New Disabling Features to Protect Your eBooks
As of this writing, there are currently two advanced ebook editing/compiling programs that allow writers to protect their work. While no program is perfect, these two programs allow the writer to "protect" and "disable" their ebooks. There are other programs that allow the author to password protect an ebook, or require registration codes, but they do not allow the owner to disable a book at some point in the future. I have owned both programs, and recognize that both are very valuable pieces of software. While I am not endorsing either one, I strongly encourage electronic writers to evaluate features of both programs and consider purchasing one of them for their own use. These programs are eBook Pro ( - endorsed by Corey Rudl and the Internet Marketing Center) and the ebookgenerator ( from Armand Morin.
For starters, I'll cover the main features that both programs have in common. The main feature is the ability of the owner to at some point in the future disable a specific ebook. This allows the writer to publish a book, and sell copies online or even on a hard electronic medium (such as cd or floppy). If the purchaser ever decides to ask for a refund, or their funds do not clear, the writer can 'disable' the book and prevent the purchaser from opening the product. Both ebooks easily compile content from html (webpage) files. This allows for almost anyone to publish an ebook in only minutes. This is possible because even if a person does not know how to write website code, it is possible to publish microsoft word documents as html files at the click of a mouse button.
Both programs also allow for the author to track registered users and the usage of each ebook. This tracking is possible because the books are programmed to check in with a server that holds the permissions for each book. Each program does allow for books to be distributed for free use, but can return required contact information to the products creator. This can help build a highly targeted contact list for future mailings from the author. The main difference between both books is that ebookgenerator allows for easier distributions, in that, ebooks can be used without being registered at all - if that is what the writer allows during the ebooks creation. Ebook Pro requires some type of registration regardless of what the writer specifies during the ebooks' creation - meaning that the writer must distribute some type of code to allow use of the book, even if they do not charge for the book. This can become annoying if the author simply wants to get the information out there as much as possible and does not care who has copies of the book or what is done with the copies (for example, if the book is full of affiliate links and that is how the author generates revenue, or if the book is simply used as an index to get the reader to return to the author's given webpage).
Each program also have a feature that requires the end user to have a registration code that is
issued by the author. Ebookgenerator allows the author to generate an unlimited number of codes, and never requires the purchase of new registrations. Ebook Pro comes with 1000 registration codes and allows the author to purchase additional codes for .10 cents a piece. Ebook Pro has "free" 0-day registration codes that allow for distributing books without charging the author for a code; however, these books can never be disabled. Both books have features that protect the actual information inside of the books by disabling context menus, printing options, and general 'right click' properties. Ebook Pro has more powerful protections and encryptions, but I will not specify what these are, as I do not want to exploit any weaknesses in either program.
Overall, both program are valuable and advanced information publishing tools. They are both definitely investments as they cost $97 (regular $147) and $197 respectively. However, there are other fine ebook editors available that cost almost the same price but do not have the disabling feature. I believe that certain authors would not even dare publish electronically without the protections afforded by eBook Pro, but there are many others that will be appropriately suited with the protections of ebook generator. Of course, there are others who will have all of their publishing needs met with a free ebook publisher, or by one that costs less than one of these programs.
In closing, I will also mention an alternative program that can lock any ebook, or any other type of file that someone has created - that program is Mike Chen's clicklocker (available at It requires a monthly fee of $24.95, but it allows the writer to encrypt and protect any file and will allow the writer to disable the program. It prevents software piracy along with being able to disable out-of-date products.
If you or anyone you know is interested in creating their own information products, these programs could be very useful once the initial costs are recouped.
Written by Heidi Stabbert - Original release date June 6, 2003
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About the author:
Heidi has a degree in psychology from Fresno Pacific University in Fresno, California. She has been online since the beginning of 1995 and has learned how to apply business principles to the internet by trial and error and by learning from other internet marketers. She lives in the Fresno area with her two dogs Brad and Brady, and the meanest cat in the world, Smokey.