A Woman's Challenge
A challenge to women about the freedom we deserve
Being a young woman entering the world of family and business, I appreciate the rights women have in America lacking in other countries. In the Middle East, wearing lipstick is a sign of...
Breaking Bonds
Direct Answers - Column for the week of March 8, 2004
I am just out of high school, and I have come to realize what I really want is completely out of my family's standards. I come from an Indian family, where the standards are extremely high....
Dealing with Adversity
Each day I receive several letters from people who are facing adversity, some are confronted with the loss of financial resources, some have serious health problems, while others are faced with the loss of a loved one either through death or...
If You Really Need A Dating Quiz, Maybe You Shouldn't Be Dating
Q. My boyfriend failed a dating quiz. Should I dump him?
A. If you're the type that hates to be dumped, then you should dump him before he finds out that you even asked this question. If you put so much value on a dating quiz that you're...
Ten Financial Tips for Women
On average, women earn 76 cents for every dollar men earn in the workplace. Because women typically spend approximately seven years out of the work force to have and raise children, their earnings are even further curtailed. With lower pay and...
Woman Thou Art GREAT
"Be not afraid of greatness, some are born great, some achieve greatness and others have greatness thrust upon them." -William Shakespeare You are GREAT! No matter what aspersions have been cast upon you by either yourself or by others, you were born for GREATNESS. Greatness is within you Woman. It is true. Deep within every woman alive is the seed of the awareness of her queenhood. In her soul every woman knows that she is infinitely more than the prime cuts of meat that popular culture attempts to dissect females into. I know this because I live this. As a child I was never accepted. I was called ugly, useless, "black" & stupid. I was the offspring of a domestically violent household. My mother eventually escaped with my siblings and I to live on welfare and government cheese in Detroit City. By 15 my virginity was stolen from me by a 24 year old child rapist. By 16 I was drinking and trying to forget myself. By 17 I was suicidal. By the age of 18 wounded by a difficult childhood and troubled teenaged years, I got pregnant with the first of my 3 children. I was a mess...yet there was GREATNESS within that mess. GREATNESS is within you too. In order to be useful to you, I had to go through a process. This process was very painful. In this process I might have perished. It continues. This process is more commonly known as "life." My demise, however, though supported by this world, was not sanctioned by the Universe. By God I am still here. You could have died before reaching and reading these words, yet you are still here. We are here! We have arrived in this moment for a reason and with a divine Purpose. When you learn... Teach When you get... Give -Maya Angelou, Our Grandmothers When I was just a little brown baby girl hiding and cringing in the closet listening to my mama being beaten, GREATNESS was within me. When I was just a skinny little 15 year old Black girl in Detroit City being physically threatened, emotionally annihilated and spiritually devastated, GREATNESS was within me. I was a Queen, but I did not know it yet. When I wallowed in despair weeping as a young adult in the wake of self-destruction and negativity, GREATNESS was within me but I did not know it yet. When I cried alone as a poverty stricken unwed teenaged mother, GREATNESS
was within me but I did not know it yet. As I bore the weight of being a divorced single parent of three children thumbing through my food-stamps, GREATNESS was within me but I did not know it yet. While lying up under benighted males in search of love and validation as a lost woman, GREATNESS was within me but I did not know it yet. As I walked across the stage to collect my BA then my MA degrees, thinking that they were legitimizing me, true GREATNESS was within me, I thought I knew but I did not know true GREATNESS yet. God knew it though. My Purpose is to proclaim the Creator's gift of GREATNESS within YOU as I reveal it within myself. No one, no, nor no one million ones dare deny me God, I go forth alone, and stand as ten thousand. -Maya Angelou, Our Grandmothers I have suffered. You have suffered. Women have suffered uniquely in patriarchal society. With women of color, the double whammy of simultaneous sexism and racism can be particularly devastating. Let us consider the resultant GREATNESS of women who have gone through great trials and lessons. Everyone who has achieved any substantive modicum of greatness has suffered in one way or another. Our pain makes human. Overcoming our suffering through perseverance, grace, wisdom and determination exemplifies triumph over adversity. This is how we tap into the inexhaustible Source. Our suffering becomes our strength. This strength is our gift from the Creator to the rest of the world. ... All my life I have always known I was born to greatness. -OPRAH WINFREY It's time to reclaim your rightful inheritance. Ascend the throne beloved daughter of the most high God. Your prison is an illusion. Your smallness is a lie. God sent you here directly from Heaven. Woman thou art loosed. Woman thou art beautiful. Woman thou art loved. Woman thou art powerful. Woman thou art safe. Woman thou art successful. Woman thou art free... Woman thou art GREAT!
LB Lacey, MA. is CEO of SOULutions for Dynamic Living, LLC, a holistic consulting service dedicated to providing products and services that support individuals in their intention to live dynamically and effectively in the world. LB is a holistic (meaning “whole”) modality based practitioner. www.mySOULution.com
divorce.co.uk - advice on mediation, counselling and legal aspects ... |
An overview of divorce in the UK, including the law, mediation options and emotional support, from Mills & Reeve. |
www.divorce.co.uk |
Divorce Magazine, information about separation and divorce |
Divorce Magazine is a compassionate self-help resource for people in need of information about separation and divorce. |
www.divorcemag.com |
Divorce - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Divorce or dissolution of marriage is the ending of a marriage before the ... A decree of divorce is initially granted 'nisi', i.e. (unless cause is later ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
DivorceNet - Divorce Net: Family Law Information, Solutions, News ... |
DivorceNet® is the Internet's largest divorce resource, offering state-specific articles, an online community and a nationwide directory of divorce lawyers, ... |
www.divorcenet.com |
The Divorce Support Page: Divorce, Child Custody, Alimony, Support ... |
a support site for people experiencing, divorce, dissolution, separation, custody, alimony, visitation, etc. Divorce professionals to help you in your area. |
www.divorcesupport.com |
Divorce Source: a legal resource for divorce, custody, alimony ... |
A state specific divorce web site providing information and referrals for people facing and experiencing issues revolving around divorce, separation, ... |
www.divorcesource.com |
DivorceInfo Surviving Divorce Managing Lawyers Alimony Child Support |
Divorceinfo -Survive your divorce with some money in your pocket and your dignity intact. |
www.divorceinfo.com |
Divorce - Wex |
An overview of divorce law with links to key primary and secondary sources, from Cornell University's Legal Information Institute. |
www.law.cornell.edu |
MedlinePlus: Divorce |
Children; Children and Divorce (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry) ... Select services and providers for Divorce in your area. ... |
www.nlm.nih.gov |
Divorce Aid :: Online Guide to UK Divorce Law, Information and Advice |
The largest free online interactive divorce resource in the UK for divorce law, advice, emotional support, counselling, mediation, and website for ... |
www.divorceaid.co.uk |
Divorce-Online :The UK's leading low cost divorce service |
The largest free online divorce and separation resource in the UK with information, forums, chat, experts and articles. |
www.divorce-online.co.uk |
How to Divorce As Friends - Featured on Oprah - Bill Ferguson |
Advice, recommended books, and telephone counseling to help couples resolve difficult issues connected with divorce or even save their marriage. |
www.divorceasfriends.com |
Welcome To Divorce Online ~ www.divorceonline.com |
An electronic journal providing information and referrals for people facing divorce. |
www.divorceonline.com |
Federal Magistrates Court - On-line Application for Divorce |
In the short-term, please use the Application for Divorce form which can be found at ... Our E-mail address for family law enquiries (including divorce) is ... |
www.divorce.gov.au |
DivorceCare: Divorce Recovery Support Groups |
DivorceCare is a divorce recovery support group where you can find help and healing for the hurt of separation and divorce. |
www.divorcecare.com |
Divorce Central Home Page |
Links to divorce-related resources, organized by state, with an archive of articles and interviews. |
www.divorcecentral.com |
Divorce Helpline — tools to keep you out of court |
Providing information about divorce, and referrals to family law attorneys. |
www.divorcehelp.com |
Divorce and relationship breakdown : Directgov - Parents |
Advice on counselling, mediation and the divorce process, including where to find a solicitor. |
www.direct.gov.uk |
Americans for Divorce Reform, Inc. |
John Crouch speaks about divorce law reform and presents a paper by John Crouch and Richard ... To find out how to work on divorce reform in your state ... |
www.divorcereform.org |
Divorce Busting® - Solve Marriage Problems, Save My Marriage, Save ... |
Divorce is not the answer to marriage problems. Stop your divorce and save your marriage with advice from Michele Weiner-Davis. |
www.divorcebusting.com |