Beating Debt with a Stick
Debt is a Product in America The #1 sickness in America
concerning finances right now is debt. Debt is a product in our
culture and it is vigorously aimed at you and me everyday,
everywhere. As a society, we borrow more money than the last...
Debt consolidation
Debt consolidation is a concept that most people are aware of and often is a good idea. Basically when consolidating your bills or loans, you combine the total amount owed and make a single monthly payment instead of many smaller payments through...
In Debt? Make A List!
Debt is not much fun and when faced with it, people sometimes look for complicated debt solutions and often overlook the many simple ways that you can save money. Believe it or not, one of the simplest and most effective debt solutions is to get...
Watch Debt Disappear
Hey, I'm just a regular person with regular day-to-day problems. Okay, maybe a few more issues than most but that's neither here nor there! I'm making a difference in my life with a great program that I found and I just HAD to pass it along to all...
When Debt Collectors Cross the Line – Bogus Threats & Illegal Collection Tactics
If you are behind on your bills and on the receiving end of collection phone calls, you will probably hear collectors make some very threatening statements. While most debt collection professionals try to stay within the boundaries defined by the...
Securing a Debt Consolidation Loan
It's the day you've been waiting for the last two weeks...
payday and the only time when your face lights up and you
actually go to the office with a lot of wonderful, dreamy
thoughts in your head - such as how fast you'll be able to bolt
out of the office and get yourself down the to nearest mall and
you can already smell the Caffè Verona® you plan on ordering at
Starbucks. Either way, you seem compelled to impulsively spend
all of that hard-earned cash on something that in all
likely-hood you can do without. Like that dress you'll probably
wear just once or the Egyptian silk sheets that you've been
drooling over ever since you noticed that Jessica Simpson on
Newlyweds sleeps on in luxurious comfort. Never mind they are
actually worth fourteen hundred dollars... but like you always
tell yourself - you deserve it. Besides, what's the harm in
rewarding yourself for a job well done? You deserve some
pampering too.
You may even find yourself making plans at some luxurious spa,
to sample of their relaxing (not to mention, extremely costly)
facials, massages or treatments. After all, you work hard and so
you've definitely earned it since you've been stressed out all
month long from your hectic schedule and tight deadlines.
On the other hand, have you ever even thought of saving... even
occasionally putting a portion away for a rainy day? Have you
thought about you future? And if it actually involves those
Egyptian silk sheets that you just purchased or the designer
coffee that you simply cannot seem to get enough of - is it
really worth it?
Unfortunately for too many, sooner or later reality sets in and
when it does it hits them like a Category 5 hurricane and they
wake up they realize (hopefully not too late) how deeply they've
buried themselves in an oppressive amount of debt. And they also
realize that they have absolutely nothing to fall back on in
order to get themselves out. You could simply hand in the towel
and declare bankruptcy (many do) however, an alternative, less
stressful and smarter way to go, is to at least initially, look
into getting a debt consolidation loan.
The thought of a debt consolidation loan may not be all that
enticing to most of the debt saddled, but then again what's the
alternative - bankruptcy or paying minimums on your credit cards
at 20% interest for the next 20 years? Unfortunately for those
of you who have nothing in your savings or other assets to tap
into, it may be your best option and perhaps the first really
financial decision you've made in quite awhile.
You are clearly aware that a ton of companies offer debt
consolidation loans, just the fact that you are reading this
article attests to the fact that you've done some type of
internet search related to debt or debt consolidation. You just
have to be honest about your finances or whatever it was that
you were doing with your money (when you still had some) so that
whomever you decide to go with to try and secure that debt
consolidation loan will be able to provide you with an accurate
scenario of your financial present and future.
The past is... as they say, history. You really have no choice
but to simply move on, walk away from your past mistakes and
hope that you've learned something useful. And then, incorporate
those lessons into your future dealings with money and hope
against hope that your debt consolidation loan will be approved
so that you can take the overwhelming burden of debt you've
saddled yourself with and leave it far behind.
As you search for a debt consolidation loan make sure you do
your due diligence by shopping around and asking questions
whenever you feel lost by the "financial jargon" or the whole
process in general. If you do your part, you'll greatly increase
your chances or working with a reputable company that's not out
to take advantage of your current poor financial situation.
A final bit of advice, virtually all Loan Officers work on
commission and so it's in their best interest to... 1) Make sure
you get the loan and 2) Charge you the highest interest rate
possible and the highest possible fees and still make the deal.
That being said, don't ever take the first quote you get for
rate and closing costs as the best deal you can get because it
very rarely is. While shopping, make sure the companies you are
working with know that your shopping around tell them straight
out that you will give your business to whomever can come up
with the best deal and who's is upfront and honest from the
Never forget that you are in charge (regardless of your current
financial state) and if you don't feel comfortable with your
lender or what's being presented then simply move on until you
find someone who treats you with the respect and dignity you
About the author:
Kevin Erickson is a contributing writer to the following
websites: http://www.debtmgmtresources.com/ and
http://www.debtmergeresources.com/. This article may be
reproduced only in its entirety.
Advertisements Promising Debt Relief May Be Offering Bankruptcy |
Cautions consumers about ads in newspaper, magazine and telephone directories that offer quick fixes for debt problems. |
www.ftc.gov |
Welcome to Debt Relief International |
Welcome to the web site of Debt Relief International. |
www.dri.org.uk |
Debt relief steps, your free guide to debt help. |
Articles on debt relief, and credit management and repair. |
www.debtsteps.com |
Factsheet - Debt Relief Under the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries ... |
The HIPC Initiative is a comprehensive approach to debt reduction for heavily indebted poor countries pursuing IMF- and World Bank-supported adjustment and ... |
www.imf.org |
Special report: debt relief | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited |
February 6: A year ago the Guardian set out to track the west's promises of action for Africa on aid, trade, health and debt relief. As G8 finance ministers ... |
www.guardian.co.uk |
Debt Relief Options - Findlaw for the Public - |
Welcome to Debt Relief Options. This section contains information about the ... To begin, select one of the Debt Relief Options topics from the list below ... |
bankruptcy.findlaw.com |
William Brewer |
The Brewer Law Firm. William E. Brewer, Jr., Attorney at Law Board Certified Consumer Bankruptcy Specialist. 619 N. Person Street Raleigh, NC 27604 ... |
www.debtrelief.com |
Debt Relief - InCharge Debt Solutions |
There are many ways to get out of debt, for good, and it may be easier than you think. The first step is knowing your options, the second step is taking ... |
www.incharge.org |
Economic Policy and Debt |
May 2006, IMF And World Bank Support Cameroon’s Completion Point Under The Enhanced HIPC Initiative And The IMF Immediately Grants 100 Percent Debt Relief ... |
www.worldbank.org |
Economic Policy and Debt - The Enhanced HIPC Initiative |
The Initiative’s debt-burden thresholds were adjusted downward, which enabled a broader group of countries to qualify for larger volumes of debt relief. ... |
www.worldbank.org |
Debt relief - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Debt relief is the partial or total forgiveness of debt, or the slowing or stopping of debt growth, owed by individuals, corporations, or nations. ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Debt Analyzer, Debt Reduction Software, Home Page |
Debt Elimination at its best! Potential savings of hundreds or thousands of dollars! Build debt reduction, timed elimination or consolidation schedules. |
www.debtanalyzer.com |
Superior Debt Relief |
We help you get rid of credit card debt much faster than you may believe possible with credit card debt settlement and negotiation tactics, providing debt ... |
www.superiordebtrelief.com |
Debt Relief - Social and Economic Policy - Global Policy Forum |
Aid Inflows, Debt Relief Yet to Translate into Reduced Poverty (March 20, 2006) ... Fearing that the IMF could tie debt relief to economic benchmarks, ... |
www.globalpolicy.org |
Debt Relief - Global Policy Forum - Social and Economic Policy |
Debt Relief - Global Policy Forum - Social and Economic Policy. The Debt Relief Page Has Been Moved to: ... |
www.globalpolicy.org |
BBC NEWS | Business | Q&A: African debt relief |
BBC News looks at the progress of international debt reduction efforts, and the sticking points which continue to hamper the process. |
news.bbc.co.uk |
Debt Relief Australia - Start Reducing Debt Today! |
Debt Relief offers Australians in debt assistance with finding the most appropriate debt relief solution. |
www.debtrelief.com.au |
Debt Consolidation Australia, Debt Relief & Bankruptcy Information |
Specialising in debt agreements, mortgage refinancing and bankruptcy. Company profile, calculators, solutions, media releases, testimonials and existing ... |
www.foxsymes.com.au |
Oxfam - Debt and Aid - Debt Relief for Nicaragua: breaking out of ... |
Oxfam policy paper on relationship between international debt servicing and poverty. Linked to table of contents and also zipped for download. |
www.oxfam.org.uk |
What debt relief means for Africa | csmonitor.com |
This weekend's $40 billion debt cancellation deal could spark major improvements in the lives of the world's poorest people. |
www.csmonitor.com |