5 unorthodox email subject tricks -500% more responses!
5 unorthodox email subject tricks -500% more responses! (c) Copyright S. Kumar 2002 http://www.learnhomebusiness.com If your email subject line doesn't get read -Nothing gets read! And it is worse now! **DoubleClick Q2 E-Mail Trends Report,...
E-mail VS The Web
What Works Best for Selling Online? Email or Web Pages? Good question right? I always thought so! That is until I went through my little learning curve. I can save you from the same lessons if you have a few moments... You see, I do a ton of...
Email Follow Up Tips, 8 Of Them...
The first thing you need to do is get your e-mails opened & read. Spend at least as much time worrying about the subject line of each e mail in your sequence as you do worrying about the body.
Brainstorm at least five subject lines, pick the...
Five Tested Ways To Find The Perfect Drop Shipper
Copyright 2005 Keith Gloster
You’ve heard about it many times in recent months. Being the business-minded person that you are, you most probably got curious and did some research of your own. But resources seem to be few, and what meager data...
Why every articles-marketing campaign must build an opt-in email list
I will be totally honest and admit that I started building up an opt-in email list with my first few articles almost by accident. After the wonderful results I was getting receiving a regular flow of clients from doing what I enjoyed most -...
Stepping Stones
Many people, when they try to go into business, have at best a loosely defined set of goals. A goal is the purpose towards which any endeavor is directed or in other words, an objective. While the ultimate goal is to make an income, that by itself is not a realistic goal on which to base a business.
A simple analogy might be a stream with stepping stones. While the ultimate goal here is to reach the other side without getting wet, each stepping stone represents an intermediate goal that must be reached. If you miss one, you won't be dry when you reach the other side, and will not have attained your goal.
Business in general, whether it be "brick and mortar" or an internet endeavor, has intermediate goals. If you don't recognize these necessary steps, you will not reach your ultimate goal, which is financial reward.
In any particular business, of course, the ultimate goal is to produce revenue, but there are numerous "stepping stones" that must be in place to do so. At the risk of stating the obvious, you must have a saleable product or service. While you might scam a few people with an inferior one, you will not be around for the long haul. I personally get a real "kick" out of those who send out what are recognized by most people as obvious scams such as chain letters, hoping to lure in the unsuspecting.
So if you do have a legitimate product or service, how are you going to sell it? First you need a place from which to sell your wares. A website to an online entrepreneur is akin to a storefront. This is where you will make your sales. It has to be attractive and the merchandise displayed in a proper manner.
Next, you have to make people aware of its existence. This is your advertising goal. You must first identify a target market, and aim your advertising towards that market. But where do you advertise? Statistics have shown that the best possible vehicle is one which actually reaches your prospects.
Let's talk about ezine advertising, which is one of the strongest ways possible. Do you advertise in a publication that reaches 100,00 people or one that only reaches 5,000? Don't be too quick to answer. The one that reaches
100,000 may not be aimed at your target market, while the one that reaches 5,000 might. While a humor ezine may reach many thousands (who doesn't like a good joke), if you are trying to market an affiliate program, an ezine geared to that market might just be your best bet.
Next on the agenda is an easy way for your prospects to purchase your product. If you don't accept credit cards you are missing impulse sales. If someone is ready to buy, and you make them jump through hoops to purchase, the odds are they won't. If you give them time to "cool off" they will most likely look elsewhere.
It is not that difficult to obtain a merchant account. Anyone who is selling a product or a service, who doesn't have one is simply wasting their time. If someone has to send you a check or money order, by the time they get around to doing it, their impulse to purchase may very well be gone.
Do you have a personal presence on the web? If not, you are losing business. You don't have to give them your life history, but your picture and way to contact you goes a long way.
Do you need a toll free number. I always felt this was important, but have lately changed my thinking. A toll free number will generate a lot "tire kickers" but not too many sales. If someone won't "drop a dime" to find out about your offer, they are most likely not serious. We took out our toll free number and two things happened - the number of calls we received went down. But, the number of sales we made went up - go figure.
These are just a few of the stepping stones needed to reach your goal. While there are many others, if you provide these steps for your prospects, you will most likely meet your goals. If you don't, you will quickly lose heart and wonder why you are not getting any business.
About the Author
Bob has been publishing online since 1996. All the "tricks of the trade" are contained in his latest E-book. Learn how to avoid being shut down by your ISP for Spamming, and where to find "E-mail friendly ISP's. Learn which software packages are available to easily manage and distribute your email. For more information - http://www.adv-marketing.com/business/handbook.htm
Email marketing services and email marketing tools from SubscriberMail |
SubscriberMail is the leading provider of email marketing services and technology, enabling clients to send email marketing newsletters and campaigns ... |
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ClickZ Internet Marketing Experts |
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Email Marketing Solutions from Constant Contact |
Email marketing software that makes it easy to create professional HTML email campaigns with no tech skills. Sign up for a 60-Day FREE trial. |
www.constantcontact.com |
Constant Contact Learning Center – Email Marketing Resources |
Articles on email marketing best practices, including tips on building an email list, writing email newsletters, and tracking email campaigns. |
www.constantcontact.com |
Email Marketing | Email Campaigns |
Online resource for Bulk Email Marketing Services, Email Address List, Email Marketing Campaigns, Email List Builder, Permission Email Marketing, ... |
www.benchmarkemail.com |
Email Marketing Reports |
Hundreds of articles and reviews on email marketing and advertising. |
www.email-marketing-reports.com |
MailWorkZ Email Marketing Products and Services |
Full suite of email marketing products and online services. Create effective campaigns, manage deliverability, evaluate and track results. |
www.mailworkz.com |
Email Marketing, Internet Marketing Tool, Bulk Email Marketing ... |
Email marketing, internet marketing tool and bulk email marketing strategies from StreamSend. |
www.streamsend.com |
Email Marketing - About Email |
Email is a very powerful marketing tool. In spite of spammers abusing the medium, email can still be used and is still valued by users for timely, ... |
email.about.com |
Email Marketing Software - Email Marketing Solutions - Lyris |
Email Marketing Solutions from Lyris - The most popular email marketing software, list hosting services, email deliverability and antispam solutions since ... |
www.lyris.com |
Direct email Marketing |
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www.efuse.com |
Topica: Online Marketing and Sales Solution |
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www.topica.com |
Pure ))) Email Marketing and Email Advertising |
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www.pure360.com |
Email Marketing Software & Services from Email Marketing Solutions UK |
Email Marketing Solutions UK: Private label, multi-user mailing list management and email marketing software solution for designers and marketers. |
www.emailtools.co.uk |
Email Marketing Software from Bronto |
Email marketing software for managing lists and sending newsletters, surveys and other communications. |
bronto.com |
IntelliContact - We Simplify Email Marketing |
IntelliContact is more than email marketing. It represents the future of ... "We Simplify Email Marketing" and "Intelligent Email Marketing Software" are ... |
www.intellicontact.com |
Email marketing | Business Link |
How to use email to promote your business in a constructive way that stays clear of anti-spam rules. |
www.businesslink.gov.uk |
Email Marketing Software: Direct Email Marketing from Listrak |
Email marketing provider, Listrak is a permission-based application that provides an easy and affordable method of managing, sending and tracking the ... |
www.listrak.com |
Mass email marketing software for email newsletters, email merge ... |
Internet marketing tools that mean business: e-mail personalization and marketing tools for professionals. |
www.arialsoftware.com |
Email Marketing Software & Services from Emailcenter UK |
Email marketing software solutions and services from Emailcenter UK. |
www.emailcenteruk.com |