5 Tips to Reduce Holiday Depression 2
As the holidays approach each year, more and more people suffer from Holiday Depression.
Some experts blame it on factors relating to nutrition. Nutritional experts believe that depression is caused by the excessive sugar and fatty...
Ayurveda regimen for winter depression.
Long nights, short days, sweaters, warm clothes and chilly
weather make many of us sick and depressed. This depression
which surfaces especially in winter is a Seasonal Affective
Disorder (SAD) and is often called as winter Time Blues or
Depression from a Spiritual Perspective
This article about the intense subject of depression anticipates
two ways of reaction. The question is: Will it be - in your case
- shock or relief?
When you read about depression, you will encounter many passages
like the following:
Manic – bipolar depression facts and reality
Copyright 2005 David McEvoy
Manic depression - Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in a person's mood, energy, and ability to function.
Some mornings can start with...
Treatment for Anxiety and Depression
Anxiety and Depression are the forms of behavioral disorders that can have an adverse affect on the life of an individual. Anxiety is a type of emotional disturbance which is caused due to imbalance in the body systems of a person, while Depression...
The Black Cloud Of Depression
Depression is defined as “low spirits, gloominess, dejection and sadness.”
Depression affects your whole body, physically and mentally. It affects the way you eat, sleep, feel about yourself and your actions towards yourself and others.
There are many types and degrees of depression, all with different symptoms. The symptoms include; chronic fatigue, sleep disturbance, change in appetite, backache, digestive disorder, restlessness, irritability, quick to anger, loss of interest or pleasure in your favorite pastimes, feelings of worthlessness and some people even think of death and consider suicide.
The causes of depression are not fully understood but it can be triggered by tension, stress, trauma in your life, chemical imbalance, thyroid disorder, burn out, hypoglycemia, nutritional deficiencies, poor diet, high consumption of sugar, mononucleosis, endometriosis, allergies (especially food allergies), lack of exercise and negative thinking.
Have you noticed that many of the causes of depression are the same as other lifestyle diseases? This information tells you that depression is curable. It also means that you have to change your lifestyle. You need to re-evaluate your life and make the necessary changes. Be gentle with yourself; start slowly. My first suggestion is to visit www.herbs4health.net and print off the free E-Book “9 Steps To A Healthy, Vibrant Body”. Pay close attention to Step One and Step Two. Find out the condition of your body and this way you will know what health problems you are facing. Test your Thyroid, if you have hypothyroidism you can usually stimulate the thyroid by taking a herbal remedy containing kelp. A body that is deficient of vitamins and minerals will feel very tired and sluggish. Start taking calcium/magnesium and a vitamin/mineral combination on a daily basis. The herb St. John's Wort has been very helpful in treating people who have suffered from depression. Be sure these products are liquid, plant extract. Liquid extracts will assimilate in your body in a few minutes. This way your body receives good nutrients and will no longer suffer from nutritional deficiencies.
Examine your life style: Are you getting enough sleep? Are you eating healthy foods? Are you living a fairly stress free life? Are you getting enough exercise? If you have answered 'no'... to any of these questions, that is O.K.. You know this now and you can start to make changes slowly. You did not get sick overnight, give your self time to heal your body. To start your get well program make one small change at a time, try giving up sugar or caffeine. You choose the change but remember you need to start somewhere,
just one small step at a time.
Examine the emotional issues in your life. Are you angry about issues from your childhood or family? Do you have other problem relationships in your life? Do you have problems with your career? Are there other parts of your life that aren't working for you? Do you concentrate on what is wrong in your life? If you have answered 'yes' ... to any of these questions that is O.K. There is help.
At this time you are probably feeling overwhelmed.... don't! think of this as a small step program. One of the first steps you can take for emotional issues is to start a gratitude journal. Each day write down things you are grateful to have in your life. Maybe it was only the blue sky today, but tomorrow your list could grow to five things and soon you will fill a page.
Don't try to do this by yourself - if you have been depressed for more than a couple months this could be bigger than you are able to handle by yourself. Seek professional help. You can also join a 12 Step program - there is a great program called “Emotions Anonymous” and this program is available in many communities in Canada and the U.S.A. Check your yellow pages for a program near you.
Do you have issues with alcohol or drugs? If you said 'yes'... seek professional help.(Most people who are struggling with addictions are also depressed) You can not cure yourself.
Are you contemplating your death? If you said 'yes'... put this paper down immediately, phone a person you trust and ask for their assistance. Seek professional help immediately.
At this point I have to confess, I have suffered from depression, it was not a fun time in my life but with counseling, changes in my life style and herbal products, I was able to rebuild my body, my mind and my spirit. Today I am happier and healthier than I have ever been in my whole life. You too can over come this disease and live a healthy, vibrant life.
© 2005 Jane Kriese janes-store@telus.net
Would you like to have a Healthy Vibrant Body? To learn more, sign up for Jane Kriese's Herbs For Health Newsletter and receive you free (life changing ) “Alkalinity Testing Kit”. visit: www.herbs4health.net _______________________________________
About the Author
I am the web master for the site, www.herbsforhealthstore.biz, My passion is the holistic world.I write articles to teach about cures for life style diseases. It is exciting to educate people and introduce them to holistic products, and newlife style habits. Many of these people have healed their bodies. The holistic world is full of hope and joy, and I believe with effort we can have a healthy vibrant body.
Welcome to Depression.com |
Facts about depression, including how to manage it and how to live with this medical condition. |
www.depression.com |
NIMH: Depression |
Such a disabling episode of depression may occur only once but more ... Depression can also affect the physical health in men differently from women. ... |
www.nimh.nih.gov |
NIMH: Depression |
National Institute of Mental Health presents a comprehensive series of articles on symptoms and management. Includes booklets of personal accounts and ... |
www.nimh.nih.gov |
Clinical depression - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Clinical depression (also called major depressive disorder) is a state of intense ... By definition the symptoms are not as severe as with Major Depression, ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Great Depression - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
The Great Depression was an economic downturn which started in 1929 (although its ... The Great Depression ended at different times in different countries; ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Dr. Ivan's Depression Central |
This site is Internet's central clearinghouse for information on all types of depressive disorders and on the most effective treatments for individuals ... |
www.psycom.net |
Depression Screening Test |
Answer a few simple questions to determine if you are experiencing depressive symptoms. Provides a referral list and information on depression. |
www.med.nyu.edu |
MedlinePlus: Depression |
From the National Institutes of Health; Depression (National Institute of Mental Health) ... Select services and providers for Depression in your area. ... |
www.nlm.nih.gov |
Welcome to depression-screening.org |
Most people with depression, however, do not seek the professional help they ... The depression-screening.org web site is sponsored by the National Mental ... |
www.depression-screening.org |
iFred - International Foundation for Research and Education on ... |
"This book can help those directly and indirectly touched by depression. ... iFred Brings New Hope to Depression with Thousands of Sunflowers ... |
www.ifred.org |
Depression information and treatment |
Information about depression, depression treatment, and facts about depression. |
www.psychologyinfo.com |
Depression |
Depression is a strong mood involving sadness, discouragement, despair, or hopelessness that lasts for weeks, months, or even longer. |
www.kidshealth.org |
Depression Alliance web site with information about depression ... |
Information about the symptoms and treatment of depression from Depression Alliance, a UK charity for people with clinical depression and anxiety. |
www.depressionalliance.org |
WebMD Depression Health Center - Learn the symptoms of depression ... |
Articles, links, and resources for sufferers of depression. |
www.webmd.com |
Depression - Information and Support |
THE starting place for exploring Depression. Support forums, links, articles and more. |
depression.about.com |
beyondblue: the national depression initiative |
Australian organisation provides information about depression to consumers, carers and health professionals. |
www.beyondblue.org.au |
Using EFT for Depression, Teen Depression & Clinical Depression |
EFT's results for all forms of depression are often astonishing. In most cases the depressed feelings vanish or are materially reduced within a few minutes ... |
www.emofree.com |
Depression |
The website for Depression. ... Please note that Depression is comprised of backfile volumes. Volume 4, Issue 2 (1996). Articles in this Issue: ... |
www3.interscience.wiley.com |
Depression - MayoClinic.com |
Depression is more than just a bout of the blues. Fortunately, treatments are available. |
www.mayoclinic.com |
Mental Help Net - Depression (Unipolar) |
Depression is one of the most common and most serious mental health ... Fortunately, there are many highly effective treatments for depression today that ... |
mentalhelp.net |