Ordering Commercial Printing For Your Company Can Be Indimidating
"I went to see a printer today to get my company's stationery printed. They ask too many questions, I can't answer!" I feel kinda dumb.
How many times have you felt this way? It's kind of like going to the auto garage for a tune up and being told you need a new 02 sensor, your syncro mesh gear has a tooth missing and so on. You know you have to get it done but who can you trust to give you the best quality, price and service. There is a reason why I include all three 'quality, price and service'
In the 80's and early 90's it used to be 'quality, price and service'...pick 2. These days, with the internet as a resource, buyers and sellers alike can truly benefit from forming bonding relationships with their print and design firm of choice. Location is no longer an issue. In fact, I will bet money you can always find what appears, to be better than what you are getting. It can be overwhelming and too much information, which may lead to a regretful purchase. Neither the buyer or the reputable seller desire this result.
Here are a few tips on what you should figure out before you talk to your printer:
1) Decide how many inks colors you are going to print in. Here are a few links that will help you understand this:
Pantone color chart in RGB and html; http://www.weprintcolor.com/pantone_RGB_convert.htm
Convert from RGB color to CMYK color;
Explain CMYK, RGB and Pantone Color; http://www.weprintcolor.com/pop_ups/Templ_modificatons_full.htm
2) Have a pretty good idea of the paper and texture of the paper you would like to use. Learn some ‘buzz words’ in your conversions with the printers you speak to. Here is a list of printing terms commonly used by people in the printing
3) Have a general idea of the quantities you would like to purchase. If you’re not sure don’t be afraid to ask your printer to provide a quotation on several different quantities. In printing, the more you order the cheaper the per unit cost is. Here are a couple of examples of this:
Business Cards;
4) Will you provide a ‘print ready’ digital file? When I say ‘print ready’, it is important that you understand this. Many printers will attempt to print from a ‘none print ready’ file. This will sometimes lead to undesirable results. Here is a couple of links to help you with this:
Free digital file inspection; http://www.weprintcolor.com/upload.htm
Specifications for sending files; http://www.weprintcolor.com/SendingFiles.htm
Once you have gathered education with the terms us printers use you will understand , more clearly, what you are getting for your money. You will also appear more educated in your future purchases.The moral of my story? Buyers need to be more armed with knowledge to make an educated purchase and sellers need to be sharp, knowledgeable and willing to share this knowledge…Everybody wins.
About The Author
Robert is an online leader in graphic design and print. Online since 1999, Robert has spearheaded the success of http://www.weprintcolor.com by providing the finest online graphic design system on the web.