Ayurveda regimen for winter depression.
Long nights, short days, sweaters, warm clothes and chilly
weather make many of us sick and depressed. This depression
which surfaces especially in winter is a Seasonal Affective
Disorder (SAD) and is often called as winter Time Blues or
Depression - Disorderly Conduct
People tend to sense uncertainty to the real meaning behind the
word depression, trying to determine the difference between a
depressive illness to that of a miserable mood can be tricky at
times. In the medical world doctors use the word...
Handling Severe Depression
Copyright 2005 Mark Myhre
As long as I live, I'll never forget the feeling of my mouth wrapped around the cold blue steel of the 6 ½ in. barrel of my Ruger Blackhawk .357 single action revolver.
I was so close to pulling the trigger. And nobody...
Talking About Depression
In many ways, our society has allowed many people to believe that they can not communicate their feelings to others. Sometimes, we think that no one will understand. We think that what we are feeling is simply not important, not validated, or just...
Your Daily Struggle With Depression
If you have been diagnosed with depression or feel that you are dealing with depression on a daily basis, you may feel that depression is consuming your life. You worry about everything. You don’t want to do anything. The things that used to make...
Stop Your Depression Before It Starts!!
Prevention of Depression : Stop Your Depression Before It Starts
Until we can find out for certain what chemical changes occur when someone becomes depressed, and find out what triggers them, we will not even begin to be able to discover whether one can prevent depression. As with a tendency towards anxiety, it does appear that some people are more inclined to become depressed than others. We cannot say, however, that anyone has actually prevent depression until we are able to expose people to its causes and observe their minds and bodies resisting it as a result of some kind of preventive action. Nevertheless, if we consider what depressed people regard as the causes of their illness, it may offer some guidance as to possible preventative measures.
What are the ways for the Prevention of Depression?
Prevention of Depression -through the way we think:
We already know that two people can experience identical events and yet one may become depressed as a result whereas the other does not. The only difference between them is the way in which they think about what has happened and how it affects them. The way we think affects the way our body behaves and this inturn influences the way we feel.
Depression Prevention - through the balance theory:
Whether it is treated or not, depression seems to disappear quite suddenly. It may take weeks or over a year, but it happens. It may come back if the conditions which caused it are repeated, but it seems that the body adjusts itself to the imbalance in the system and rights itself - untill the next time.
Prevention of Depression -through the state-dependent theory:
It has been found that we remember incidents according to the way we felt at the time. This is called state dependent memory, and it means we do not remember the past in neutral terms, seeing both sides of any situation. The rule is therefore to try and allow yourself to see something positive in everything. If you find something positive in even the worst that befalls you, then you have cracked it!
Depression Prevention -through the acceptance theory:
We only have the power to control our own thoughts and actions. No matter how much we try and control others, we cannot. We must accept other people just as they are; it is upto them to change themselves if they want to. Nobody has the right to control another. The only possible exception to this is a parent's right to hold control of a child in trust untill that child is able to take over. What we have to learn is acceptance.
Find more articles on depression at http://www.depression-guide.com/
About the author:
Tina Jain, Director and editor of http://www.depression-guide.com Depression Guide provides you the step by step guide on how to deal with mental health problems. For monthly doses of the Life success tips, sign up for Tina's powerful 'Come Revoke' ezine at http://www.depression-guide.com/depression-articles.htm
Welcome to Depression.com |
Facts about depression, including how to manage it and how to live with this medical condition. |
www.depression.com |
NIMH: Depression |
Such a disabling episode of depression may occur only once but more ... Depression can also affect the physical health in men differently from women. ... |
www.nimh.nih.gov |
NIMH: Depression |
National Institute of Mental Health presents a comprehensive series of articles on symptoms and management. Includes booklets of personal accounts and ... |
www.nimh.nih.gov |
Clinical depression - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Clinical depression (also called major depressive disorder) is a state of intense ... By definition the symptoms are not as severe as with Major Depression, ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Great Depression - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
The Great Depression was an economic downturn which started in 1929 (although its ... The Great Depression ended at different times in different countries; ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Dr. Ivan's Depression Central |
This site is Internet's central clearinghouse for information on all types of depressive disorders and on the most effective treatments for individuals ... |
www.psycom.net |
Depression Screening Test |
Answer a few simple questions to determine if you are experiencing depressive symptoms. Provides a referral list and information on depression. |
www.med.nyu.edu |
MedlinePlus: Depression |
From the National Institutes of Health; Depression (National Institute of Mental Health) ... Select services and providers for Depression in your area. ... |
www.nlm.nih.gov |
Welcome to depression-screening.org |
Most people with depression, however, do not seek the professional help they ... The depression-screening.org web site is sponsored by the National Mental ... |
www.depression-screening.org |
iFred - International Foundation for Research and Education on ... |
"This book can help those directly and indirectly touched by depression. ... iFred Brings New Hope to Depression with Thousands of Sunflowers ... |
www.ifred.org |
Depression information and treatment |
Information about depression, depression treatment, and facts about depression. |
www.psychologyinfo.com |
Depression |
Depression is a strong mood involving sadness, discouragement, despair, or hopelessness that lasts for weeks, months, or even longer. |
www.kidshealth.org |
Depression Alliance web site with information about depression ... |
Information about the symptoms and treatment of depression from Depression Alliance, a UK charity for people with clinical depression and anxiety. |
www.depressionalliance.org |
WebMD Depression Health Center - Learn the symptoms of depression ... |
Articles, links, and resources for sufferers of depression. |
www.webmd.com |
Depression - Information and Support |
THE starting place for exploring Depression. Support forums, links, articles and more. |
depression.about.com |
beyondblue: the national depression initiative |
Australian organisation provides information about depression to consumers, carers and health professionals. |
www.beyondblue.org.au |
Using EFT for Depression, Teen Depression & Clinical Depression |
EFT's results for all forms of depression are often astonishing. In most cases the depressed feelings vanish or are materially reduced within a few minutes ... |
www.emofree.com |
Depression |
The website for Depression. ... Please note that Depression is comprised of backfile volumes. Volume 4, Issue 2 (1996). Articles in this Issue: ... |
www3.interscience.wiley.com |
Depression - MayoClinic.com |
Depression is more than just a bout of the blues. Fortunately, treatments are available. |
www.mayoclinic.com |
Mental Help Net - Depression (Unipolar) |
Depression is one of the most common and most serious mental health ... Fortunately, there are many highly effective treatments for depression today that ... |
mentalhelp.net |