Building eCommerce Websites that Work - Part 2
Copyright 2005 Richard Keir Succeeding with an eCommerce website is a dream for many these days. It may seem nearly impossible at times, but it can be done. This series covers some of the basic success factors - things you must consider in...
Getting Started in ECommerce - Part Two
In Part One we talked a little bit about what Ecommerce is, getting a domain name and setting up a merchant account. Ecommerce is more than that, much more. To have a really good online presence that gets people to stop and shop you need a strategy...
How to set up the ecommerce shopping cart software tools to handle your transactions and how to do in smart, efficient and cost effective way.
Utilizing a ecommerce shopping cart software solution frees
you of the burden of setting up and managing your shopping car,
credit card processing and sales management functions so you can
concentrate on what you do best, providing products and...
My Top 7 Favorite Ecommerce Tools
Copyright 2005 Jim Edwards
When you make your living on the Internet, you sometimes forget that the resources you use every day (and take for granted) might rate an incredible discovery to anyone who doesn't already know they exist.
What Ecommerce Software Has to Offer
Setting up a website can seem a daunting task to many of us. Not everyone is proficient at building stunning, effective and dynamic websites; but if you have a product or a service to sell, then having your own website utilizing ecommerce software...
Peter Drucker believes ecommerce will be to the Information Revolution what the railroads were to the Industrial Revolution.* To oversimplify, the Industrial Revolution was a time in which tools were produced that replaced people in the manufacture of goods. In the first thirty years, all was devoted to producing known products with machines.
While there were drastic social changes with the massive shift from rural to urban living, there was little change in the products produced and purchased. They only became more readily available at ever more modest cost.
Only later did the Industrial Revolution produce something new - the railroads. For the first time in history, people could readily move great distances inexpensively. (Hauling freight came much later.) Railroads brought a thirty year boom in Europe, and an even longer one in the United States. While many other parts of the world got started somewhat later, the boom did not end for them until the outbreak of World War I.
What Will Arise From The Information Revolution?
The parallels between the Industrial and Information Revolutions are astonishing. Thus far computers, the Web, and information technology have created nothing dramatically new. They have merely changed the ways in which information is gathered, managed and reported. And to some extent, the way in which consumers purchase goods.
Computers themselves have changed the way in which products are manufactured, including their design. And a few new spinoffs have come to the fore. But there has not been anything revolutionary in any of this. Nothing yet has had the impact of railroads on the whole of the social fabric.
If Drucker is correct, ecommerce will have an impact equivalent to that of the railroads earlier. Thus far the Web has produced less change in the way business is done than ore cars running on steel rails effected mining. In short, the real drama and excitement is yet to be revealed.
Given easy access to the Web, you and I have been invited to join in. For myself, I don't want to miss a beat.
A Radical Shift Is Upon Us
There appears to be an awesome and exciting shift emerging in the way business is done. There are those who feel that if it's good for business, it's good. Period. I hold a different view: If it's not good for people, it's not good.
Many with a business orientation are likely to abandon my thinking here. Those convinced people are sheep born to be shorn certainly will. But whatever your view, enormous changes in the way in which business is done are rushing down upon us. Companies who do not embrace them, will be swept away into history.
What Will Customer Service Come To Mean?
For example, automated telephone systems and elevator music will fade away, as will the companies that cling to such barriers. People will not be content much longer, with clutching a phone to their ear, trying to accomplish some other task, while waiting for the answer they need right now.
"The customer comes first" will remain the driving force behind all successful businesses. Today, such phrases mumbled by all are generally mere tokenism. Tomorrow they will come to have an entirely new meaning.
Contemporary companies provide such services at their convenience. The endless round of voice mail and recordings in which busy people respond only to leave yet another message will
come to a screeching halt. Successful companies will provide support when a customer requests it. And they will do so quickly.
Conglomerates May Become Extinct
People have had enough of businesses concerned about their bottom line. They are becoming increasingly concerned about their own needs. They are even now turning away from those who fail to recognize this. Business success in the future will depend heavily upon effective customer support provided immediately upon request.
Conglomerates may be dinosaurs, so huge, so driven by their own inertia, they will disintegrate back into the smaller parts from which they were created. Such companies talk of customer relationships, but often do all possible to avoid any semblance of one-on-one customer support. Smaller firms can be responsive. Those who are, will outperform those who are not.
I am excited about the future for Cyberpreneurs. They will understand they need their customers more than the customer needs them. Untroubled by the constraints of contemporary business practices, they will see responsiveness to customers as an essential fundamental of their business. This characteristic of itself will give them a competitive edge over large businesses that do not.
The Future Is Yours For The Taking
One by one, creative people will consider ways in which conglomerates produce and deliver products. They will then discover a way in which they can do so more effectively. The much larger company will hardly be aware of the tiny loss in revenue. But given many such losses, the bottom line will begin to erode.
Completely new business models will emerge. They will seem so right, so perfectly attuned to both the needs of businesses and consumers, we will wonder why they did not appear much sooner.
There will be a return to a "Rural," rather than an "Urban," pattern of living, one independent of where you choose to live. In this "reversal," there will be a return to individuals being valued. Once again, as was so prior to the Industrial Revolution, people will be both producer and consumer, making a significant contribution in both roles.
The Real "New World"
I continue to hear the Web is not real. That it is nothing more than herds of impulses stampeding about on copper or optical cables. What is reality? I will leave this to the philosophers. But there is no question in my mind; the Web is real. A new reality, at that.
You can feel the awesome power and unlimited resources surging from the collective dynamic of millions and millions of people the world over. People who are real. Our interaction with each other is real, and now unlimited by national boundaries. The Web itself is but a tool. Not unlike the telephone, but magnitudes more powerful. It facilitates the ability to interrelate, to communicate one-on-one. And we will do so in ways not yet imagined.
Welcome to today's "New World."
(Taken from "Your Path To Success" to be released in September, 2001) __________________ *"Beyond the Information Revolution" by Peter F. Drucker, "The Atlantic Monthly," Oct 1999, p47-57.
About the Author
Bob McElwain Want to build a winning site? Improve one you already have? Fix one that's busted? Get ANSWERS. Subscribe to "STAT News" now! mailto:join-stat@lyris.dundee.net Web marketing and consulting since 1993 Site: Phone: 209-742-6349
E-Commerce Times: Because E-Business Means Business |
Everything you need to know about doing business on the Internet. Information for C-Level executives and small-to-mid-sized business managers. |
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ECommerce-Guide to News, Reviews and Technology Solutions |
ECommerce-Guide provides ecommerce business owners with e-commerce news, hardware and software reviews and tutorials, technology solutions and information ... |
www.ecommerce-guide.com |
Electronic commerce - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Electronic commerce (also referred to as EC, e-commerce or ecommerce) ... Even in product categories suitable for e-commerce, electronic shopping has ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
E-Commerce News for IT Managers |
Daily e-commerce news for managers of business covering marketing, transaction processing, security, retailing and service delivered over the Web. |
www.internetnews.com |
New Zealand Government E-Commerce |
Resource containing information on electronic commerce, including law, trade, tax, privacy, consumer protection, and help for businesses. |
www.ecommerce.govt.nz |
eCommerce Guidebook for web hosting |
The eCommerce Guidebook provides many resources, including a directory of online transaction providers, a tutorial, and many other resources. |
www.online-commerce.com |
ClickZ Internet Marketing Solutions for Marketers |
Includes columns with commentary and analysis on a wide variety of internet marketing subjects ranging from B2B marketing to search engine marketing. |
www.clickz.com |
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Shopping cart software integrated into Frontpage, Dreamweaver, CSS and Golive ecommerce software templates. |
www.ecommercetemplates.com |
E-Commerce & the Internet |
Information from the FTC on E-commerce and the Internet. Includes anti-fraud tips. |
www.ftc.gov |
Economy & Work: eBusiness | Europa - Information Society |
The e-business concept goes well beyond e-commerce (buying and selling ... A pilot study on E-commerce and the Internet in European businesses (2002) was ... |
ec.europa.eu |
Online Business |
If your e-commerce site currently accepts online payments, and is really, really, ... They are looking for entries from ugly e-commerce sites to win a new ... |
onlinebusiness.about.com |
eCommerce Info Center- ONE-STOP for eCommerce info, services ... |
eCommerce Info Center, created and maintained by Slim Baltagi, will make it easier and faster for you to find out relevant eCommerce information, ... |
www.ecominfocenter.com |
eCommerce Innovation Centre |
Practical resources for small business involved in or considering eCommerce implemetations. Expert Advice and Assistance. |
www.ecommerce.ac.uk |
Web Marketing Today -- E-Commerce, E-Mail, Internet Marketing, and ... |
Articles, tips and advice on e-commerce and effective Internet marketing strategies. |
www.wilsonweb.com |
Web Marketing Today Research Room for E-Commerce |
The largest collection of annotated links to web marketing and ecommerce articles and resources to be found at any single place on the planet. |
www.wilsonweb.com |
The 2005 E-commerce Awards - Welcome |
The UK national E-commerce awards organised by the DTI and Interforum. |
www.ecommerce-awards.co.uk |
Mal's e-commerce |
Mal's e-commerce ... Customize the look and feel of your store; No scripts or applications to install; Build as large an e-commerce site as you want ... |
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Howstuffworks "How E-commerce Works" |
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www.howstuffworks.com |
Ecommerce Guide - Terms You Need to Know to Do Business on the ... |
An online computer dictionary and internet search engine for internet terms and techincal support. |
e-comm.webopedia.com |
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