Tips to Control Depression
Bouts of depression is a common phenomenon. Even very happy persons and great saints have to pass through the tides of depression. Static state of anything thing or emotion can be very boring in life. If there is no night how can you enjoy the day? If there is no sorrow in life how can you enjoy fun? So these things are as interrelated as hope and depression. Depression becomes a problem when the period of depression is so long that it starts damaging us physically and mentally. Therefore it is necessary to learn to ride over depression successfully.
If an innocent person is kept in the prison for long he may become emotionally shattered. But if he learns to live there he may be able to come out in a very healthy and enlightened state even after ten or twenty years. See the example of Nelson Mandella and scores of others prisoners who spent the golden years of their life in jail but nothing could break them. In the similar way depression can never break you if you learn to manage it well.
Whenever you are depressed you must make yourself physically active to use the excess energy of your mind. Feeling of depression releases a negative energy in your mind that weakens your enthusiasm and hope regarding life and work. It also weakens the immune system of your body making it a breeding ground of many diseases. This energy can best be used by some vigorous physical exercise. Do the exercise you like. You may play music or your favourite songs along with it.
Another way to use the negative energy and divert your mind is to wander aimlessly any where. Sit in any local bus or train and go to any direction. Roam in the markets. Sit in any restaurant and eat or drink anything you want. Don’t return to home till you are absolutely tired. Be sure that your wallet contains some money.
Discuss your problems to a close friend. Whatever is there in your heart try to
bring it out. Sharing a problem to a close friend loses the intensity of negative force. Good friends are able to bring you out of depression. They understand your psychology and your problems. They may come up with some good ideas to help you face your depression in a positive way.
Switch on your computer, create a personal file with a password and start writing your feelings. Express the actual feeling, don’t hide anything. With a friend you have to be cautious sometimes so that you don’t annoy him even unintentionally. But you can pour out your whole heart to the computer and it will never get angry or tired. When you are able to shed away some of your repressed feelings you will feel somewhat relieved.
Never think that every wave of depression is harmful. Sometimes it is the beginning of a big idea or creation. Your mind is busy in finding or creating something new and marvellous. When that period passes the depression starts melting. Your mind starts creating something fantastic which brings new zest and hope. So have confidence that something much better will happen after the tide of depression.
About The Author
(Prominent Writer, Editor and Teacher of English language in India)
He has trained thousands of persons to get great jobs, improve personality and achieve goals in business.
• WNN-India (Media Network)
• LSE-India (for Communication
Skills and Personality Development)
• World Academy of Business Solutions
• Winners' Delhi News (most famous fortnightly of West Delhi)
Books: 1. Fire of Success in Your Mind, 2. Think Your Way to Wealth and Power, 3.Speak English and Influence People
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