DEALING in NOTEBOOKS is like a dream come true
DEALING in NOTEBOOKS is like a dream come true
© Harry S Richards
The huge advantages of starting a business dealing in laptops are not always appreciated but consider the following points . . .
Laptops/Notebooks are easy to store. It is possible to operate the business from a single room. In fact we know a guy who stores a number of them under his bed. He says he can store up to twenty laptops with hardly any loss of room space.
Laptops/Notebooks are always available from liquidation merchants and other specialist trade sources at prices which allow good reseller profit margins. It is a cash-doubler business for those we know who are quietly operating this business from a home base.
For a completely free list of notebook wholesalers and liquidation merchants go to for Europe. In USA go to
Laptops/Notebooks are easy to pack to sell by Mail Order. Take up to four under your arm to your local Post Office and using standard parcel rates and insurance the cost to fulfil orders will be a pittance compared to the profit potential.
However, unless working from a cramped room, be professional and send the order by Courier Service, after all, the profit margin is HUGE enough to allow for a "Free Delivery Service".
Recently sourced laptops/notebooks from a repo-liquidation reseller allowed for a mark-up ratio of 150 percent and it doesn't stretch the imagination to calculate how much could be made each week from just a couple of re-sales that allows you to double your investment on each transaction.
There are of course warranties to be considered and how to deal with any
faulty returns.
Those were concerns I had myself in the beginning. However, I found an easy way to resolve those issues to everyone's satisfaction. It was so simple, just make a complete replacement and send the faulty one back to the supplier. Within the past year I have only needed to do that three times which equates to a very small percentage of total sales volume.
Here's hoping you'll give it a try and if so I would love to get some feedback from you - please let me know what you think of the business anyway, your thoughts are always welcome.
Resource Box:
Article by Harry S Richards. Former Street Urchin and Founder of Beauforts PC Trading. Training others for business based upon his own experience:
Harry also edits a unique Trading MART at
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About the Author
Harry S Richards. Former Street Urchin and Founder of Beauforts PC Trading. Training others for business based upon his own experience:
Harry also edits a unique Trading MART at