Be Mindful of your exercise
Soft, gentle, fluid, mindful: Words we wouldn't normally associate with a high-energy workout for seniors. Advertising agencies and Hollywood have sold us on the idea that the intensity and personality of the instructor is a measure of the quality...
Exercise Intensity vs. Duration
It seems like there are more bits of exercise advice floating around on the internet and in books than there are stars in the sky. The fact is that what works for one person may not work as well for another. Of course the bottom line is that it's...
How To Incorporate Exercise Into Everyday Life
With many of us having sedentary jobs that demand little or no exercise at all, finding time outside of our work environment for exercise has become increasingly important. Lack of exercise is linked to many conditions and illnesses, such as...
Prevent Premature Ejaculation. A Simple Exercise to Prolong Sex and Increase Sexual Stamina
Copyright 2005 Mukee Okan Sometimes overcoming premature ejaculation is a matter of learning effective relaxation techniques and bringing more awareness into your sexual experiences. Interestingly, this idea contradicts a lot of prevailing...
"Why Exercise Equipment Can Be A Boon For The Working
Exercise equipment manufacturing companies have researched that maintaining health is the one of the foremost goals of every workingman or woman. They feel that without fitness it would be difficult for them to enjoy the life or become successful. ...
Exercise and Omega-3 Boost Your Memory
Two leading neuroscientists recently announced that an active lifestyle and a diet rich in the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oils help prevent the memory loss associated with old age, as well as having other benefits.
Seven Keys
Along with eating a healthy diet and keeping physically fit, five other key factors in maintaining your mental faculties are: <UL><LI>Avoiding high stress levels <LI>Enjoying a rich and varied social life <LI>Mental stimulation <LI>Learning new things <LI>Thinking young</LI></UL>
Omega-3s Stop Memory Loss
Studies show that omega-3 fats reduce the cell inflammation that triggers a decline in memory, and may even stem the chemicals that give rise to such inflammation in the first place. Omega-3 fats have also been linked with maintaining a healthy heart and joints, and in protecting the brain against the damage caused by Alzheimer's disease.
Yahoo News September 7, 2005
Dr. Mercola's Comment:
The mountain of evidence demonstrating the essential nature of omega-3 fatty acids continues to grow. There is little question that omega-3 fats arethe most common and serious nutritional deficiency for nearly everyone reading this. Omega-3 deficiencies are not only linked to memory problems, but also to a wide variety of other healh concerns that you probably have:<UL><LI>Dyslexia<LI>Depression<LI>Weight gain<LI>Cancer<LI>Heart disease<LI>Eczema<LI>Allergies<LI>Inflammatory diseases<LI>Arthritis<LI>Diabetes </LI></UL>
Unfortunately,a number of people have some serious confusion when it comes to using omega-3 fats. While omega-3 from plants (like flax) are useful and should certainly be consumed, they are in no way, shape or form an acceptable substitute for
animal-based omega-3 fats. In fact, in certain instances omega-3 from flax might actually increase the risk of cancer.
Those who consume a vegan diet that avoids all seafood will likely develop severe deficiencies in this important fat and expose themselves to all infections, not only flu, in addition to nearly every chronic degenerative disease we know of.I suggest you use a high-quality fish oil or cod liver oil, which will give you all the benefits while allowing you to avoid the dangerous mercury present in most fish.
Cod liver oil also provides you with an excellent source of vitamin D,which is important as winter is quickly approaching the northern hemisphere. Vitamin D is another important factor in staying healthy into old age. Most Americans do not get enough vitamin D, largely because of experts' misguided recommendations to avoid all sun exposure.
But increasing numbers of scientists are agreeing that vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of:<UL><LI>Bone and muscle problems<LI>Many forms of cancer <LI>High blood pressure <LI>Depression <LI>Multiple sclerosis <LI>Rheumatoid arthritis <LI>Diabetes </LI></UL>
It is essential to understand that in order to know how much vitamin D you should be taking, you should get your blood level checked. If you are uncertain about your vitamin D levels, you can read my past article on vitamin D testing and get up to date on this important topic.
About the Author
This article is reprinted from Mercola.com, the world's #1 most visited and trusted natural/alternative health website. For a limited time only, you can take the FREE "Metabolic Type Test" to help you learn the right foods for your particular body type so you can achieve optimal fitness & health. Just go to www.Mercola.com right now to take this quick test!
Exercise at About.com |
Offers fitness and exercise related links, articles, information, and discussions. |
exercise.about.com |
American Council On Exercise |
Fitness Certification and Education: The American Council on Exercise (ACE), a non-profit organization, promotes active lifestyles by setting certification ... |
www.acefitness.org |
Physical exercise - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Physical exercise is the performance of some activity in order to develop or ... Frequent and regular physical exercise is an important component in the ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Why Exercise Is Cool |
Tells why exercise is important and explores the many benefits of physical activity. |
www.kidshealth.org |
Kids and Exercise |
When most adults think about exercise, they imagine working out in the gym on a treadmill or lifting weights. But for children, exercise means playing and ... |
www.kidshealth.org |
Fitness Fundamentals |
It is influenced by age, sex, heredity, personal habits, exercise and eating practices. ... How often, how long and how hard you exercise, and what kinds of ... |
www.hoptechno.com |
MedlinePlus: Exercise and Physical Fitness |
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases The primary NIH organization for research on Exercise and Physical Fitness is the ... |
www.nlm.nih.gov |
MedlinePlus: Exercise for Seniors |
Pictures/Diagrams; Slide Show: Balance Exercises Improve Stability, Help Prevent Falls (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research) ... |
www.nlm.nih.gov |
Exercise: A Healthy Habit to Start and Keep -- familydoctor.org |
Information about exercise from the American Academy of Family Physicians. |
familydoctor.org |
Welcome to ::-:: Exercise, Fitness and Leisure |
Information on various aspects of exercise and fitness and providers of sporting, exercise and leisure equipment. |
www.exercise.co.uk |
ExRx (Exercise Prescription) on the Net |
Fitness and exercise information including diet, nutrition, exercise, sports and weight training. Includes a muscle directory. |
www.exrx.net |
Weight Training, Exercise Instruction & Kinesiology |
Weight training and kinesiology reference with many animated weight training exercises, stretches, plyometric movements, and illustrated muscles. |
www.exrx.net |
Exercise & Fitness |
Swimming, cycling, jogging, skiing, aerobic dancing, walking or any of dozens of other activities can help your heart. Whether it is a structured exercise ... |
www.americanheart.org |
Howstuffworks "How Exercise Works" |
Exercise creates a set of responses in your body, whether you work out regularly or not. Find out how these responses can be enhanced by training. |
www.howstuffworks.com |
Exercise and Diabetes - American Diabetes Association |
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Exercise works the same way. Taking that first step can be hard, especially if you've been ... |
www.diabetes.org |
NIHSeniorHealth: Exercise for Older Adults - Table of contents |
See the Exercise Stories. Exercise for Older Adults Table of Contents. Benefits of Exercise · Safety First · Exercises to Try · Charting Progress ... |
nihseniorhealth.gov |
Exercise to Improve Your Body and Your Brain |
My comprehensive exercise guide. ... The key to obtaining the benefits of exercise is to find a program and stick to it. Of course, it is useful to have a ... |
www.mercola.com |
FitnessOnline.com - Exercise Health Nutrition Advice Weight Loss |
FitnessOnline.com - expert advice on exercise programs, diets, weight loss, muscle gain, vitamins, supplements & strength training. |
www.fitnessonline.com |
Table of Contents |
Exercise: A Guide from the National Institute on Aging ... Chapter 2: Is It Safe for Me to Exercise? ... Chapter 4: Examples of Exercises to Do at Home ... |
weboflife.nasa.gov |
Exercise Physiology Page for the MAPP |
Aging, Exercise and Short Term Power · Principles of Training- Revisited · The Time Course of Training Adaptations · Understanding Interval Training ... |
home.hia.no |