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Frequently Asked Prempro Cancer Questions
Prempro FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
Prempro side effects cause life threatening Prempro injury. Free Prempro consultation at Monheit.com Prempro FAQ #1: My doctor says that I still need to take Prempro for my osteoporosis, what should I do?
Prempro side effects cause life threatening Prempro injury. Free Prempro consultation at Monheit.com Prempro FAQ #2: What are Prempro side effects?
Prempro side effects cause life threatening Prempro injury. Free Prempro consultation at Monheit.com Prempro FAQ #3: What can be done to lower the risks of Prempro side effects such as heart attack, stroke, blood clots, or breast cancer while taking estrogen or estrogen with progestin?
Prempro side effects cause life threatening Prempro injury. Free Prempro consultation at Monheit.com Prempro FAQ #4: Are the estrogens and progestins that are in birth control pills the same as those in Prempro? Do they have the same risks?
Prempro side effects cause life threatening Prempro injury. Free Prempro consultation at Monheit.com Prempro FAQ #5: Are estrogens in patches, vaginal creams, or vaginal rings safer than tablet forms?
Prempro side effects cause life threatening Prempro injury. Free Prempro consultation at Monheit.com Prempro FAQ #6: Who should not take estrogens and progestins?
Prempro side effects cause life threatening Prempro injury. Free Prempro consultation at Monheit.com Prempro FAQ #7: Is the FDA doing anything about Prempro?
Prempro side effects cause life threatening Prempro injury. Free Prempro consultation at Monheit.com Prempro FAQ #8:What is Premarin? Does it have harmful side effects like Prempro?
Prempro FAQ #1: My doctor says that I still need to take Prempro for my osteoporosis, what should I do? Get a second opinion. There are other products on the market specifically for osteoporosis. Ask your doctor for another recommendation.
Prempro litigation for Prompro side effect
Prempro FAQ #2:What are Prempro side effects? Prempro side effects vary from life threatening to benign. Breast cancer, uterine an ovarian cancer, heart attack, blood clots, dementia, and gall bladder disease would be considered life threatening. While benign but still painful Prempro side effects include headache, breast pain, irregular vaginal bleeding or spotting, nausea and vomiting, and possibly hair loss.
Prempro litigation for Prompro side effect
Prempro FAQ #3:What can be done to lower the risks of Prempro side effects such as heart attack, stroke, blood clots, or breast cancer while taking estrogen or estrogen with progestin?
The safety and effectiveness of medicines are increased when used as directed. Here are some tips to consider:
* Do a self-breast examination regularly and have a breast exam and mammogram (breast X-ray) regularly. * Ask your doctor or nutritionist how you can lower your cholesterol, manage high blood pressure and diabetes, quite smoking, and lose weight to decrease your risks of heart disease. * If vaginal bleeding from taking Prempro occurs, talk to your doctor immediately. * Consider natural and plant-derived alternatives to taking estrogen, monitor side effects more efficiently, use a lower dosage, and only use for a short duration. * When in doubt and facing Prempro side effects, contact a Prempro attorney for a free, no obligation consultation.
Prempro litigation for Prompro side effect
Prempro FAQ #4:Are the estrogens and progestins that are in birth control pills the same as those in Prempro? Do they have the same risks? Birth control pills also contain estrogens and progestins but different kinds and different doses. All estrogens have similar side effects. However, the risks of particular side effects may differ since birth control pills are used by younger women with a different health status compared to postmenopausal women.
As with taking any estrogens, the use of birth control pills is also associated with increased risks of several serious conditions including heart attack, blood clots, stroke, liver tumors, and gallbladder disease. These risks are higher in women with underlying risk factors of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and cigarette smokers.
Prempro litigation for Prompro side effect
Prempro FAQ #5:Are estrogens in patches,
vaginal creams, or vaginal rings safer than tablet forms? It has not been determined if other forms are safer than tablets. Estrogens are available in a variety of forms including trans-dermal patches, estrogen gels, and vaginal creams and rings. Most of the data on the long-term estrogen health effects come from studies involving oral estrogen and progestin tablets. Until there is more data, the FDA recommends that postmenopausal women who take estrogen and progestin in other dosage forms be similarly warned about harmful health risks.
The amount of estrogen that enters the blood stream from estrogen-containing vaginal creams and rings can vary depending on the specific product; how it is used, and these factors vary from woman to woman. The FDA encourages manufacturers to provide drug blood level information with the physician prescribing information. However, it is important to realize that little is still known about the relationship between estrogen blood levels and potential health risks.
Prempro litigation for Prompro side effect
Prempro FAQ #6:Who should not take estrogens and progestins?
Do not take estrogens and progestins if you:
* think you may be pregnant or are pregnant * have unusual vaginal bleeding * have or had certain cancers * had a stroke or heart attack in the past year * have or had blood clots * have liver problems or liver disease
Women are advised to discuss this issue with their health care provider before stopping their medication. No one should be taking estrogens and progestins indefinitely.
Prempro litigation for Prompro side effect
Prempro FAQ #7:Is the FDA doing anything about Prempro? The FDA suggested revising the label to include information about current approved uses Prempro. The suggested label states that if Prempro is solely prescribed for vaginal symptoms, health care providers are advised to consider the use of topical vaginal products. The suggested label recommends that if the products are prescribed for osteoporosis, women should be at significant risk for osteoporosis and that non-estrogen treatments should be considered inappropriate.
FDA is also advising women and their health care providers that hormone therapy has never been approved for prevention of cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer's disease or memory loss.
This information is too little too late. If you or a family member are suffering or have suffered life threatening and harmful Prempro side effects, consult a Prempro lawyer today for a free, no-obligation consultation.
Prempro litigation for Prompro side effect
Prempro FAQ #8:What is Premarin? Does it have harmful side effects like Prempro? Premarin is a conjugated estrogen extracted from pregnant mares' urine (PMU). It is manufactured by Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories, Inc., and is most commonly prescribed for estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) to relieve hormonal deficiency symptoms associated with menopause or hysterectomy. More recently, it has been prescribed to help prevent osteoporosis and heart disease. Marketed for the past 50 years, Premarin is the most widely used ERT drug and currently prescribed to more than nine million American women.
Animal rights groups have drawn attention to Premarin because of the methods used to collect the pregnant mares’ urine. Each mare is kept tethered in a narrow stall for four to six months with a rubber cup positioned over her vulva to collect the urine flow. The cup is held in place by overhead supports and a partial body harness. The tether and collection equipment greatly restrict movement and the mare is unable to turn around or take more than a step or two in any direction.
Some of the long-term disadvantages of taking Premarin include increased risk of developing uterine and breast cancers.
Monheit Law is investigating Prempro Cancer cases for long term users of Prempro who have developed either breast or ovarian cancer.
See: Our FAQ page to learn more about Prempro, Premarin, and Prempro Side Effects.
About the Author
Monheit Law is investigating Prempro Cancer cases for long term users of Prempro who have developed either breast or ovarian cancer.
American Diabetes Association Home Page |
Their mission is to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by this disease. Available in English and Spanish. |
www.diabetes.org |
Diabetes Information - American Diabetes Association |
The American Diabetes Association recommends the FPG because it is easier, ... Take the first steps toward better diabetes care by visiting the Diabetes ... |
www.diabetes.org |
Diabetes UK home page - Diabetes UK |
Diabetes UK is the largest organisation in the UK working for people with diabetes, funding research, campaigning and helping people live with the ... |
www.diabetes.org.uk |
Canadian Diabetes Association |
To promote the health of Canadians through diabetes research, education, service, and advocacy. |
www.diabetes.ca |
Diabetes information including treating type 2 diabetes at ... |
Offers dietary recommendations, including recipes and tips on managing blood sugar levels. From GlaxoSmithKline. |
www.diabetes.com |
Diabetes |
Web site for Diabetes. ... publishes Diabetes. Stanford University Libraries' HighWire Press ® assists in the publication of Diabetes Online ... |
diabetes.diabetesjournals.org |
CDC Diabetes Public Health Resource |
The diabetes information homepage of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, provided by the CDC’s Division of Diabetes Translation. |
www.cdc.gov |
CDC - Health Topic: Diabetes |
Diabetes · Diabetes and Research Diagnostics · Diabetes Surveillance Report · FAQ's on Diabetes · Physical Activity and Health: A Report of the Surgeon ... |
www.cdc.gov |
National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse |
Provides educational materials to increase knowledge and understanding about diabetes among patients, health care professionals, and the general public. |
diabetes.niddk.nih.gov |
Diabetes mellitus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
For diabetes mellitus in pets, see diabetes in cats and dogs. ... Type 1 diabetes mellitus - formerly known as insulin-dependent diabetes (IDDM), ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
MedlinePlus: Diabetes |
(National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases) - Links to PDF ... Select services and providers for Diabetes in your area. ... |
www.nlm.nih.gov |
MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Diabetes |
Diabetes affects about 18 million Americans. There are many risk factors for ... These levels are considered to be risk factors for type 2 diabetes and its ... |
www.nlm.nih.gov |
Diabetes |
What to expect from your diabetes diagnosis? Get up-to-the-minute information about medications, insulin, blood sugar management, nutrition requirements, ... |
diabetes.about.com |
WebMD Diabetes Health Center - Information on Type 1 and Type 2 ... |
Find in-depth information here about diabetes prevention, diet, ... Study Shows Burned-Out Staffers More Likely to Get Type 2 DiabetesGo To Article ... |
www.webmd.com |
WebMD Health - 404 Error |
Allergies|Anxiety Disorders|Arthritis|Asthma|Back Pain|Bipolar Disorder|Cancer|Children's Health|Cholesterol|Depression| Diabetes|Diet & Nutrition|Erectile ... |
www.webmd.com |
Diabetes Overview |
Defines diabetes, including the various types and treatments. Provides information on the impact and cost of the disease, its increasing prevalence, ... |
www.niddk.nih.gov |
Diabetes News - The New York Times |
A free collection of articles about diabetes published in The New York Times. |
topics.nytimes.com |
children with DIABETES Online Community |
An online community for kids, families, and adults with diabetes, featuring message boards, chat rooms, and questions/answers from medical professionals. |
www.childrenwithdiabetes.com |
International Diabetes Institute - Diabetes Research, Education ... |
The International Diabetes Institute is the leading national and international centre for diabetes research, diabetes education and diabetes care. |
www.diabetes.com.au |
Diabetes New Zealand |
Educates and informs people about diabetes, its treatment, prevention, and cure of diabetes. |
www.diabetes.org.nz |