Beware Overload
The Net is a great place to learn about anything from aardvarks to zucchini. And while this information superhighway creates a great opportunity to discover new things, it comes as a bit of a double-edged sword. From day one it was inevitable that...
How To Generate Targeted Traffic...and Cash In On It.
We all know that generating traffic to your site is creating a flow of visitors, but what is targeted traffic? Targeted traffic simply refers to visitors who are actually interested in the topic of your product or service. Targeted traffic will...
It's Time To Get Respectable!
Count the times you have seen those ads online screaming, "SUBMIT YOUR SITE TO SIX MILLION SEARCH ENGINES FOR FREE!" You start to reach for the mouse to click that banner and your common sense kicks in to tell you, "Calm down now, there are only a...
Personal Profile Of The Week: Terry Dean
Terry Dean is one of the most well known Internet marketers and consultants for small businesses. His Netbreakthroughs.com membership site is the only one to show exact ad results of everything he does online...and breaks through all the hype...
Targeted Ezine Advertising
So... what does "targeted ezine advertising" mean? It means placing your ads in ezines that are related to the product or service you are promoting. The readers of these ezines should potentially be more interested in your offer.
Let's get...
Marketing Your Articles and Newsletters!
In the last year I have learned more about marketing, than I did in 2 years of classes. I'm not sure if they have started yet, but our higher learning institutions should have specialized courses just for marketing on the internet, if not ezine publishing alone. Ezines 101, 102, 103..... There is so much to learn and once started, so little time to learn it. I know from my own experiences, that it is a constant struggle to keep up with the daily chores of maintaining my website and business, let alone finding new ways to market it. What I wanted to do here is make a small list of tips, tricks and url's to help you along the way.
Your Articles:
One of the simplest, but most successful marketing procedures I use to get my articles out to more ezine publishers, (which I use to advertise my own newsletters) may be considered slow. But it's a methodical and personal approach and has more than once opened doors to professional friendships and alliances. The real question here is who wants to publish your article, how do you find them and contact them. The answer of course is ezine publishers!
To avoid being accused of spam, it is safer that you contact publishers who are asking to be contacted in one way or another. Although, as long as it is a legitimate request such as sending your articles, and not a cesspool of advertising, very few will object to the contact. To play it safe though I use 5 major groups of sources who have asked for contact or have contacted me first.
You have these 5 major groups:
1) Article Announcements 2) Ezine Announcements 3) Ad Swap Announcements 4) Newsletter Joining Contact 5) Archives & Databases
The Article Announcement Ezines are a great source of exposure for your articles, as well as article databases and archives, such as our "InfoZone Archives" at http://www.MakingProfit.com/articles/ which often publish links to your deposits of wisdom in their newsletters.
Keep all of your article submission information together. This way when you are sending it out to your publishers list, you can submit it to the databases and online Announcement forms in one shot. Do it all at one time so there is no second guessing who got what, when..
The Ad Swaps, Article Announcements and Ezine Announcements all have one thing in common. These are people requesting contact in one form or another. As I get these newsletters, I look through them for publishers who have the same subject matter as my articles and I write them a nice letter explaining that I read their post in "List-Universe" or whatever newsletter I found them in. I ask them if they would be interested in receiving my articles for publication in their newsletter. I send along my latest article for viewing. I have to this date, never received a negative reply, as I am not sending them a bunch of ads or trying to sell them something, other than on the idea that my articles could help their newsletter. But, as luck would have it, every article has what? That's right a resource box. The publisher knows this and does not consider this ad spamming, as it's just a part of your article. So you are also getting that ad of yours out there in front of them, and in such a casual way, that it is not really considered advertising to the publisher. I have had many publishers write back that they were not at this time interested in outside articles, but their email address shows up on my subscriber list. Who knows maybe down the road they'll change their mind, but for now it's nice to have them reading my newsletter right? For me, that is my sole reason for writing the article in the first place.
Joining Contacts:
There are so many fine newsletters out there that I could never even come close to reading all the ones I really like. But I sign up for new ones on a regular basis. The first thing I do after signing up is send off my article submission request letter. If it's a good newsletter, I stay with it. If not I unsubscribe. But the key is, I made that contact. Very few publishers operate on the ideals that "you must belong to my newsletter to send me your articles". If they do and I don't find their newsletter worthy of my attention and time, I unsubscribe and continue to send them my articles until requested to stop. Tip: As with a newsletter, offer an unsubscribe procedure. If you are requested to stop, do yourself a favor and Stop!
Cold Contact:
If you feel that you can contact them safely, you can search the ezine databases (such as egroups.com or topica.com) for ezines similar to your articles and contact them. Leave the advertising at home, besides the resource box at the end of the sample article. Ezine Archives are a never ending source of publishers. Please be careful how you step and who you step on.
Below, at the end of this article is a list of places to help you get started.
Your Newsletter:
First the subject and style of your newsletter.
The ideal of course is to find a subject that is under "mined" as far as newsletters go. My newsletters are in the highly competitive field of internet marketing, so I cannot say that I followed this bit of advice. But, if you can find a subject that there are no major newsletters covering all the better. As that old marketing saying goes, "You don't have to reinvent the wheel to be successful". It all in the way you market your newsletter. Don't try to please everybody. Keep your subject matter focused. If you're in marketing focus on marketing. How many marketers do you know that want to see granny's cookie recipe in their ebiz newsletter. Not I. Create a special "Niche Format" that other newsletters in your field have not yet covered. Research the others and try to do what they have not done yet. Be creative and stick to your market group. They are your bread and butter, give them what they want and need.
Quick Tips For Your Newsletter:
1. Discussion Groups
I left this out of the major groups above because I feel that it takes a certain amount of suave personality to be really successful in Discussion Groups. I myself picked internet marketing because of the absence of immediate direct contact with other professionals. I am to easily tongue-tied and I feel that it behooves me to spend my "marketing time" in other areas, where I have the time to properly word my replies and/or communication with others.
2. Offer Easy Sign Up On Your Web Site!
Small sign up box on every page and/or a pop-up on your leading page or pages. Make it tough to say no!
3. Joint Ventures
Get involved with other publishers. Start a co-op that will mutually benefit all involved. It could be by way of offering prizes every week or month, by rotating the prize responsibility from one member to the next. Each member would be required to do
his or her part in advertising the co-operative effort.
4. Subscriber Incentives
Offer FREE Stuff, contests, giveaways or other reasons to join your newsletter. Nothing says subscribers like "Getting something for nothing, (but signing up for your newsletter)....".
5. Archive Your Newsletters
Archive all your previous issues for those possible subscribers that research everything first and want to know what they are signing up for ahead of time. They are out there! They will find you!
6. Form or Join A Private E-zine Ring
This seems to be the latest rage. Similar to Joint Ventures, collect a co-op of other publishers that will agree to enter into a "Private" Ezine Ring. I say private, because one of the biggest problems with public webrings today is broken links and broken promises. By keeping it private, you stand a much better chance of keeping it clean and free of broken links.
7. Send This Issue To A Friend!
Never, ever send an issue out that doesn't request your subscriber to pass it along. You may even want to suggest some possible recipients they could send it too. Word of mouth is a very powerful advertising tool!
8. Search Engines & Directories
If you don't have one already, set up a separate page for your ezine, make sure that your meta-tags are ready ( ools/meta.shtml ) and submit that sucker!
9. FFA Pages
Some say that FFA pages do not work. I'm not here to tell you they do. But I will say that timing plays a big part in any traffic you may get from them. If you submit to FFA's on a regular basis, consider this. The Three heaviest traffic times for ffa are lunch time, late afternoon and early evening. If you submit to FFA's in the middle of the night, as do so many people, consider how long it will be there before thousands of others come in to replace your ad. Who, in what time zone will be reading your ad. As the bulk of them I submit to are in the US, I base my submittal times on that. Whatever you do, don't use your normal email address, or you'll be bombed with more junk mail, than you'll know what to do with. Get a free email address online somewhere and use that.
10. Link Exchanging
Contact webmasters and ask to exchange links, buttons or banners. Many are as hungry for new eyes as you are and will be willing to exchange links with you. Tip: If available, watch your site statistics for traffic from this site. If there is not enough to justify the link, remove it after a month.
11. Newsgroups
Of course posting to newsgroups can be helpful to. I feel posting to newsgroups follows the same basic theories of the FFA Postings. There are so many, try to get yours in there during peak hours, to maximize your readership.
12. Ad Swaps
When you're sending out that article to all those publishers, be sure to ask about ad swap opportunities! First contact and every contact after that! Use common sense, don't be wasting your time and space for swaps with incompatible newsletters. I mean really, how much business do you think your marketing ad is going to gain from "Lassie's Letters"!
13. Ezine Announcements
Search'em out and use them. Many publishers rely on these ezine announcement lists for content in their newsletters.
14. Last but hardly least.
Marketing Marketing Marketing. You gotta get out there in the trenches guys and gals. Offer help when you can and even when you can't. Stay in contact as much as possible with people. Marketing is not a place for pedestals, it's a place for peers. What do your peers think of you and your company? Try to answer all of those emails! Nothing worse than an unanswered question...
Here's A Hodgepodge List of Article & Newsletter Promotion Sites: http://ezine-dir.hypermart.net http://gort.ucsd.edu/newjour/submit.html http://jlunz.databack.com/netresources/zines.htm http://kerrisgifts.hypermart.net/adswaps.htm http://magazines.yotta.com/ http://scout.cs.wisc.edu/ http://www.absoluteauthority.com/ezines/ http://www.arl.org/scomm/edir emplate.html http://www.bestezines.com http://www.bestnewsletters.com http://www.bizx.com/cgi-bin/miva?newsletter.mv http://www.catalog.com/vivian/ http://www.coalliance.org/ http://www.cumuli.com/ezine/ http://www.disobey.com/low http://www.edoc.com/jrl-bin/wilma http://www.egroups.com http://www.escribe.com/ http://www.e-target.com http://www.etext.org/services.shtml http://www.eyesmail.com/ http://www.ezinearticles.com/ http://www.ezinecenter.com/ http://www.ezinelibrary.com/ http://www.ezine-news.com http://www.ezinesearch.com http://www.ezineseek.com http://www.ezinestoday.com http://www.ezine-universe.com http://www.ezineworld.com http://www.e-zinez.com http://www.globelists.com http://www.HomeBasedProfit.com/ezineadswap.shtml http://www.infobot.net http://www.infojump.com/ http://www.inkpot.com http://www.lifestylespub.com/cgi-bin/ezines.cgi?10616 http://www.linkfinder.com/submit.html http://www.listbot.com http://www.list-city.com http://www.list-resources.com/ http://www.listsnet.com/ http://www.listtool.com/ http://www.list-universe.com http://www.listworld.net http://www.liszt.com http://www.marketingwise.com/ezines.htm http://www.meer.net/~johnl/e-zine-list http://www.milomail.com/com/aannounce.html http://www.needymeds.com/eAdsMart/index.html http://www.neosoft.com/internet/paml/ http://www.netagency.com/e-zine-builder.htm http://www.netmastersolutions.com/ezines http://www.netspace.org/cgi-bin/lwgate/request-add.html http://www.netterweb.com/lp/ed_ezinedirectory.htm http://www.new-list.com/ http://www.newsletteraccess.com/ http://www.newsletter-library.com/ven.htm http://www.newslettersforfree.com http://www.oblivion.net/zineworld http://www.onelist.com http://www.promotefree.com http://www.sodamail.com/ezine/home.shtml http://www.TechMailings.com/ http://www.theadvertisingplace.com/ http://www.tile.net/lists/addlist.html http://www.time4profit.com/ http://www.topica.com http://www.wealth101.com/ezineadswap.htm http://www.webcom.com/impulse/list.html http://www.webheadcentral.com/ezine.html http://www.web-source.net/ http://www.writebusiness.com http://www.zinecity.com/ http://www.zinerack.com/
Well, that's it! I think you have enough here to choke a bull, so have fun and good luck!
About the Author
"Wild Bill" Montgomery http://www.MakingProfit.com We've Featured Over 110 Articles in only one issue of our newsletter. How many do you get in yours? Why Play With Puppies, When The Big Dog Rules! Get The Best In Marketing & Business Information! To Subscribe go to or Email to
Ezine Article Submission - Submit Your Best Articles For Massive ... |
EzineArticles.com allows ezine or email list publishers to upload or download free expert content that can be used within email newsletters or websites. |
ezinearticles.com |
The Ezine Directory |
The Ezine Directory lists thousands of the best email newsletters available on the internet today. Search, browse, or add your ezine for free! |
www.ezine-dir.com |
e-zine-list: John Labovitz's e-zine-list |
I also wrote "Five years and counting," a longer article for Art-bin about the history of e-zines and the e-zine-list. Finally, for the real Internet ... |
www.meer.net |
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Submit Your Ezine To New-List For Massive Free Exposure - Grow Your Ezine - Ezine Marketing Made Easy By New-List.com. |
new-list.com |
Ezine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Ezines are typically tightly focused on a subject area. ... CULT OF THE DEAD COW claims to have published the first ezine, starting in 1984, with its ezine ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
News & Ezine Strategies For Email Newsletter Publishers ... |
EmailUniverse, The E-mail List-Owner Resource Network is an excellent source for today's Email List Owners, Managers, and Editors. |
emailuniverse.com |
Best Ezines - Email Newsletter Peer Reviews & Ezine Awards For ... |
Email Newsletter Publishing Award Site: Fellow Ezine Publishers Review The Best Email Newsletters. |
www.bestezines.com |
Ezine Directory |
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Splendid E-zine |
Splendid: Daily music reviews, articles, interviews and more. |
www.splendidezine.com |
OS/2 e-Zine - The Best OS/2 Reading Anywhere! |
Monthly magazine with reviews, articles, and discussion forums. |
www.os2ezine.com |
E-ZineZ - The Handbook of Ezine Publishing |
An ezine directory, free ezine builder tool, ezine tutorials including everything you need to know to start publishing an ezine or email newsletter. |
www.e-zinez.com |
EzineUniversity - Free Online Training for Ezine Publishers |
EzineUniversity provides provides information, tools and products for ezine publishers. Featuring EzineUniversity Journal, EZU Tutor and FREE online ... |
www.ezineuniversity.com |
Ezines |
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www.web-source.net |
My Favorite Ezines - The Family Friendly Ezine and Email ... |
The best family friendly ezine and email newsletter directory providing education - motivation - inspiration and marketing support. |
www.myfavoriteezines.com |
Tattoos.Com Ezine Front Page |
Historical information from the tribal art of Borneo to the wood block prints of Japan. Alphabetical listing of studios around the world, events, ... |
tattoos.com |
Welcome To Ezine.Com! |
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www.ezine.com |
Ezine Information |
What makes your ezine hot stuff? With literally thousands of ezines online ... We all have ezines that we love to read and learn from but that doesn't mean ... |
www.dtguide.com |
Asian American Movement Ezine |
Asian American Movement Ezine is a radical and progressive zine on Asian American politics, art, history and culture. |
www.aamovement.net |