It's never easy to talk about credit. Not with friends, not with family, not online, and, most of all, not with myself. Yes, I let a monthly payment go by here and there. I've maxed out my share of credit cards. I've bought cars that I really...
How To Get Out Of Credit Card Debt Much Faster & Save Lots Of Money - Without Filing For Bankruptcy!
The most important lesson I learned about getting out of debt is that you'll NEVER get out of debt playing by the rules of your creditors. No matter what they say, they really don't want you to get out of debt.
After all, the longer it takes you...
Repair Your Credit Like A Financial Expert
How many times have you been scammed by commercials and companies stating that bad credit, no credit, bankruptcy, or divorce is okay?
The truth of the matter is that it's not okay. Having poor credit can devastate your life style. In today's society, your credit speaks for you. It is how you are viewed and judged.
Whether you are trying to buy a home, refinance a home, apply for a credit card, even a cell phone, it will be necessary to have satisfactory credit. However, there are some legitimate companies that specialize in working with individuals with poor credit.
The down fall to this is that you suffer from extremely high interest rates and low lending amounts. Most individuals with poor credit opt to take advantage of these opportunities, which usually result in more debt and credit beyond repair.
Managing your credit is the key to your financial success. There are various programs available to help you understand, manage and repair your credit. However, these programs come at an expense.
You may opt to pursue this goal yourself, with out the help of a professional. This option will save you money and help you gain ample knowledge about your credit and how to manage it.
In all honesty, there is nothing that a credit repair agency can do to repair your credit; that you can't do yourself. Here are a few basic steps to repairing your credit:
* 1. The first step to repairing your credit is to order a copy of your credit report. You can obtain a copy of your credit report, by contacting the three major credit bureaus:
Equifax Credit Information Services, Inc P.O. Box 740241 Atlanta, GA 30374 1-800-685-1111 www.equifax.com
Experian Credit Information P.O. Box 9532 Allen, TX 75013 1-888 397 3742 www.experian.com
TransUnion P.O. Box 2000
Chester, PA 19022 1-800-916-8800
* 2. The second step is to check your credit report for inaccurate information; such as: Collections or debts which have been paid and never updated.
You may also check for inaccurate charge amounts and duplicate items. These are common mistakes made by the credit agency and or the creditor. If you are aware of any mistakes, dispute the information with the credit bureau immediately. They will perform an investigation and have the information updated.
* 3. The third step is to avoid more debt. It is important not to over exceed your budget. Your total debt should not over exceed 45% of your income. This will include, current living expenses, credit cards, car loans and personal expenses, such as: cell phones, pagers, etc. This list contains just a few of the many steps you can take to repair your credit. The wise scenario to take is to manage your credit and not let it become damaged.
The fact is that repairing your credit will take time and effort. However, getting back on track will make all of your hard work and time spent worth it. =========================================================== Find out how to repair your credit. Discover why a good credit report is vital to your financial future, and how to make it the best Click http://www.credit-repair-101.com/credit-repair-kit-html
** Attn Ezine editors / Site Owners ** Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your ezine or on your site so long as you leave all links in place, do not modify the content and include my resource box as listed above.
About the Author
John Simpson works in software development. A few years ago, he got in trouble with credit card debts. Now he's written a series of articles explaining how he recovered, and repaired his credit.
Credit Reports - Credit Cards - Car Loans - Home Loans - Credit.com |
Credit.com offers a variety of credit related products and services including credit reports and credit scores, credit cards, car loans, home loan and ... |
www.credit.com |
Equifax Personal Solutions: Credit Reports, Credit Scores ... |
National consumer credit reporting company that offers credit reports, FICO(R) credit scores and identity theft protection products to consumers and small ... |
www.equifax.com |
The FTC's web site on Credit |
Credit is much more than a piece of plastic, and the resources on this site can help you become a more savvy consumer. You’ll also find compliance ... |
www.ftc.gov |
Federal Trade Commission - Consumer Credit Center |
Features an assortment of helpful articles related to credit issues. |
www.ftc.gov |
AnnualCreditReport |
Site set up by the big three credit reporting agencies in the United States, to furnish free annual credit reports, as required by federal law. |
www.annualcreditreport.com |
Springboard - Non-Profit Consumer Credit Management |
Our mission is simple: To offer education on the wise use of credit. ... SPRINGBOARD has been approved to provide credit counseling services and issue ... |
www.credit.org |
myFICO - FICO Credit Scores, Online Credit Reports and Identity ... |
myFICO.com: Get your Free credit report and Free credit score with a 30-day trial of Score Watch. All three FICO Scores and Credit Reports Available now ... |
www.myfico.com |
Credit Suisse Global |
Credit Suisse Group is an international financial services group. - Shares part of SMI. |
www.credit-suisse.com |
Experian: Free Credit Report and Credit Score, Credit Check ... |
Credit referencing and consumer targeting for the USA and other countries. |
www.experian.com |
National Credit Union Administration - Home Page |
An independent federal agency that supervises and insures 7152 federal credit unions and insures 4240 state-chartered credit unions. |
www.ncua.gov |
Credit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Debits and Credits, a type of bookkeeping entry; Credit (creative arts), acknowledging the ideas or ... Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Credit" ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Credit (finance) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Any movement of financial capital is normally quite dependent on credit, ... Sometimes if a person has financial instability or difficulty, credit is not ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
The National Foundation for Credit Counseling |
DebtAdvice.org is a service provided by the Members of the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC), most of them known as Consumer Credit ... |
www.nfcc.org |
FreeCreditReport.com | Free Credit Report and Credit Score Online ... |
FreeCreditReport.com: Free credit reports and credit scores from Experian. Get your free credit report and credit score now. It's free, fast, and easy! |
www.freecreditreport.com |
Compare credit cards | apply for a credit card | 0% balance ... |
Compare over 300 credit cards, including 0% offers and balance transfers, and make a credit card application online... |
www.moneysupermarket.com |
Ford Credit - Auto financing for Ford, Lincoln and Mercury cars ... |
Ford Credit provides auto financing to finance a lease or purchase a car or truck through Ford, Lincoln or Mercury dealerships. |
www.fordcredit.com |
The Credit Card Prank |
In my lifetime, I have made nearly 15000 credit card transactions. ... Credit card signatures are a useless mechanism designed to make you feel safe, ... |
www.zug.com |
Credit magazine, corporate bonds, derivatives, structured credit ... |
Credit magazine provides information on the international credit markets for credit investors, issuers and market professionals. |
www.creditmag.com |
CUNA: The Credit Union National Association |
News and resource directory about credit unions. |
www.cuna.org |
Credit/Debt Management - Tools and Advice for Managing Credit and Debt |
Drowning in debt? Trying to improve your credit score? This is the place for you. Get real world information and tips, as well as the legal low down, ... |
credit.about.com |