Beat Depression with five blues busters.
It's perfectly natural for everyone to have periods when they
feel down. Bad moods are simply a part of life and some would
say that they help you to appreciate the good times. But depression.html
is something quite different. One sign of...
Beating Depression By Action
Depression can come on us at any time of the year. Sometimes, holidays are the worst times for those that feel this down-in-the-dumps fear and worry and things just seem to happen to make us feel gloomy and sad. Note that this feeling happens to all...
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome And Depression Are Not The Same Thing!
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a very misunderstood illness and this is perhaps why there are so many myths about it. Perhaps the most common myth about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is that it is effectively a mental condition, and another name for...
Depression: Are Antidepressants The Best Choice? (Part Two)
Antidepressants are the best stimulus in the process to empower
depressed people to have positive thinking and raise themselves
esteem, because at the beginning it is quite difficult to think
about and do this. Taking anti-depressants helps a lot...
Depression Series: Why Don’t I Respond to Medications? (Part 1)
Maria has been feeling depressed for at least two and a half years. About three years ago, her husband of 20 years left her for another woman. Devastated, she became despondent and tearful almost daily.
Eventually, her depression got worse...
Stress is a Major Cause of Depression
One of the most common yet deadliest enemies we face in this modern, demanding world is STRESS. Stress is often ignored, even revered, yet it can really damage your health and your life. And stress can ultimately contribute to depression.
A leading type of stress is job stress or work-related stress. It is not unusual for workers to be grumpy on Monday and happy on Friday night.
Work-related stress is often the root-cause of ailments such as extreme fatigue, headaches, anxiety, nervousness, respiratory illnesses, muscle pain, back pain, ulcers, insomnia, high blood pressure, depression of course, and even obesity!
If you’ve been so preoccupied with your work and you haven’t got the time to take a short break, you’ll be more likely to pig out on dinner or midnight snacks. And of course, job insecurity can lead to depression too.
Other factors that contribute to stress are relationship problems, health problems, and money problems. Events like a fight with a friend or family member, not being able to pay your debts on time,
supporting a family on a limited income, having an incurable disease, or simply feeling overwhelmed by life can all cause stress and depression.
Even positive events such as getting a job promotion or having more job responsibilities, getting married, or getting pregnant can also lead to increased stress, tension, and depression.
To avoid depression, or other ailments related to stress it is important to have an effective way of managing stress in your life. Exercise, proper diet, meditation, yoga, frequent breaks and enjoyable hobbies are all ways to relieve stress positively.
Our favorite approach is the "Release Technique". It's a method that has been proven effective in studies at Harvard Medical School and it's endorsed by numerous psychologists. Even without these endorsements, we've used and proven to ourselves that the Release Technique is the best way to deal with stress - to relieve any unwanted emotional hangup.
About the Author
Learn more about natural depression relief at http://www.depression-relief.com
Welcome to Depression.com |
Facts about depression, including how to manage it and how to live with this medical condition. |
www.depression.com |
NIMH: Depression |
Such a disabling episode of depression may occur only once but more ... Depression can also affect the physical health in men differently from women. ... |
www.nimh.nih.gov |
NIMH: Depression |
National Institute of Mental Health presents a comprehensive series of articles on symptoms and management. Includes booklets of personal accounts and ... |
www.nimh.nih.gov |
Clinical depression - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Clinical depression (also called major depressive disorder) is a state of intense ... By definition the symptoms are not as severe as with Major Depression, ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Great Depression - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
The Great Depression was an economic downturn which started in 1929 (although its ... The Great Depression ended at different times in different countries; ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Dr. Ivan's Depression Central |
This site is Internet's central clearinghouse for information on all types of depressive disorders and on the most effective treatments for individuals ... |
www.psycom.net |
Depression Screening Test |
Answer a few simple questions to determine if you are experiencing depressive symptoms. Provides a referral list and information on depression. |
www.med.nyu.edu |
MedlinePlus: Depression |
From the National Institutes of Health; Depression (National Institute of Mental Health) ... Select services and providers for Depression in your area. ... |
www.nlm.nih.gov |
Welcome to depression-screening.org |
Most people with depression, however, do not seek the professional help they ... The depression-screening.org web site is sponsored by the National Mental ... |
www.depression-screening.org |
iFred - International Foundation for Research and Education on ... |
"This book can help those directly and indirectly touched by depression. ... iFred Brings New Hope to Depression with Thousands of Sunflowers ... |
www.ifred.org |
Depression information and treatment |
Information about depression, depression treatment, and facts about depression. |
www.psychologyinfo.com |
Depression |
Depression is a strong mood involving sadness, discouragement, despair, or hopelessness that lasts for weeks, months, or even longer. |
www.kidshealth.org |
Depression Alliance web site with information about depression ... |
Information about the symptoms and treatment of depression from Depression Alliance, a UK charity for people with clinical depression and anxiety. |
www.depressionalliance.org |
WebMD Depression Health Center - Learn the symptoms of depression ... |
Articles, links, and resources for sufferers of depression. |
www.webmd.com |
Depression - Information and Support |
THE starting place for exploring Depression. Support forums, links, articles and more. |
depression.about.com |
beyondblue: the national depression initiative |
Australian organisation provides information about depression to consumers, carers and health professionals. |
www.beyondblue.org.au |
Using EFT for Depression, Teen Depression & Clinical Depression |
EFT's results for all forms of depression are often astonishing. In most cases the depressed feelings vanish or are materially reduced within a few minutes ... |
www.emofree.com |
Depression |
The website for Depression. ... Please note that Depression is comprised of backfile volumes. Volume 4, Issue 2 (1996). Articles in this Issue: ... |
www3.interscience.wiley.com |
Depression - MayoClinic.com |
Depression is more than just a bout of the blues. Fortunately, treatments are available. |
www.mayoclinic.com |
Mental Help Net - Depression (Unipolar) |
Depression is one of the most common and most serious mental health ... Fortunately, there are many highly effective treatments for depression today that ... |
mentalhelp.net |