5 Secrets to Creating an Email Newsletter That Gets Results
Copyright 2005 Donna Gunter
At almost every meeting I attend in my city, I get really
positive feedback about my email newsletter, Work Smarter, Make
More, http://www.worksmartermakemore.com . People generally tell
me they love it, or they...
How I made Network Marketing work for me.
How I made Network Marketing work for me. So you have been sold the dream. Your friend has come to you, “Hey (put your own name here) I am so excited, I have just joined this new business and it is so good, you can earn thousands, my upline is a...
How To Promote Affiliate Programs With Much More Success - Part 2: Better Downline Performance
Copyright 2005 Jim Boere
In Part 1 of this training article series I showed you several ways you can create your own, unique promotion material and use it to bring in more affiliates and grow your downline.
But that's only part of your...
How to write a Privacy Policy
A Privacy Policy can be defined as the policy under which a company or organization operating a web site handles the personal information collected about visitors to the site. For most of us consumers, privacy involves protecting our integrity and...
Linking is Queen
If content is king, then linking is the queen that shares his throne. We have all heard about adding content to your site to give the search engines fodder to consume. But the secret to luring the search engines is the links to your site....
Ten Free Ways to Promote Your Site
1. Free Publicity.
You can create a dynamic, free press release at the following sites:
2. Free Tools to Make Your Website Sticky.
Want to keep your visitors interested? A sticky website is a site that gets visitors to stay longer.
3. Write Content Rich Articles.
Are you an expert or knowledgable in a particular area? Share your expertise with others through your writing.
Great places to submit articles:
4. Create a Newsletter or Ezine for Free.
Ok, now you've written and submitted your articles and you feel ready to start your own newsletters. These resources will get you on your way to being an ezine guru:
5. Got Subscribers?
What use is an ezine or newsletter without subscribers? Who is going to read your ezine? Get your ezine in front of your target audience
Free Resources:
Email Marketing Resources:
6. To Blog or Not to Blog
Yes, blogging is important. How else will a potential customer get to know you on an more personal level. How often you blog is up to you, but keep it interesting and incorporate some business tidbits into your blog. You may even opt to have a personal and a business blog.
7. Free Stuff to Give Away
If you don't have any products, promote other people's stuff.
Free Ebooks:
Free Email Service:
8. Promote Your Site & Yourself
You won't get any business, if no one knows about your site.
Join forums, join Yahoo groups, become a resource to other entrpreneurs. We can all learn from each other. Don't advertise on these forums, but participate. Include your signature file, so people can find out more about you. Can't find a forum or group for your niche, start one!
Resources for Forums:
Promote Your Site for Free:
9. Exceed Expectations.
Don't worry about what your competitor is doing, find out what they're not doing. Make your visitors and customers feel that you are a resource for them. Provide outstanding customer service. If your product or service isn't appropriate for them, refer them to someone else. It will get you more business in the long run. Find out what they like and give it to them.
10. Give Potential Customers What They Want
Use surveys as a way of communicating with current and future customers. Ask them how you can better serve their needs. Make them feel important by involving them in your business. Surveys are a great resource for getting to know more about your customers. You can get demographic information and more information about why they did or didn't buy a service or product from you.
Free Surveys:
Marie Magdala Roker is a mother, an Academic and Personal Development Coach, and a Certified Breakthrough Parenting Instructor, and a private tutor with Tutor.com. You can find here on the web at http://www.smartbeecoaching.com or http://www.successfulchild.com
Email marketing services and email marketing tools from SubscriberMail |
SubscriberMail is the leading provider of email marketing services and technology, enabling clients to send email marketing newsletters and campaigns ... |
www.subscribermail.com |
ClickZ Internet Marketing Experts |
You are in the: ClickZ Network arrow. ClickZ Network Navigation, ClickZ Network Home, News, News Blog, Experts, Stats, Features, Search Engine Watch ... |
www.clickz.com |
Email Marketing Solutions from Constant Contact |
Email marketing software that makes it easy to create professional HTML email campaigns with no tech skills. Sign up for a 60-Day FREE trial. |
www.constantcontact.com |
Constant Contact Learning Center – Email Marketing Resources |
Articles on email marketing best practices, including tips on building an email list, writing email newsletters, and tracking email campaigns. |
www.constantcontact.com |
Email Marketing | Email Campaigns |
Online resource for Bulk Email Marketing Services, Email Address List, Email Marketing Campaigns, Email List Builder, Permission Email Marketing, ... |
www.benchmarkemail.com |
Email Marketing Reports |
Hundreds of articles and reviews on email marketing and advertising. |
www.email-marketing-reports.com |
MailWorkZ Email Marketing Products and Services |
Full suite of email marketing products and online services. Create effective campaigns, manage deliverability, evaluate and track results. |
www.mailworkz.com |
Email Marketing, Internet Marketing Tool, Bulk Email Marketing ... |
Email marketing, internet marketing tool and bulk email marketing strategies from StreamSend. |
www.streamsend.com |
Email Marketing - About Email |
Email is a very powerful marketing tool. In spite of spammers abusing the medium, email can still be used and is still valued by users for timely, ... |
email.about.com |
Email Marketing Software - Email Marketing Solutions - Lyris |
Email Marketing Solutions from Lyris - The most popular email marketing software, list hosting services, email deliverability and antispam solutions since ... |
www.lyris.com |
Direct email Marketing |
eFuse.com is a virtual primer for creating great web sites-offering information, inspiration, assistance and entertainment. |
www.efuse.com |
Topica: Online Marketing and Sales Solution |
Email Marketing Solutions - Topica's Direct Email Marketing Solution boosts lead generation, increases conversion rates, and shortens the online sales cycle ... |
www.topica.com |
Pure ))) Email Marketing and Email Advertising |
Provides web-based email marketing solutions to improve brand awareness and advertising communications. |
www.pure360.com |
Email Marketing Software & Services from Email Marketing Solutions UK |
Email Marketing Solutions UK: Private label, multi-user mailing list management and email marketing software solution for designers and marketers. |
www.emailtools.co.uk |
Email Marketing Software from Bronto |
Email marketing software for managing lists and sending newsletters, surveys and other communications. |
bronto.com |
IntelliContact - We Simplify Email Marketing |
IntelliContact is more than email marketing. It represents the future of ... "We Simplify Email Marketing" and "Intelligent Email Marketing Software" are ... |
www.intellicontact.com |
Email marketing | Business Link |
How to use email to promote your business in a constructive way that stays clear of anti-spam rules. |
www.businesslink.gov.uk |
Email Marketing Software: Direct Email Marketing from Listrak |
Email marketing provider, Listrak is a permission-based application that provides an easy and affordable method of managing, sending and tracking the ... |
www.listrak.com |
Mass email marketing software for email newsletters, email merge ... |
Internet marketing tools that mean business: e-mail personalization and marketing tools for professionals. |
www.arialsoftware.com |
Email Marketing Software & Services from Emailcenter UK |
Email marketing software solutions and services from Emailcenter UK. |
www.emailcenteruk.com |