The Immune System: Eureka
On the other hand, when the immune system is NOT functioning properly (sugars are NOT in place nutritionally or malformed), we experience one of several immune system "reactions."
For example, if the immune system is an over active immune system, we can experience allergies, asthma, eczema, lupus, psoriasis, MS, Rheumatoid Arthritis and diabetes.
If the sugars are not present, we can experience an under active immune system disorder. Such an under active immune system problem can lead to cancer, viral and bacterial infections, strep, sinus problems, Candida (yeast), Herpes simplex I and II, ear infections (moms take note for your young 'uns), HIV, colds, bronchitis, Hepatitis B and C, flu, TB, urinary infections...among others.
Glyconutrients are immune system modulators. In other words, if the immune system is over active, they can help balance the immune system response. If the immune system is an under active immune system, the glyconutrients can boost the immune system strength.
Supplying the body with glyconutrients, may mean significant help for your
body's immune system in dealing with bacterial and viral infections, malignancies, fungus infections, bacterial infections, parasites and neurological problems.
Finally, glyconutrients significantly increase immune system cell ("killer cell") response by as much as 50 per cent in people who are generally healthy. This means cutting back the incidence of infections, parasites and growths. The statistic in people with compromised immune systems is as much as 400 per cent!
Folks, that's getting a lot of "bang" for your ...uh...sugar.
Well, it is exciting. Sort of...
Eureka. About the Author
Dr. Robert Gamble is retired from a successful Cardio-Thoracic surgical career spanning three decades. He is now active in researching medical issues and offers his insights for public benefit. Glyconutrition: This new science is sending shockwaves through the entire medical industry and may be the missing link between health and disease. For information and/or business opportunity or call 1-866-735-5871.