Affiliate Programs
Affiliate Programs RichTrack.com explains what affiliate marketing is all about and how much money you can make. RichTrack.com will help you to become an affiliate. RichTrack.com has reviewed the best Affiliate Program Providers (APPs) and here you...
Get Your SUBSCRIBERS to READ Your Emails - Using These 3 Email Marketing Tips
As home based business owners, when we do marketing by email we ask ourselves, Why are many of my subscribers not reading my emails? Why are they not buying my products?
There are many reasons why your subscribers dont WANT to buy YOUR...
I'm Out of Ideas, Now What?
I'm Out of Ideas, Now What? © Terri Seymour I am actually out of ideas for an article this week, so I guess I will make that into an article. Do you have a similar problem? You write article after article and finally you just seem to draw a...
The Top 10 E-Commerce Ways to Follow up with Clients - Part 1
The Top 10 E-Commerce Ways to Follow up with Clients - Part 1 Judy Cullins ©2004 All Rights Reserved. Did you know that 80% of all sales are made after the 5th contact? The biggest mistake we make is not following up with our clients regularly. We...
Why you need to and How to Follow up Your visitor or customer.
The person who comes to your web site seeking products or information is a visitor. A person who bought a product or service of yours is a customer or client.
***Why should you follow up Your VISITORS?
People tend to forget...
YOUR MISSION, if you choose to accept it, Kunle...
...is to deliver a ton of high grade business training to the computers of thousands of operators in locations all around the world... ...and to do so with as much efficiency and excitement as possible." "I accept", said the young Russian entrepreneur. Not so very long ago. And he has *just* delivered! Here is your 'Secret Report' on Phase 1.
------------------------------------ SECRET REPORT - 'FOR YOUR EYES ONLY' ------------------------------------ 1. Product Name: AutoResponder Gold, Volume 1. 2. Name of the Concept Inventor: Kunle Olomofe, Moscow. 3. His Background: Previous internet marketing achievements include two websites (AdTwist.com, PeakMindsetMarketing.com) and two run-away successful ebooks ("Pricing Secrets" and "It's Time To Kick Butt & Make Money"). 4. Purpose of AutoResponder Gold: - To meet the growing marketplace demand for reliable information about making money online. - To expose the 'secrets' of the online rich and famous to those who want to be. - To generate cashflow for astute distributors. - To teach others how to create and promote their own free email course. 5. How That Purpose Was Achieved: - Approach leading internet marketers and passionate promoters from all over the web wide world, inviting them to tell their stories and share their systems
Done! - Then use the explosive power and ripple effect of the word "free"
Done! - Then pack 50 offers into one instant-download ebook
Done! - Then release it and watch it spread
Done! 6. How The Product Is Being Distributed: Viral distribution was selected
as the optimum delivery system. The strategy was to create a product of value, then offer it free of charge to distributors - and let their excitement propel them into action to spread this new e-package. DISTRIBUTORS gain goodwill by providing a centralised source of value to all their contacts. They also gain subscribers through several promotions inside the digital book. Further motivation is generated by inviting distributors to customise over 40 links inside the ebook. When sales are generated through those links, an affiliate commission is credited to the distributor. READERS of the ebook gain by being exposed to high-grade business training info as well as links to web-popular promotional equipment and tactics -- all gathered into one free download. Readers will also learn step by step how to create, market and profit from their own mini email course. 7. Mission Completed? Phase I will be complete as far as you are concerned, dear reader, when you click through from this page: http://www.autorespondergold.com/1938/ebook.html END NOTE Phase II is already underway. If you're interested in being included in AutoResponder Gold volume 2, just click the link and head for chapter 8. Finding out is FREE. Getting listed is FREE. But be quick. There were only 50 slots available.
About the Author
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Email marketing services and email marketing tools from SubscriberMail |
SubscriberMail is the leading provider of email marketing services and technology, enabling clients to send email marketing newsletters and campaigns ... |
www.subscribermail.com |
ClickZ Internet Marketing Experts |
You are in the: ClickZ Network arrow. ClickZ Network Navigation, ClickZ Network Home, News, News Blog, Experts, Stats, Features, Search Engine Watch ... |
www.clickz.com |
Email Marketing Solutions from Constant Contact |
Email marketing software that makes it easy to create professional HTML email campaigns with no tech skills. Sign up for a 60-Day FREE trial. |
www.constantcontact.com |
Constant Contact Learning Center Email Marketing Resources |
Articles on email marketing best practices, including tips on building an email list, writing email newsletters, and tracking email campaigns. |
www.constantcontact.com |
Email Marketing | Email Campaigns |
Online resource for Bulk Email Marketing Services, Email Address List, Email Marketing Campaigns, Email List Builder, Permission Email Marketing, ... |
www.benchmarkemail.com |
Email Marketing Reports |
Hundreds of articles and reviews on email marketing and advertising. |
www.email-marketing-reports.com |
MailWorkZ Email Marketing Products and Services |
Full suite of email marketing products and online services. Create effective campaigns, manage deliverability, evaluate and track results. |
www.mailworkz.com |
Email Marketing, Internet Marketing Tool, Bulk Email Marketing ... |
Email marketing, internet marketing tool and bulk email marketing strategies from StreamSend. |
www.streamsend.com |
Email Marketing - About Email |
Email is a very powerful marketing tool. In spite of spammers abusing the medium, email can still be used and is still valued by users for timely, ... |
email.about.com |
Email Marketing Software - Email Marketing Solutions - Lyris |
Email Marketing Solutions from Lyris - The most popular email marketing software, list hosting services, email deliverability and antispam solutions since ... |
www.lyris.com |
Direct email Marketing |
eFuse.com is a virtual primer for creating great web sites-offering information, inspiration, assistance and entertainment. |
www.efuse.com |
Topica: Online Marketing and Sales Solution |
Email Marketing Solutions - Topica's Direct Email Marketing Solution boosts lead generation, increases conversion rates, and shortens the online sales cycle ... |
www.topica.com |
Pure ))) Email Marketing and Email Advertising |
Provides web-based email marketing solutions to improve brand awareness and advertising communications. |
www.pure360.com |
Email Marketing Software & Services from Email Marketing Solutions UK |
Email Marketing Solutions UK: Private label, multi-user mailing list management and email marketing software solution for designers and marketers. |
www.emailtools.co.uk |
Email Marketing Software from Bronto |
Email marketing software for managing lists and sending newsletters, surveys and other communications. |
bronto.com |
IntelliContact - We Simplify Email Marketing |
IntelliContact is more than email marketing. It represents the future of ... "We Simplify Email Marketing" and "Intelligent Email Marketing Software" are ... |
www.intellicontact.com |
Email marketing | Business Link |
How to use email to promote your business in a constructive way that stays clear of anti-spam rules. |
www.businesslink.gov.uk |
Email Marketing Software: Direct Email Marketing from Listrak |
Email marketing provider, Listrak is a permission-based application that provides an easy and affordable method of managing, sending and tracking the ... |
www.listrak.com |
Mass email marketing software for email newsletters, email merge ... |
Internet marketing tools that mean business: e-mail personalization and marketing tools for professionals. |
www.arialsoftware.com |
Email Marketing Software & Services from Emailcenter UK |
Email marketing software solutions and services from Emailcenter UK. |
www.emailcenteruk.com |