Do YOU know the difference between a Hobby Ezine and a Business Ezine ?
There IS a HUGE difference in these two types of online publications.
First, the hobby ezine is usually the invention of someone who wants to help people and help themselves.The usual intention is to build a list of devoted readers dedicated to a particular subject or topic. The main focus of this type of ezine is NOT Business OR Income but education and entertainment. This ezine usually provides low cost and or FREE advertising in order to build a mailing list.
Next we have the Business Ezine which is dedicated to providing an income for the publisher.It is often a part - time effort which develops into a Full Time, tail busting J-O-B.
We ALL know that JOBS do provide pay. This type of publisher may also be a 'full time' online worker, publishing the ezine to REPLACE offline income.
The main intent of this type of ezine is making money to pay bills and provide the necessities of LIFE in general.
It 'IS' a business in every sense of the word. Publishers of these types of ezines work upwards of 40-70 hours per week. Certainly you CAN see that this IS NOT a hobby. It's 'WORK'
How does the business ezine make money to pay the bills? How will it provide money to 'live'?
Well, there are many e-books, reports,deals or programs that dO provide an income.
The next level of income production is usually 'PAID' advertising. Offline magazines have lots of ads. Paid advertising is a fact of life. Ezine advertising is NO different than any other type of advertising. We are surrounded with paid ads and television commercials. What makes Ezine advertising different?.... Nothing!!
Next comes the 'Advertising' Ezine. This publication can be a specialist in Marketing AND Advertising. From the description you CAN TELL what the
focus of the publication is intended to do. It teaches you marketing AND it provides advertising....usually paid and FREE.
Any business person who wants to sell products or services would be smart to use this type of an ezine to make money. While the focus of this publication is information,it also provides a means to SELL products and services through serious, Quality Advertising.
If you have an advertising budget of only 100 dollars a month, don't you EXPECT a SERIOUS effort to SELL your products or services ? If you spend $400 PER MONTH on ads, don't you want a REAL business ezine to advertise your goods and services? Of course you do. Who in their right mind would spend 400 bucks for NO sales ?
Serious business people NEED these specialized ezines in order to ATTRACT qualified 'BUYERS' for their products. PLEASE note I did NOT say Qualified "READERS"!!!
ALL ezines HAVE Readers BUT do they ALL have BUYERS?
Do you want to have people READ about you or BUY your goods and services? You want SALES, don't you ?
All ezines are NOT Created EQUAL. If you want to make any money at all YOU had better take a GOOD LOOK at what KIND of ezines you advertise with.....
.....Entertain yourself with a HOBBY Ezine. .....TREAT the Business Ezine in a SERIOUS manner. They ARE in 'Business' to help YOU make some SERIOUS money.
Still want to hit that 'Delete' key? Want to unsubscribe? OR do you REALLY want to make some MONEY?
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