Bad Breath and Halitosis Remedies
Ok, bad breath, it’s something that we don’t want. You might know that you have it. Possibly you suspect that you have it. Or maybe you don’t have a clue if you have bad breath. If you’re like me you don’t really want to ask a friend or colleague. Can you imagine, “Hello George, here’s that report you need, oh by the way, can you tell me if I have bad breath?”
What we’ve got to do is identify if we are doing any of the things that could lead to bad breath and also implement treatment techniques. We don’t actually need to know that we have bad breath before we start on a course of action to eliminate it.
There is a little self test that you can do, but I wouldn’t rely on it 100%. Just lick the back of your hand, (not whilst you’re in public!) wait 5 seconds, then smell the area that you licked. That may provide you with an indication if you have bad breath.
Generally, bad breath, also known as halitosis is caused by bacteria somewhere in your mouth. It only takes a small amount of food or plaque on your teeth for these little bacteria to have a banquet. The intention of this article is to help you get rid of bad breath.
Causes of bad breath.
Here’s a list of things that might be causing bad breath. Work though the list and see if there are several things that you might be doing that obviously contribute to bad breath. It’s unlikely that you can eliminate all of these items, but if you are regularly having a cheese and garlic sandwich at lunch time with some alcohol you might like to consider stopping it!
The following foods and drinks can contribute to halitosis.
Dairy products.
High protein
Meat products.
Orange juice.
Spicy foods.
If you have any of the following health conditions then you might also have bad breath.
If you smoke then you will most likely have bad breath as well.
Unclean dentures and braces would also make those bacteria produce more smells than your friends could possibly cope with.
What can we do to treat and prevent bad breath?
I know that it’s obvious, but learn how to brush you teeth properly. Go to your dentist and get one of those leaflets that have got diagrams. I also keep a toothbrush and toothpaste at my office so that I can freshen up after lunch time or just before I go into a meeting.
The bacteria are so tiny, they actually get in between your teeth so learn how to floss.
Brushing tongue and cheeks, a bit uncomfortable at first, but it’s time to boot out those smelly bacteria that have been having a party on your tongue and laughing at you each time you brush your teeth.
Brush your gums
Use a mouthwash. But check the ingredients, you want one without alcohol. (Alcohol dries out the mouth and this gives the bacteria a chance to multiply)
I am not a dentist and not qualified to give you advice. Thus the above article is for informational purposes only. Please visit your dentist if you require any specific treatment.
About The Author
John Sneed
If you want to learn more about curing Bad Breath please visit the following web site which contains details of bad breath products and bad breath remedies.